The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor

(229) Volume 23 10 — Great King Avannah

Volume 23: Chapter 10: Great King Avannah


knights arrived as well.


drew his sword and blocked but he wasn’t able to defend against multiple

attacks at the same time.

- You received a critically hit.

With tough resilience, you receive reduced damage.

- You received a critically hit.

With tough resilience, you prevented the effect of confusion from

extreme pain.

- Your sword\'s durability has reached its limit and



sword completely shattered.


it was a ‘Legendary Rusted Sword’, he’s been using it well by repairing it but

after the battle at the monastery and defending from the knights’ fierce

charge, its durability fell sharply and got broken.

- You received a critically hit.


five consecutive critical strikes of holy silver weapons, his resilience

reached its limit and caused a paralysis on his whole body. And after three

more strikes, his health was almost gone and he tumbled down his horse. Falling

from a galloping horse caused heavy damage even for a death knight with

relatively light armors.

- Your life is dangerously low.

Getting helps from life-sharing partner.

- Seo Yoon shares your agony.

Maximum life 114,290.

You can use Berserker’s Skills up to 70% of partner’s


- You can use a Skill ‘Dance of Insane Warrior’ at Intermediate

Level 8.

You can use ‘Berserker’s Swordsmanship’ at Intermediate Level 4.

You can use ‘Death Executor’s Swordsmanship’ at Intermediate Level 6.

Defensive Skill ‘Endurance of Battle’ is activated at Intermediate

Level 7.

During battles, prevents sharp drop of life and inhibits injuries.


some of Seo Yoon’s health passed onto Weed, he was barely able to stand up.


of Insane Warrio’r and ‘Berserker’s swordsmanship’…”


didn’t have time to check how many Skills were in each swordsmanship branch and

what effects they might have. He could only try using it. He’s been hunting

with Seo Yoon for a long time but the skill she usually used were not that



or Die.”

- You are armed with the sword of a vengeful ghost



armed the sword in hurry and activated a Skill.


of Insane Warrior!”


activated his Skill towards the oncoming knights. Every time he blocked their

swords he flew back a few meters, leaving trails of mana that was red like




time Weed defended against their attacks, he stumbled and lost life.


seen this Skill before.’


was a Skill Seo Yoon used against Kubicha, the Great Warrior of Chaos. It

happened in a split second but it tied up Kubicha and even put Weed in danger.

When these red, blood-like mana trails spread around, they formed a special

symbol, turned into strong energy and exploded outwards.

- ‘The Dance of Insane Warrior’ begins.


large explosion that turned the ground inside out occurred.


Death Knight increase his attack with dark energy during a battle. It was a

skill heavily depended on fighting spirit and even Heriam Fencing didn’t

consume much mana. But the ‘Dance of Insane Warrior’ was an unbelievable

attack that consumes more than 70% of Weed’s unused mana.

- 6 knights of Crema died.

Fame increased by 469

- Obtained small amount of experience.


was an attack of sharp energy so they couldn’t fully guard against it with

their armors. Weed lost his sense of balance from the repelling power of the

Skill but he immediately kicked off the ground and ran away. There were enemies

everywhere so he needed every chance he could get.


Skill in the Swordsmanship of Aggressor, The Seal of Prisoner.’


through the dust, he spotted a knight fell from his horse due to the ‘Dance of Insane Warrior’. Weed targeted his vital point and swung his sword at his


- The Seal of the Prisoner hit on target.

Until the target dies or gets healed by a cleric, the seal won’t


Continuously bleed out and health decrease by 160 per second.


used the ‘Seal of the Prisoner’ on eight knights. He was able to strike four

points on one knight alone.


Skill… Sword of Fighting Spirit.’


‘Sword of Fighting Spirit’ was a skill that increase Weed’s attack in

proportion to the damage the he received. Attacking another knights, he

activated the third Skill, ‘Sword of Slaughter’. It was a skill that could only

be used when the player’s life was very low.


it was a desperate swordsmanship that either the player or enemy must die.


giving up all defense to kill the target, it increased the destructive power




Weed was active beyond extraordinary against the knights, Polon and the Crema

Knights were very puzzled. With those harsh injuries, he should have already

died but he kept resisting till the end.


much health does he have?’


