Extreme Flame Wizard

Chapter 42: Youth, Passion, and the Wizard!

Rose: “We are going too slow. Can we not make this go any faster?”

“My apologies, your grace.”

Rose: “That’s fine. I’ve waited for 2 years already so a few more days is nothing.”

The female Wizard who sat next to Rose lowers her head.

The two are currently inside a carriage.

After they got news of Igni’s whereabouts, Rose and her group left the Holy Nation as soon as possible, but she is still a “Saint.” She is not in a position to be able to move around freely or do as she pleases, so with a lot of painstaking politics and maneuvering, she finally got the preparations to leave after some time had passed.

“We will be arriving in the Capital of the Principality ‘Lyheria’ in about 3 days’ time. Afterwards, we will immediately set out for the Kingdom’s Capital.”

Rose: “I know already. This is the 5th time you told me, Floria.”

Floria: “I only mention it due to its importance, your grace.”


For those who know her will tremble at the mention of her name.

“The Ocean” Floria is one of humanity’s [Strongest].

Her compatibility is [Water] : [SS].

She has mastered the control of all fluid spells.

She is the pride of the Holy Nation, the guardian of the “Saint.”

Her God-given talent was proven true by mastering her spell at such a young age.

In other words, she is the [Water]’s [Extreme].

Rose: “Ohhhhh...I can’t wait. I’m sure he’s waiting for me to arrive. Don’t you think so too, Floria?”

Rose admires 15 of her drawings of Igni’s portraits laid out side by side.

Floria: “...........yes, of course.”

Even the [Strongest] of humanity had to just let that question pass.


Lura: “Oh! You can see it now!”

Lura points further down the road.

Lura: “It’s the city walls.”

As they approached, they could see the walls encircled the Principality Capital of “Lyheria.”

Lura: “Okay! Just a little bit farther!”

Iris: “So we just need to get there, right?!”

Iris responds energetically to Lura’s comments.

Igni was about to reply as well when…

Igni: “[Equip Flame] {Ignition}!”

He began his spell incantation.

Igni: “Iris! Place a defensive wall on the opposite side!!”

Iris: “Yーyes! [Stone Wall] {Tetsura • Wall}!!”

Igni: “[Anti-Air] {Fire}!!”

<DODON!!> (*sfx impact)

With the sounds of spells colliding, the men who had their presence hidden up to that point came crawling out of their hiding places.

There were 20 in total.

Lura: “More bandits?”

Lura mumbles nonchalantly.

“Don’t be comparing us to trash like that!”

One of the men raises his voice.

“That’s right! We’re doing this out of our good will!!”

“Ha ha ha!!”

The equipment the men have on are of solid quality.

Unlike bandits, they have proper, full-plated armor.

Edward: “Knight Robbers….?!”

Edward lets out a worrisome groan at the realization.

Igni: “What’s that?”

Edward: “How could you not know, Igni?! Knight Robbers are those with Knight statuses that have turned to robbing the people! They’re usually leftovers from previous wars who lost their occupations!”

Igni: “You’re very knowledgeable, Edward.”

Edward: “CーComplimenting me won’t get you anywhere!”

Edward turns slightly away from Igni quickly.

Lura: “Wow~ I’m surprised that they think they can get away with robbery this close to the city.”

Lura continues to mumble to herself.

Igni: “Alright, Iris. Go ahead and drop them.”

Iris: “Okay! [Earth Bend] {Tetsura • DeForte}!”

As Iris finishes her incantation, the Knight Robbers all jump. They dodge Iris’ spell!!

“You’re too obvious!!”

“Ha ha! Your spellcasting is way too slow!!”

But Igni already had a {Fireball} created in front of him.

Igni: “[Equip Flame] {Ignition : Shotgun Shot}”


Igni: “[Launch] {Fire}”

<DODON!!> (*sfx)

Igni’s {Fireball} scatters and blows away the Knight Robbers in the air!!

Lura: “[Come Wind] {Ventos}”

And behind Igni, Lura casts her spell that drops the Knight Robbers to the ground.

The Knight Robbers with a <splash!> falls into Iris’ liquified earth and buries their lower half of their body into the ground.


“What is this….?! I can’t get out…..!!”

Iris: “[Stone Fragments] {Tetsura • Bullet}!!”

<DODON!!> (*sfx)

With Iris’ incantation, rocks shoot out from the ground, and the men fall to the earth.

All the men were completely defeated and restrained within minutes.

Iris: “..........they’re so weak….”

Iris was a little shocked at the ease of the victory.

Her main question seems to center around how they even managed to be robbers in the first place.

Lura: “They became robbers because they didn’t have the skills for legitimate employment from the beginning. C’mon, let’s go.”

Lura tries to hurry the group along when...

“That’s the second time…..Lura….”

A voice echoed from <inside the carriage>.

……..from the sound of a voice, it’s a girl!!

Igni almost instinctively turned around, but restrained himself to follow the Secret Ways of Popularity.

Lura: “.........! Please forgive me, my lady!!”

And Lura immediately turns towards the sound of the voice and her body freezes.

At the same time, Lilly also seems frozen in place.

Igni: (...........what’s going on……..???)

“Why…..did you let them live….?”

Lura: “They were not even worth the trouble, my lady!!”

