Stop, Friendly Fire!

Chapter 44 part6

Was that all? Its defensive capabilities were without peer, and anyone lower than level 8 couldn’t damage the wall, regardless of what they did.

It might go differently if one uses magic or an element, but pure physical strength and skills wouldn’t be able to damage the wall. At this point, it could be considered on the level of an authority. The thorn wall’s defense was absolute, and only after getting through that wall could the heroes even dream of challenging the Emperor.

"I didn’t think there’d be one here too..."

"A thorn wall... I caught a glimpse of it once before. It was at least 80 meters tall. Though it does seem smaller than the one in the capital."

"Last I saw, it wasn’t here. Which means it was created later. As I thought... There were rumors that the Empire was undertaking some secret project that was hidden from even the high rank nobles."

As expected, there had to be something important here if the defense was so severe. What was the Emperor thinking? And why was the Spirit Princess so deeply involved in this project?

Retadane looked up at the black, sharp thorned wall in anguish. Lee Shin Woo wasn’t hoping for much, but he asked her anyway.

"If you were a high rank noble, then you must know a way to easily tear down this wall, no?"

"...No. All I know is that the nobles who opposed the creation of this wall were killed."

"Seira, you sure are useless. You’re just old. You’re not even as helpful as our Junior here."

"Please call me Retadane."

"Ugaaaaah! My face! My beautiful face is cracking! Junior! Juniooooor!"

Lee Shin Woo saw Retadane, who was unable to restrain herself, give Prince an iron claw. He then tapped on the thorn wall. It was so tough that he groaned.

"What exactly is this made of?"

"’Evil Eye’. It’s said that this ore is formed by long-term exposure from darkness element magic. It is the source of the darkness element here, which is what allowed the Underground Empire to flourish. It’s to my understanding that that ore was mined and used for the creation of the thorn wall."

"Hoh. So there was a different source of magic, aside from the Emperor’s, that I felt from the capital."

"Stop talking between yourselves and help me, Junior!"

It would be hard enough to take on the level 9 Emperor, yet he even had this weapon up his sleeve. The more he learned about this damn Underground Empire purification quest, the more difficult it got.

He was beginning to understand why God was so depressed.

"In other words, the thorn wall is nothing more than a byproduct of that magic source."

"As I said before, Evil Eye must be exposed to darkness magic for such a long time that we can safely say that this is all they have. I’m actually quite surprised that they even have a thorn wall in Bayran. When exactly did they make it? They likely constructed it right before the Empire’s demise."

"...Please let her go now. She’s starting to foam at the mouth."


Retadane let go, and Prince whined, her eyes seemed to be asking him ’why didn’t he help earlier’. Lee Shin Woo consoled her and then investigated the thorn wall.

They seemingly placed a great amount of trust in the wall, as there were no traps nearby. When he looked further into it, it was simply because the thorn wall would activate on its own and destroy any nearby traps.

"The thorn wall is a fortress in and of itself."

"So if I were to gather my magic, I’ll get attacked?"

"Yep. It’s really dangerous, everyone stay back."

Lee Shin Woo sensed tremendous energy undulations behind the thorn wall. He could feel a large quantity of mana that had been accumulated for dozens of years at the center... as well as a rebellious living energy. Perhaps this was... No, it was definitely a spirit’s energy.

’A city designed for spirits. ...No, it wasn’t.’

Now that he’d gotten to the center of Bayran, he was sure of it. This city wasn’t created for spirits. Rather, this city was created to use spirits and to create something with them.

Spirits’ Spring? There was something that lay dormant inside that didn’t suit such a peaceful and gentle environment. ...Perhaps it hadn’t been able to sleep in the first place.

’The Spirit General, or the Spirit Princess... Either way, she’s not in the best of shape.’

And he was certain that the Spirit General and Retadane were deeply involved in the past. ’If we go in like this, won’t it just turn into a melodrama?’, Lee Shin Woo thought and sighed deeply.

While investigating the mana, he also looked for the location of the other trespassers. Because he’d activated the traps (through the traps, the spirits and monsters attacked the other trespassers, who had no recollection of ever setting off those traps), they were progressing as slow as a turtle.

’But... There’s another group coming from the north.’

Who was it? That was obvious. It was probably a force sent by the Emperor after he’d noticed the commotion. Though they hadn’t entered the city as of yet, he was sure they were coming to Bayran based on their direction and speed.

And thus, the elite heroes, Anti-Skull, Arema Steelworker’s golem force, as well as the imperial troops had gathered in one place.

"Everyone, gather up. Let’s talk."

"Alright. It’s time for my brilliant brain to go to work."

"I’ll show you the location of the other invaders on the map. I also have a general idea as to where the Spirit General is. But the problem’s the imperial troops that are coming down to Bayran as we speak."

"Shin Woo, your mana detection is abnormal."

"If you’re bitter about it, then get to level 8 too."


Lee Shin Woo placed four dots on the map. He could identify Arema Steelworker’s magic, so he knew where Anti-Skull and the golem’s forces were.

But he was worried about the forces that came from the capital. They were far away, but for some reason, he was familiar with this presence. Their presence was faint, such that if he stopped focusing he felt like he’d lose sight of the presence.

"A faint presence...? No way!"

Retadane looked at the quickly approaching dot, gritted her teeth and yelled.

