Demon Lord Management Sim Game

Chapter 205 205 – The Dark Magus

One of the succubus\' bodies plunged to the ground as the insect monster cut her wings off. The other succubus had more trouble dodging their enemy\'s attacks.

Xenora knew she and company needed to contain this monster, so that creature would not slaughter the inhabitants. However, they were increasingly overwhelmed. The monster\'s movements grew more solid as time went on.

She didn\'t want the colleagues she borrowed from Phisovia to lose their lives.

"Aren\'t you going to help me, Kaine?" Fergus protested.

"I told you, I\'m out of mana! I can\'t do any more attacks!" Kaine kept crawling closer to his sister. "Come on, we can go now! You can already summon your monster! There\'s no use fighting them anymore!

"We have to take out that black-haired bitch!" Fergus was growing irritated. "Can\'t you see!? She is the fastest, and her attacks are the most effective!"

Xenora managed to kick the monster\'s body for the umpteenth time. And this time, his attack made the enemy shake in the air.

Despite the difficulty, it looks like this will work. It would only take time until they could defeat the monster.

"Ah, I understand this armor more." Fergus suddenly chuckled. "I\'m getting better at using my magic, though it\'s still far from perfect."

Xenora is about to give the monster another kick in its back, but that creature turns around at high speed. The succubus had already dodged, but it was too late.

Blood spurted as the monster slashed at her stomach. Her body instantly fell to the ground with a loud thud.

The other two succubi were stunned by that, and Fergus didn\'t waste any time. The dark summoner magus moved his monster to slash those women\'s bodies in half.

"Finally!" Fergus clenched his fists as bits of the two women fell, scattering blood onto the ground. "I\'m getting better at tapping into this armor\'s potential!"

Meanwhile, Kaine was already holding his twin sister\'s hand. "Kay? Are you okay? Get up. We have to get out of here."

The female vampire didn\'t answer, and Fergus took her body. Instead of helping Kaine, the dark Magus just walked away from his comrade.

Kaine\'s eyes widened. "Hey, I helped you, Fergus…."

Fergus hoisted Kayla onto the insect monster\'s back without another word.

"No… You can\'t do this, Fergus…." Kaine crept desperately toward the dark Magus. "You can\'t leave me!!! I helped you get a new body!!! I fought so hard to get to this point!!!"

"Sorry." Fergus climbed onto his monster\'s back and shrugged. "With this body, I feel like I can revive my abilities close to what I was in the past. So, I don\'t need you anymore, Kaine."

The male vampire\'s expression stiffened. He stretched out his hand, screaming full of rage. "Take me too, you bastard! We promised to get through this together! We will revive the real Vorn, and he will help the vampires!!!"

Fergus\' insect monster flapped its transparent wings, made a buzzing sound, then flew away from Kaine.

"Fergus!!!" The male vampire\'s screams echoed in the cave\'s wall. "Come back here!!!"

Fergus didn\'t look back and focused on accelerating his monster. He tried to open a portal to summon one more monster. However, he could only create a small light vortex that disappeared a few seconds later.

"Damn it!" He cursed. It turned out that he had not really been able to unleash the potential of his new body.

As he turned into the cave leading outside, he was confronted by a horde of succubus and wyvern riders.

The dark Magus dodged the arrows, flames, cold shots, and succubus attacks. Several attacks hit the monster\'s body, even cutting off one of its arms. But all that doesn\'t make the creature stop flying.

The dark Magus kept moving that creature to keep flying according to his wish.

He didn\'t care about the pain the monster was in.

"Fuck!!!" Fergus cursed as a jet of fire hit his body. Luckily his new body was armor, so it didn\'t have any impact on him.

If only his abilities were like in the past, he could summon many monsters to finish them off.

Fergus controlled the monster he was riding in zigzags. The magic shots from the various magic users below made it even more difficult for him. Gradually, the insect monster\'s body parts became less and less.

Now that creature only consists of a torso and wings.

"Come on!!!" The dark Magus attempted to create another portal in the air. However, the vortex of light that appeared could not grow. It could only reach the size of half a human body. "Arrrggghhhh!!!"

The insect monster\'s wings finally stopped moving just as the portal was fully formed. Fergus immediately jumped while carrying Kayla\'s body.

A giant bat-like creature with four wings came out of the portal, and Fergus landed on its back.

The dark Magus controlled the monster to fly at high speed, leaving behind its pursuers. And finally, he made it out of the cave.

"Damn demons!!!" Fergus grunted, continuing to steer his beast off.

Then, he heard a burst of crazed laughter from a distance. He looked back and found Xenora flying after him with an expression like a maniac. Blood splattered from the gaping wound on the succubus\' body.

"Impossible!" Fergus couldn\'t believe a succubus could keep up with the speed of his bat monster. Despite having no offensive ability, this creature should be the fastest Fergus had.

"Let\'s play again!!!" Xenora gave another crazy laugh. "Give me more pain!!! Give me more pain!!! It\'s not enough!!!"

"You crazy whore!!! "Fergus looked ahead again, making sure that the monster he was riding on was still at full speed.

However, he heard Xenora\'s loud laughter getting closer.

"Where are we going, Fergus!!?? We\'re not done yet!!!" Xenora\'s eyes widened, and her smile grew more insane.

"Get lost!!!" Fergus fired an invisible force thrust from his hand at that woman.

Xenora\'s body was blown backward, circling in the air.

Fergus forced his monsters to fly even faster. "Why are you so slow, you useless monster!!!"

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