Skills and movements changed a bit.’


fact that his resilience and attack grew larger than when he started the battle

was a reality that could not believe.


had a planned to ask him for a duel. Drive him into a dead end, then fight one

on one and claim a perfect victory. To be honest, killing Weed was could be

claimed as the greatest glory so he really wanted to have a duel.


killing Weed is top priority. I can’t afford to give him time to heal.’


overall evaluation of Weed improved. Not only was he at a high level and fully

aware of his Skills, he knows how to fight and dominate a battle with lesser

force. Even high-rank officials in the communication network of the Hermes

guild instructed him to kill Weed no matter what it took.


can’t give Weed an opportunity to escape and I can’t afford to take casualties



trained the knights of Crema Knights directly. As the battle dragged on, they

were suffering and getting killed by the gradually recovering Undead.


: I authorize magicians and rangers to attack Weed directly.


giving an instruction to the Spellcasters and Rangers, he withdrew with his



was coming.


noticed something suspicious was going on and clung to Crema knights to prevent

any chance of attack.


: Just do it. Even if there are casualties, it’s better to kill Weed fast and

end the battle.


spell was casted with some knights in the range of the spell.


when spells were casted and arrows were shot towards the place where Weed and

knights were entangled.



quickly stole away on a horse and rode with all his power.


was observing the facial expressions and behavior of players in the Crema

Knights. Then he turned around to the direction where magicians were and ran

away without even looking back.


animalistic survival instinct.



the direction Weed was riding in, Crema knights died from spells and arrows.


attacking. Kill him!”


range of Polon’s loud cry, Weed had to make a decision. There was no place to

run in Natalia Plains full of knights and Undead. To escape this place

completely, he had to keep avoiding attacks from rangers and magicians but that

was truthfully impossible.


is no way he can dodge sky-filling arrows or fire balls, icicles and covering

of dirt.


32% health left.’


on his estimation, he will die instantly if he gets struck by the consecutive



rush of knights were hard to handle as well. He can use the characteristic of

Berserker to resist them escaping was another problem. With the dispersed

knights chasing him in many directions and support from the magicians and

rangers, he would die before getting anywhere.


so, the only place I can run to is…’


drove his steed towards El Vance Monastery.




was the only place without blockades and opposite of where rangers and

magicians were standing. El Vance Monastery was a fatal place for Undead and

going back there was an unimaginable or idiotic choice.


him. Do not let him get away!”


knights began their chase but because of their comrades who died in the

long-range attack, they hesitated and the gap was getting wider. However, they

soon started closing the gap.


Weed got closer to the monastery, he was affected by holy power and his

strength and health kept decreasing. Even though he had the occupational

characteristics of Berserker, his weak points as an Undead remained.


was a bad combination for running away!


to make a living is not easy.”


around the vicinity, there were corpses of Undead and monsters everywhere. It

would be useful if he could use Necromancers Skills but all he could do was

efficiently controlling Undead armies.


could only continue forward.


was in such hurry that he didn’t get a chance to give other commands to Undead.

About ten seconds later, the other knights will arrive, so he had no time to

hesitate. There were many signs of natural disasters and the destructions

wrought by the Undead.


found a dark crack under the altar. Normally it wouldn’t stick out but as an

Undead, he was sensitive to holy power. There was enormous holy power coming

out from the crack.


started drooling.


I really have no choice.”


in a situation where his life is at stake, Weed just followed his instincts

regarding items. Weed dug through the altar and entered.



not here.”


just entered here. He might be hiding so keep looking!”


he prepared an ambushes, it might be dangerous.”


an Undead. He wouldn’t be able to endure holy power for a long time. We need to

find him quickly.”


few seconds after Weed disappeared he Crema Knights arrived.


the holy power was a disadvantage to Weed, the holy power gave them a blessing

effect with regeneration of vitality and health. Compare to their usual they

were able to perform with double their original abilities, it was a only a

matter of time before they found Weed and killed him.


You have become the discoverer of a dungeon, the

underworld of El Vance Monastery

Privileges: Fame increased by 900

Double experience and item dropping rate for one week.

Very first monster you hunt will drop a best item it can possibly



here after escaping from the enemy, Weed was unhappy as he looked at the

dungeon privileges.This place is categorized as a dangerous place for Undead so

he can’t even log out.


he logged out during battle or when health was decreasing, the body remains and

ends up dead eventually.


guess I have to keep continuing.”


raised his sword and started running forward. Berserkers are good in a battle

but when you stop and begin resting, he become much weaker than usual.


find where this dungeon ends!”


was only a matter of time before the knights found the entrance to the dungeon.


seconds if fast and few minutes if late. Weed ran down the path of the dungeon.