“I see…...but…..you should punish them…….”

As soon as the owner of the voice finished saying that, an overwhelming blood thirst spread out from the carriage.

Lura’s face turned white, Edward began to hyperventilate, Lilly had tears well up in her eyes, and Iris lost the strength to stand.

Igni hurriedly grabbed Iris by the shoulder to support her.

Igni: (Thーthat’s an amazing amount of blood thirst……….! It’s just like Grandpa’s………!!)

And among them, only Igni, who was the <only one who was used to this>, was impressed by this display.

But none of the Knight Robbers could have withstood it.

Some fainted while foaming at the mouth. Some lost control of their bladder. Others turned blue in the face, and there were a variety of other responses from each of them.

“Well…..that seems…..appropriate.”

And the blood thirst diminished as soon as the owner of the voice finished saying that.

“Oh…..you seem…..just fine…..”

Igni: “.....oh me?”

“Yes, you.”

Igni answers the voice from the carriage.

“Come….to the carriage….and show me….your face.”

Lura: “Wーwait! We can’t!”


Lura: “.........!”

Lura immediately stops in her tracks.

“Please open….the carriage door….for him.”

Lura: “.....as you wish.”

The door latch noisily opens as the carriage door opens.

Igni: (......we were supposed to be transporting the Elves\' weapon……)

Igni readies himself as he walks into the carriage.

“Oh…….I apologize for the inconvenience…..You see….my eyes cannot see. Come…..closer…..”

Elves typically all have slender figures.


The Elf who was before Igni was different!

As Elves age, their bodies respond differently than humans…..!

So of course, the Elf girl in front of him also had a very young look…..!

But…….her chest……..!!

Ohhhhhh...how could this be………..?!?!?

Oh God……!!

Her innocent face had a bandage wrapped around her eyes…..but that did nothing to diminish her beauty……….!!

But because she is blind…..because her eyes are hidden…...it only further enhances her goodness…..!!

But……….! What’s important is not there………!!

Her chest…….!! Within her chest……..!!

Though she looks young…..on the contrary…………! It’s HUGE…….!!

It’s overwhelmingly……..large…………!!

So large that Igni immediately began to bow his head and pray………!!

And one long sword sat and was held between her breasts.

Igni: (………...I……..I want to switch places with it………!!)

This……...this truly is……..!

Igni: (This………..this is truly a [weapon]!!!!)

Unbeknownst to the people around him, Igni screamed within his heart.


[.........Grandpa. There is something I need to tell you.]

[...........tell me.]

[I………...I love Loli\'s with big breasts!]

The next moment, Luca’s lightning fast slap hurtled its way towards Igni!!

But….Igni dodges!!

[EーEvil!! That is pure evil, Igni!!!]

[Grandpa….you’re the fool!!!]

<ZUDON!!!> (*sfx heavy impact)

And in return Igni returns the blow with a headbutt!!!

Lucas who had his guard down takes one straight in his gut!!

[Whーwhat do you think you’re doing…..Igni?!?!]

[.........it is….NOT...EVIL…!]

[Hーhow dare you! Has the training gotten to your head?!?!]

[No….! You’re wrong….!! You have it all wrong, Grandpa!!!]

[.......I have it….all wrong, you say?]

[A Loli with big breasts…..is not a Loli……!]


[The Loli\'s looks…..is just to draw out the large breasts even more…..!! But the main will always be the…...the breasts!!!]


[Grandpa!! Have you forgotten!! Have you forgotten your passion?!?! Your heart?!?!]

[What do you…..!]

[The Loli and the large breasts….! The two complete opposite traits…….! But when they combine……….!! A GAP IS BORN…….!!]


[It’s the same as a Tsundere………!! Because two opposite traits combine together……...there is something new that is made…….!! You can finally see something that wasn’t there before……..!! Something that only stands out because the two combined!!!!]

They both look at one another in silence.


And Lucas laughs.

[I never thought the day would come when I would learn something from you.]


[You are right…….I had forgotten.]

Lucas offers his hand to Igni, and Igni grabs hold of his hand.

[I had forgotten my….youth.]

And then….

[ [ ーーHA HA HA HA HA HA!! ] ]

Both men laugh heartily from the bottom of their hearts.


………….YES!! IT’S THIS!!


This isn’t some sort of fake that you see in drawings or read in stories……..!!

This is the real [Large Breasted Loli]!!

It’s overwhelming………! So absolute……….!!

It is [The Strongest].......!!!

“What…..is your name……?”

Igni: “I am Igni.”

Igni offers his hand to the girl.

“I see…..so….you are Igni….. It was I who selected you……”

Igni: “.......you...selected me? And you are?”

Igni recalls that this Quest was first brought to them by the Elves.

Igni: (A girl this cute nominated me for the job??)

Igni: (I’m so glad I enrolled in the Wizard Academy……..)

“I am…..Kurara.”

Igni: (………………..hm?)

Igni’s rampaging passion was immediately brought back down to reality with her name.

Igni: “......Kurara…’The Sword’......”

The Elf smiles at his words.

Igni withdraws from his database, a database where once a girl’s name is inputted, it is never forgotten.

From there he gets one hit.

Kurara: “It...is nice to meet you.”

Igni: (............SHE’S THE [SWORD]’s [EXTREME]?!?!)

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