"Golden Shadow...! Vellun Von Dorthe is coming with the Emperor’s personal intelligence unit!"

"Golden Shadow... I think I’ve heard that somewhere before."

"It’s an organization that consists of people who are stealthy and quick on their feet. By the Emperor’s command, they wander across the Empire in secret and collect information for him... They’re also famous for eliminating anyone who opposes the Empire without anyone ever knowing."

"So they’re assassins."

Now he remembered. A long time ago, when Lee Shin Woo was having so much fun ’destroying cities’, the lord had misunderstood and thought he was part of the Golden Shadow. Considering the fact that the Golden Shadow was the Emperor’s personal hit-squad, he could completely understand the lord’s reaction.

"But wait a second. Did you say Dorthe?"

"Yes. Vellun Von Dorthe. He’s the Dorthe clan’s firstborn. Their family has a long history of being a ’shadow’ clan. Back then, both brothers were chosen to become a part of the 12 Generals, which was the topic of conversation at the time. That reaction... Did you perhaps...?"

"Yes. I killed his younger brother."

"Junior. Lately, your personality’s really starting to show in your voice."

The Golden Shadow General, Vellun Von Dorthe. He was the Lightning Shadow General’s older brother, and apparently, he was more skilled than his younger brother in several ways. Perhaps he could completely assimilate with his shadow.

"Shadow, huh..."

"That man’s dangerous. He’s incredibly fast and stealthy. It’s difficult to detect him, even if he’s right in front of you. In a way, he may be more dangerous than the Archmage, Feotane Von Seldin. This is troubling. We may be able to take him down if we work together, but if we’re attacked by the other forces, then..."

"I suppose it won’t be such a pleasant experience. Alright. Let’s formulate a plan."

"What plan?"

"A plan that makes all the forces inside the city fight and destroy each other."

It really was a Lee Shin Woo-esque thing to say. Kratia and Jin nodded their heads as if expecting him to say that, but Prince and Retadane looked on vacantly.

"If that were so easy, then there would be nothing to think about. How would you...?"

"It’s easy. Now that you mention it, this city is filled with traps, monsters, and spirits. If we can figure out how they’re organized, then all we need to do is gradually lead the forces to them."

"Let’s say you lead the other forces to the traps. What are you going to do about the imperial troops? They know this city inside and out."

"I’ll just draw them out myself. I can do that much."

Lee Shin Woo said confidently, and Retadane was so speechless that she slapped her forehead.

"You heard me, right? There’s a chance that the Golden Shadow General is with them. Your abilities are remarkable, but you’ll die if you’re ambushed."

"You said that that guy could melt into shadows, right?"

"That’s right. He can assimilate with his element, a possessor of a transcendent ability that only a handful of people in the Empire..."

Retadane stopped right in the middle. Kratia and Prince were the same. Lee Shin Woo’s hand had also melted into the darkness.

"I also possess such a transcendent ability. There’s a chance I won’t be taken out. Please trust me."

"How can this be..."

"Shin Woo..."

"Junior, where did you even come from? Are you really my Junior?"

While Kratia and Retadane remained dumbfounded, Prince, with a worried expression, walked over to Lee Shin Woo and pulled his cheek. She’d never pulled his cheek before, so there was no way that she could confirm whether he was the real deal or not. But he was well aware that she was truly concerned for him.

"I said I went through a level 7 dungeon. I couldn’t clear it without getting this strong."


"Is that all?"

Retadane suddenly asked, her eyes tinged with suspicion.

"Are you cooperating with someone right now? In other words... Like that undead who told us about the Heaven Defying General."

"Yes, you’re right."

Lee Shin Woo answered nonchalantly and Retadane furrowed her brows.

"As I thought... I was suspicious when you said you were coming to Bayran alone, but the fact that they’re not around means that... No, are you trying to be considerate?"

"It’ll be troublesome if both sides were to fight."

"Hoo. That was the right call. I told you that your decision was right, but I don’t have the confidence to hold myself back in front of them... However, my thought process hasn’t changed. You cannot trust them completely. You’ve acquired power, so I trust that you won’t be taken down by unforeseen circumstances."

Retadane was still the same as always. When he mentioned the Heaven Defying General, Lee Shin Woo was worried that Retadane would enter her ’psycho mode’, but it turned out better than he’d expected. He smiled faintly and tried to convince her once more.

"Let’s call it a win-win. No harm will come to us, so long as their goal to kill the Emperor remains the same."

"...Undead with a clear goal. That’s what makes them so scary."


"Nothing. Never mind."

Retadane’s voice quieted down half-way through, and Lee Shin Woo pretended like he couldn’t hear her. Everyone knew how scary the undead were. On the contrary, Lee Shin Woo was perhaps the one who knew best!

"If they help us, then you may be able to draw out the imperial troops as well. You drawing them out and forcing them to clash against the Heaven Defying General’s troops is another issue entirely, but... It seems like we have no choice but to try."

"Huh? No, I’m going to draw them out by myself. I’ll be enough. You guys should do something else in the meantime."

"Something else...?"

"Beyond this."

Lee Shin Woo extended one hand and pointed towards the thorn wall. He circled the location of the giant cannon and the Spirit General and said.

"We force them to fight and then we get what they came for. Whether it’s the Anti-Skull or the golems, there’s something that they want here. If we can, we steal it, and if we can’t, then we destroy it. Please take care of that, seniors."

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