Even without the Undead’s vision, the inside was brighter than daylight. It was

because every wall and corner, and even the embedded crystals were shining.

- Remaining health 19%.


did not look at the mystical sight and kept running.


After a long time, there finally is a intruder.”


monster that looked like a moth that has been grown to two meters jumped out.


name was Avannah.


a monster feeding off holy power, its average level was about 300. There is

always a scramble for dungeons with Avannah because they had low life and they

become much easier if its wings were targeted first. It was not an exaggeration

to say that it was an exclusive hunting ground for top guilds. It was icing on

the cake that there were large amount of holy power in the environment where

Avannahh dwelled.


Weed didn’t have time to face him so he just kept running forward.




increased his speed. He leaped streamlets flowing in the dungeon and when there

were pits, he stabbed his sword on the wall as a run-up.


was motions wild beasts would show.


seemed like Avannah had certain area assigned as it stopped attacking and

chasing and went back as soon as he leaped a streamlet. Even so, it was only it

managed to take out 11% of Weed’s life.


this rate, I won’t even be able to fight.”


8% of his health was remaining. Because he’s in a place with holy power spread

around, his combat capabilities were weakened and his strength and mana started



only there is a teleportation gate leading to somewhere safe…”


had his hopes up but the possibility of finding it was less than one in ten. In

a very rare occasion when the dungeon was fully cleared, was there a

teleportation portal leading to the next area. But right now, he was just

hoping and he didn’t even know the geographic features of the dungeon.


holy power is getting stronger this way.”


followed the Undead weakening holy power. He could die in a multitude of ways,

death was always nearby so he just wanted to confirm with his own eyes what

lied at the end of the dungeon. And at the end of the path, he found it first.


king Avannah Lordriam!


normal Avannah, not only is it rare, it uses powerful holy spells and has high

attack. Usually, one would form a party composed of players with alot of

experience when a Great King Avannah appears. Because it is a monster over

level 450 and if it appeared accidentally the hunt usually failed.


its Skills such as blinding ray, binding and self-recovery, it’s extremely hard

to hunt. The great king Avannah Lordriam in front of Weed was holding a small

jewel in his fingers. Holy power was released from the jewel.


Diamond of the Blessed Sanctum.


held by priests and holy knights, it increases their faith sharply as well as

the effects and range of holy spells.


gains courage in front of items.


were easy to bargain with.


though he was in a 100 meter race, he ran on four feet and jumped high onto



only way to fight and win easily is to cut off its antennae.’


has atrophied eyes so it read small signs with its antennae. The antennae could

be said to be its only weakness.


Dance of Insane Warrior.’


Weed’s attack capabilities weakened, the only Skill that could inflict a damage

to Lordriam was this one. Squeezing out his mana, he swung his sword at

Lordriam’s eight antennae and then stepped on the ground. The energy of

blood-like mana moved around and hit Lordriam’s antennae.

- You have inflicted a critical strike.


concentration grew stronger the more danger he was in!


moves he wouldn’t normally be able to perform in air, he cut Lordriam’s




started struggling. Even though the antennas were cut it wasn’t over yet. It

can heal itself with holy spells. Weed had to put out as much damage as he

could while it was writhing at the pain of getting its antennae cut.


Seal of Prisoner. Sword of Fighting Spirit!”


his Berserker Skills, he attacked Lordriam. Usually, he would prepare his heart

or come up with plans in his head when he encountered boss class monsters.


Weed jumped up on his four feet, hitting it as much as possible as soon as he

spotted Lordriam. As if he was trying to prove that no monster can stand in

front of a beating, he circled around it and swung his sword.


activated a holy spell.


of Silence.


holy spell that turns an evil creature to nothing. The Diamond of Blessed

Sanctum magnified the effect. As Weed’s bones broke, it only left him with 2%

health remaining.


need to kill it no matter what…’


tried to keep slashing Lordriam but another holy spell was used.




spell incompatible with Undead!


an Undead higher than a Death Knight won’t collapse right away from Turn

Undead. But Weed’s life was way too low so he couldn’t withstand the holy

spells of Lordriam.

- Health has depleted. You have died.

Skill level for ‘Power to reject death’ is low. Due to holy power

permeated to the body, the Skill hasn\'t activated.

