RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

Chapter 500 Mana Plague Part 2

--AN) I will be trying to go back to two chapters a week starting next week. But be warned it might be held back a few days, but I am shooting for next week.--

The man leading the group stood frozen as Blake walked by. He had never expected Blake to scold him in such a way that he would have no way to talk back, mainly because everything Blake said was true! They have been provided with everything they would need. The hazmat suits were sent to every family. He and the people who were following him had decided they were not important and wanted to out. But after being told off in such a way, they no longer had any drive to argue.

Blake had long walked away from the group that had just stopped him. Bret was covering his mouth. He had to really hold it in when Blake was telling off that man and his group. "You never change, you know that?"

"What? I only spoke the truth. If people want to be idiots, then let them be idiots. It is not my fault if they die, but I will be damned if they will drag others with them." Blake replied.

"Haha! True. I find it strange because this is not just one race but multiple. It\'s like people have gone back to how things were in the past. It is kind of relieving, really. That people can go up to their lord and say such things and still be alive after is already quite amazing. If it was someone else who was ruling, they might not even be as patient to even listen to what they had to say before scolding them black and blue." Bret had to hand it to Blake to be so patient. But this also made up the man who was loved by all. Because he was patient. Because he did listen to everyone. He was able to make the people of this city follow him. Make but willingly follow him.

"I may be patient, but it is only skin deep. If they had held me up any longer with their idiotic ideas, I would have pressed them to the ground and walked away. Anyway, let\'s visit the main quarantine building."


Blake walked into a large stone building that was ten stories tall and was greeted by quite a few people. "Lord, you came… So we are not abandoned…."

Seeing the old woman stepping forward to greet him, he could only sigh. "I would never abandon the people of Destiny City. Each one of you is just as important as the next. I hope everyone is getting their daily needs?"

"Yes, thanks to you, Lord, we have all been getting proper supplies and even the hazmat suits." The old woman replied with a forced smile. Blake looked at her and noticed she seemed to be sick as well. Such a scene was not something he wanted to see. But had to see.

"You should go rest. The medicians, we supplied, can only alleviate the symptoms and nothing more. But we are working on trying to figure out how this thing ticks and how to cure it." Blake reached out and placed his glove covered hand on top of the woman\'s head. "The doctors and scientists are all working hard to try to find a cure as soon as possible."

"We know you are Lord. We are just happy that you will not abandon us. We have all already gone through a lot just to reach the city." The old woman began to kneel down, as did the others, which caused Blake to wrinkle his brow.

"Please do not bow like this. We are all living beings. We are all equal." Blake helped the old woman up. He has had this happen a few times not, and he was very uncomfortable when people did such things.

Blake did his best to reassure those in quarantine that they were all working hard before leaving and heading to the hospital to the south. He, of course, changed into a new hazmat suit after the old was properly taken care of.

When he arrived in his big bulky hazmat suit, he got quite a few stares, but he did not wish to endanger anyone. The only place open right now was the emergency care facilities. The head of the hospital quickly came to meet him. "Lord, how may I help you?"

"I want to know the conditions of the hospital. Any changes in the number of patients?" Blake asked.

"No, the numbers are quite low. While you did order a lockdown, you did not stop people from seeking medical aid, so the number of people coming in is about the same as a normal day. We are reporting our reporting every hour about any changes and are already set up to take in as many patients as we can when needed." The hospital head answered.

"Then I will leave it to you. I will be heading to the western sector of the city next. If anything changes, call it in immediately." After saying a few more parting words, Blake left and went to visit the other two hospitals.

These hospitals were under government care. Each employee was paid by Blake and had high salaries. But at the same time, the amount of money coming in was red figures from a business standpoint. But Blake still did not charge extra taxes or anything. He had always felt that medical care should be free of charge. This was so everyone could seek help when needed. Plus, most things could be taken care of with healing magic now.

This did not mean everything could be taken care of. Some sicknesses could only be cured the old fashion way. But for ninety percent of cases, it was all taken care of via healing magic.

Just as Blake was leaving the last hospital, his mana power cell phone rang. "Hello?"

"Lord, we figured it out! Come to the main sight!" The lead doctor, in researching the strange illness, seemed excited yet filled with urgency.

Blake teleported him and Bret back to the quarantine site to have the lead doctor rushing over to him. "Lord, it\'s the mana. The mana in their bodies has some kind of strange bacteria sticking to it. We are calling it the Mana Plague."

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