You are unable to log in for 24 hours. Because of your death, your

level and Skill mastery declines.



only three minutes after Weed died, Crema’s knights arrived.


they came into the dungeon they encountered the Avannah and hunted it as fast

as they could and came here.


the great king Avannah.”


antennae are cut.”


was already injured with many scars.


Crema knights hunted Lordriam whose antennae were not fully recovered. They

weren’t inflicted as much as the Undead by holy spells so it wasn’t that hard.

Polon finished off Lordriam and picked up The Diamond of the Sanctum which Weed

was craving.


rare item…”


the battle, they were able to find many things besides items dropped by



must be the item Weed dropped as he died.”


nearby knight picked up the item first.

- You obtained 3 old barley breads.

- You obtained


- You obtained

rusty broken helmet.

- You obtained a

wriggling worm.

- You obtained a

molar of a skeleton.


can’t even remember the last time I picked up such poor items. Why was he even

holding these?!”


knight couldn’t resist his irritation and threw the japtems. As an Undead,

their tendency was bound to lean towards misfortune and evil side. If you have

a bad reputation, the possibility of dropping good items among the items in

your possession multiplied several fold. But Weed died dropping bunch of

useless items.


was thanks to Weed’s thorough preparation


are many Necromancers. First of all, these Necromancers who like Undead aren’t



since he received the quest from The Undead Legion and seeing there were many

people, he didn’t trust them. The original sword, armor and expensive item he

usually equipped were stored in the lord’s castle in Morata. He only had

necessary items that increase leadership such as the horn or the royal seal and

as soon as Hermes guild showed up, he hid them.


gonna lose the items anyway if I die…”


entreated Marey and left it to him.


must give them back to me later.”


will do so.”


you look at the bottom of the items it written in small, ‘Weed’s item.’”



preparing for his death in advance, he was able to not lose important items.


course, from Weed’s point of view, it was a matter of great regret that he

couldn’t hide even japtems.



confirming that Weed got killed by a monster, Polon and the knights came back

to Natalia Plains.


decide whether you will join Hermes guild or not.”


Spellcaster and Ranger armies posed in preparation for attack. It was a little

coercive but Polon clearly showed to Necromancers that if they don’t join

Hermes guild, they would be killed right here.


What should I do?”


like staying alone. But if I do join Hermes guild, there may be advantages.”


the Necromancers were agitated, Jeanne straightened her shoulder and stepped



will not join Hermes guild.”


must be Jeanne.”


heard about the Necromancers through Zabrin.


the reason for not joining the guild is?”


could be said that the reason we could become Necromancers is thanks to Weed.”


it? If you reject Hermes guild, there will be a lot of dangers coming to you.

Even now, I’m sure you have a lot to lose if you die here. I will give you

another chance to change your decision.”


position stays unchanged. From the moment I became a Necromancers to these

quests, every Necromancers owed Weed a great favor. I will not be a part of

Hermes guild.”


laughed with ridicule.


really think the other Necromancers think the same way as you do? Let me make

it clear. If you stay there, you will die. Come to this side if you are willing

to join Hermes guild.


and the Necromancers that planned to join Hermes guild walked to where Polon



more than ten Necromancers stood still.


Otem, Harien, Gruzed, Varenna and other players that fought together in the

canyon. Some were already in guilds but they voluntarily rejected Hermes guild.

Marie stood on Hermes guild’s side because he had to protect Weed’s items.


story will not end like this… Looks like a song with good story will come up.”



KMC Media, adventures of Necromancers was being broadcasted live. Mainly

because Weed was in the adventure, they started broadcasting live from the

moment he revealed himself. Other broadcasting networks were broadcasting a

program about Necromancers and The Undead Legion so there weren’t any changes

to ratings.


was due to CTS raising their ratings high with prodigious amount of funds from

the parent company; LK gamers that broadcasted professionally with their

established digital media system that was available 24 hours.


them, new broadcasting stations and online broadcasting stations were

established within a month.


tons of people became interest int Royal Road and derived their joy from it,

specialty channels also appeared.


Road fishing channel.


Road golf channel.




of Versailles Continent.


old boots.


the influences of online game broadcasts grew larger, the competition got

fiercer. KMC Media was a channel that secured a lot of fixed viewers based on

support from a variety of players.


and The Undead have finally occupied the monastery.”


Weed’s adventure went on air, general viewers visited the message board and

responded. Besides game broadcasting channels, it was so popular that popular

that it was republished on portal news sites. It was not only because Weed was

a living legend of Continent of Magic, but he also kept having exciting

adventures in Royal Road.


guild suddenly appeared and started attacking. Ah, its an incredible force.

There’s Polon, Crema Knights, ranger armies and Spellcasters.” When they were

about to cut the broadcast with the scene of Weed clearing his last quest,

hosts explained the sudden change of situation and even floated a subtitle.


of Hermes guild.


The Undead led by Weed.


decided to prolong the broadcast until the dispute between Weed and Hermes

guild ended.


second round of Weed and Hermes guild.


guild sent out an assault team to a place where The Undead Legion stood in

force just to kill Weed.




went up dramatically.


Weed’s condition was too poor to make any meaningful variable. They announced

that Weed performed remarkably but then went in the monastery and was

eventually killed.


he wasn’t killed directly by Hermes guild, it still broke the record of

undefeated God of War.


the viewers’ message board was filled with comments regarding Weed’s death.


Those cheap dirty bastards. They lost at Jigolaths and chased him all the way

to there.


These heartless cowards are all the same.


They brought that much forces and ambushed only after the quest was cleared and

he was exhuasted.

- Those

guys were always way too far from fair and square.

- I

don’t like a single action that Hermes guild makes.


board was filled with comments criticizing Hermes guild harshly.



was a beach east of Morata.


the Northern Region was barely known to people, no one came to this place. But

now, there are always players because there were many monsters worth hunting.

On a rainy day, players with mud on their faces were working.


many did you dug up?”


1,430. 400 more clams and then I can buy a longsword.”


were players digging up clams and cockles to earn money. As Morata became a

metropolis, the resident population inflated dramatically.


could be obtained by harvesting wheat and barley but novice players earned

money by doing quests supplying the seafood market with fresh ingredients. When

they were taking a rest stretching their backs, people came along with tide

from the sea.


Geomchis had finally arrived at the northern Versailles Continent.

- You have discovered a new sea route adjacent to

Morata, the Northern Region.

By pioneering a sea route, your fame has increased by 420

By succeeding in your adventure, each stat has increased by 3.

Courage increased by 7.

Mastery of Sailing Skill increased.

- You have become the first person to cross the

ocean by swimming.

You have successfully led a near impossibly reckless challenge.

Perseverance increased by 24.

Endurance increased by 31.

Vitality increased by 15.

Every stats increased by 9.

- Fame increased by 2,980

Every time you tell your story about crossing the ocean in a tavern,

you gain extra 40 fame

If you talk to sailors or people with a special attachment to the

ocean, you will be able to form very close intimacy.

- Ability to understand water increased.

Water-related magic resistance increased and affinity to spirits of

water has been created.

- You’ve obtained a title ‘Legendary Iron Man of the


After experiencing the rough ocean with their bare bodies they left a

legend in the ocean no one can dare to follow.

Combat capabilities on the ocean increased.

You bring out unconditional supports from sailors.

Level of Sailing Skill increased by 3.

Among qualifications of admiral, an ability to read flow of currents


Chance of assault from sea monsters reduced.


Geomchi obtained achievements and titles that players with the ocean as their

base only dreamed of.


was a good thing we swam?”


well, let’s swim again if we ever get to go back someday.”


hungry. Let’s go get some food.”


Geomchi headed in the direction of Morata.


achieved a great feat in the ocean but ironically they couldn’t make any

promise on when they are going to return to ocean.



Media progressed with ‘Story of Versailles Continent’ after Weed died as was

originally planned. It was a popular show hosted by Shin Hye Min and Oh Joo



lot of things happened today. First of all, there was the celebration of the

establishment of a new country in Haven kingdom.”


right. Many viewers were looking forward to this event. The celebration of

establishment of Hermes guild was held today.”


like a lot of people participated”


it be an exaggeration to say that participants completely filled the capital,

Aren castle? Besides players from Haven kingdom, ambassadors from each guild

and other kingdoms visited as well.”


the screen, the celebration of Haven kingdom newly reformed by the Hermes guild

was seen. The fancy palace, interior castles and exterior castles were crowded

with people. Bardray put a crown on his head, wore clothes representing the

king and placed a sword around his waist.


appoint you as the count to rule Doria region.”


will devote myself loyally.”


appoint you as the viscount of Borask.”


an honor.”


officially appointed high-rank players from Hermes guild as nobles.


kingdom was going to be re-established under centralism but by being

appointinted as nobles, various stats could be earned. In case of Bardray, he

gained the most fame in the kingdom and a considerable amount of nobility,

leadership, dignity and honor.


king had a separate governance power.


higher it is, the more loyalty they received from the nation and the morale of

knights and soldiers increased. Governance power wasn’t not a stat that could

be increased normally. It was depended on governed territories, population of

residents, knights, magicians, business, and the development of technologies.


could go up or down even from winning or losing a war, accomplishing a

large-scale trade, or suffered a flood or drought. If he governed excellently,

many positive events would occur and he could even get the blessings of gods.


became the player with most level in Versailles Continent and the highest



is a truly a spectacular scene. There were many spectacles of knights’ duels at

the end of the celebration. We will bring it to you shortly.”


think many of the viewers are wondering about Embinyu Church. We have news

ready today about the Embinyu Church, isn’t that right Oh Joo Wan?”


course its prepared. There seems to be inquisitors wandering around the regions

held by the Embinyu Church.”


Embinyu Church that appeared like a storm and brought the Versailles Continent

to chaos. The Embinyu Church was an evil influence that occupied several

castles and possessed huge armies in the central continent where each guild was

vying seriously for territories. They were an influence that represented malice

but players were able to chose whether to join Embinyu Church of not.


players’ joining their forces, the Embinyu Church spread around like wildfire.

In the lands owned by Embinyu Church crops withered and rivers dried up. While

the Versailles Continent was suffering with measles, only Thor, the kingdom of

dwarves and the Northern Region have remained fine without the Embinyu Church’s



exactly happened in Thor kingdom was unknown but the Niflheim Empire in the

Northern Region collapsed because of the Embinyu Church. Weed drove the Embinyu

Church out and began re-establishing the Northern Region and Morata. It was

only an assumption that if they dispelled the power of Embinyu Church in

advance, there wouldn’t have been damages from sudden rage.


you get caught by the inquisitors of the Embinyu Church, they will attack you

in the name of judging heresy.”


heard if you are a paladin or priest the harassment will be harsher?”


right. If you get captured by them, you lose fair amount of faith so please be



your channel as a guest will talk about the Embinyu Church in our second part!

Do not forget about this. Let’s continue with other stories.”


next on the news…”



Hyun went out of the capsule and went to the market.


was no rest for a Dark Gamer. Versailles Continent was always open so to stay

ahead of everyone else, they can’t afford to take a break. The only opportunity

was when they lost their lives and could not connect for the next 24 hours.


make some Kimchi.”


was a day for him to make kimchi for the winter period. Lee Hyun stacked

delivered chinese cabbage and ingredients in his yard and started making



time he ripped cabbage off, he whispered.







dare you touch me.”








upend my rice bowl.”


grudges stacked up as he soaked about 200 chinese cabbages!


impact was too severe. His valuable items could be taken too.


turned on his television and watched KMC Media as he was making kimchi for

winter. Even though he was fairly aware of many things happening in Royal Road

through the board, he had little interest in the accidents happening in

irrelevant lands. But as broadcast program usually selected important incidents

it was watched in detail.


of Embinyu Church…”


were a force that even Alveron, the pope candidate for Church of Freya, kept

strict vigilance. The strength of Daymond from the guild ‘Predators of the

Land’ that put the Versailles Continent in danger was actually from the Embinyu

Church. Lee Hyun was able to know about this by getting close to Daymond

through the chat room of Dark Gamers Union.


members of Predators of the Land’ die, their bodies are offered to the god

Embinyu forever as sacrifice. It meant the complete deletion of a character so

they had to start over as beginners and they chose to start in Morata.


was said that Daymond and his people seem to take quests covertly. Someday he

will die too but until then, he has been living his life as a Dark Gamer

faithfully to get as many items he can.


Embinyu Church is not what I should focus on right now.”


was being invaded by the Undead Legion and the Hermes guild sent out an assault

team to bother him.


won’t be resolved peacefully.”


Hyun killed every guild that was in his sight in the Continent of Magic so he

was well aware of how useless it was to discuss a cause or justification.



was a world decided by the rule of power.


sister came back from library, helped him make kimchi and ate boiled pork with

him at dinner.


up, brother.”


she became a university student, his sister was more grown-up lady feeding him

some pork and peeling fruits.


never knew a day like this would come…’


five years ago, Lee Hyun had some extreme thoughts.


what always made him change his mind right before the final moment…


current situation… I can’t even die.’


didn’t have any relatives to collect condolence money and to build a coffin and

holding a funeral cost money, so he couldn’t afford to die.


was a moment when he desperately craved for a free fish cake soup from a cart

bar. But now, he was able to cook things from purchased ingredients and he has

his own house in his name. Lee Hyun was living his life feeling small happiness

every day.


should sleep early today.”


next day, he went grocery shopping and didn’t forget to train his body at the





Hyun swung his sword gnashing his teeth carefully in anger, there was no

industry like the dental industry that charge the most fees.


was a murderous sword filled with his grudge.


finishing his agenda for today, he came back home, cleaned, and watched some

television to pass the time.


then time for Royal Road had finally come.


Hyun entered the capsule without any hesitation.



Geomchis visited eight restaurants in Morata.


place is delicious too.”


was a reason why this place is doing good business, Sahyung.”


wasn’t that they had expensive taste that they sampled food and came out right

away. They ate generously from the eight restaurant that they cleared out the



and gluttony!


Royal Road if a player ate a lot they could get fat, but that was something

very far from these Geomchi that often fought and moved around. While wandering

around, eating to their heart’s content they heard something from a passerby.


second advance of the Undead Legion!


seemed that the combatant-class players were deployed to protect Morata and the

arts-class players were cheering them on voluntarily. Not only did they draw

symbols on armor, bards and dancers followed them in the battlefield and



requests from the lord’s castle, Church of Freya, Church of Lugh, and mercenary

guilds were about hunting down Undead. Due to the emergency situation, Morata

was operated on the war basis.


front of the castle gate, there were many novice players that just started and

the square was still filled with players selling things. Visits from tourists

weren’t affected but anyone in Morata felt a sense of crisis due to the advance

of Undead Legion.


outrageous that the Undead are advancing to the land of our youngest.”


like we were too careless.”


we return the favor for all the free food?”


get warmed up.”


their hands full of food, they headed to the battlefield where The Undead

Legion was approaching.


Undead soldiers brought chariots with blades on their sides and middle-sized

Undead made out of corpses of Morghis and Nukalis were on a rampage. The Armies

of Morata, the Priests of the Church of Freya, Paladins, and players placed in

a long line fought Undead while maintaining their defense formation.


were tremendous amount of players holding flags of Grass Porridge religion and

high-level players from across the central continent.


was not an exaggeration to say this place was a true battlefield.


like this place. Disciples, let’s go!”




Geomchi walked towards Undead. The Undead jumped in fiercely without knowing

anything and the Geomchi simply slashed them and walked across the battlefield.


bring it on.’


the better.’


chariots, Morghis, Nukalis, Dullahan, Death Knights.


was no need to differentiate them. Whatever comes into the Geomchi’s range,

they would just beat into a pulp. As they entered the area swarming with

Undead, they split from each other and all they could see was Undead everywhere

but that was okay.


Geomchi slashed every Undead they could see.


complete trance!


reality, they were many frustrating situations for them. Even if they master

swords and train their bodies to a high level, they barely got to use it in

real life. When someone messed with them, they had to pretend and tolerate like

nothing happened and just pass on by.


trained themselves taking patience and self-control as a virtue. Their hot

blood pumped hotter than anyone else but there was no place to blast it.


Road was a small outlet for them.


thinking about strength, they looked for stronger men and fought. They don’t

have to hide the wild nature hiding deep within their masculine instincts.


it on, Undead! Bring someone stronger than you!”


Geomchi were extremely excited.


swam across ocean and trained but nothing was better than using their bodies to

fight like now. The irresistible pleasure coming out when you forget about

everything and purely focus on each ongoing battle!


enough, I want more!”


Geomchi slaughtered undead at random.


hop on rhinos and fought, they killed every undead they saw. They mainly used

swords but they picked up any kind weapons like blades, iron maces, axes and

chains and used them. Because the Geomchi mastered Weaponry skill, they can use

any kind of weapon they wanted.


was a difference in the center of gravity and striking point for each weapon,

but the power of rotating the waist while heading the weapon to slash enemies

in half remained the same.


into the fight with techniques forged in wild battles!

- Undead Legion is retreating.

The battle ended with a victory for Morata’s defense force.


the Geomchi were taking care of the main force, Paladins were able to kill the

witch named Bianca that controlled the Undead Legion armies and claim victory.


Be Continued.

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