The Ancients World

Chapter 75: The journey to Zenith city XIII

Chapter 75: The journey to Zenith city XIII

Sitting here and playing cards with my family is all well and fun, but night is approaching soon and I want to get a move on to Zenith. On the other hand, I don\'t know the next time I\'ll see them in game. So I\'ll hang out until everyone else is ready for the goodbye portion of this meet up, I look around the inn as my family is playing 1 on 1. I\'m the odd man out this time, I can see plenty of people along with some dwarves and elves. The most surprising is the lizardman in my view, while they aren\'t considered humanoid they are extremely peaceful with humanity. Their country is located in one of the larger oceans called Requiem, its home to many peaceful aquatic and reptilian races. I haven\'t seen one so far inland before, and he seems to be having a jolly time with other humans.

Lizardmen are great warriors despite their peaceful natures, and also adapts at fire magic. It does beg the question about why he is here, especially in the city of Nelmorp. "I\'ll be back in a few minutes, I have to satisfy my curiosity. Don\'t wait up alright." None of them seem to hear me since they are heavily invested in their games. I make my way over to the small group and notice that the NPC\'s around him are low class adventurers. By the look on their badges none of them are higher than F rank, and F rank is pretty average. I\'m not very fond of the adventurers guild, you could say I almost despise them. They are not an organization I agree with, they treat their lower ranked members like fodder and their higher ranked members like kings. This is not how something as large as the adventurers guild should act, and in the 5 years I played. They never once changed.

I wont talk to the lizardman, I just want to get a good look at him. This is the first time I\'ve seen one up close before. "To bad this is our last day together Tokil, its been a blast escorting you this far. I hope that you remember us when you resume your journey after Zenith." From what I hear this lizardman\'s name is Tokil, and he is also heading to Zenith. Must be an ambassador going kingdom to kingdom expressing their willingness to help in the war or something, its that or he was exiled from his home. I find that the system announcements are racists in a way, when it said all non humanoid creatures have united against humanity. It failed to include the ones that are on peaceful terms with humanity.

That makes me question why it would do that, its different for the NPC\'s so they heard something else. Why is the system telling players half truths, and making mass confusion a common thing. I can tell by the looks on the players faces around the inn that they are wondering why a non humanoid creature is perfectly safe. I just watch patiently as some of the players are getting ready for a confrontation, the ones desperate for exp or items see this as an opportunity. After a couple of minutes one player finally gets the nerve to walk up and talk to them, he looks around level 10. Its considered rude among the players to inspect each other while in the cities, that\'s why that small woman from before didn\'t inspect me.

I refocus on the situation playing out in front of me, this player must be really desperate. The lizardman is probably around level 45 to 50, and the adventurers around are of a similar level. "Why is this non humanoid creature not being killed right now because of the war! He looks like he\'s got some good items on him!" When he said that, the player that didn\'t care suddenly gained interest. Smart move making other interested, but it won\'t make a difference with such level disparity. One of the adventurers hanging out around Tokil takes out his axe and gets ready to kill. Before he can strike Tokil stops him, now that is something you don\'t see everyday. An NPC sticking up for a player, Tokil is someone of high character and principles. Matches up with his species defining traits perfectly.

The adventurer puts his axe away and gives the player a death glare, while this is happening Tokil begins to speak. "While my race is non humanoid, the lizardmen have always be peaceful with humanity and others like them. I\'m here with one of my good friends who is a dwarf, if you don\'t believe me ask him. He is around 120 years old and has great knowledge of the history between my people and yours." Spoken like a true politician, he is definitely an ambassador. He is here with a dwarf as well, must be hanging out with the other dwarves by the barrels of alcohol. Say what you will about dwarves, they know how to drink.

Many of the players who were interested in the items Tokil was carrying soon backed off. Players are immortal, but we think losing a level is worse than dying. That is a dramatization, but the anger and screams some players release when they lose a level convinces you otherwise. "If you do wish to start something with me you will have to deal with the adventurers guild, but you would have to beat my friends here first." Getting on the bad side of the adventurers guild isn\'t something a player should do, even at higher levels its wise to stay off their kill list. They have some of the strongest NPC\'s in Ancients World.

When Tokil said that all interest in him fell to zero, most players know their limits and are smart about the way they play. Its widely considered idiotic to intentionally antagonize stronger beings, and most players are smart. Nobody wants a target on their back that big, my curiosity has been satisfied enough so I head over to the bar and order some food. While it doesn\'t fill me in real life it does taste great. While I\'m ordering food the lizardman decides this is the moment to get food also, he is next to me ordering as well. He is much taller than I am, despite the fact I\'m around 6\'3. "You didn\'t look at me the same way the other new people did. I cant help asking why, its known throughout the lands that new people are notorious for their greed and lust to grow stronger." Seems Tokil is much more observant that I anticipated. I see no reason to deny a conversation, this is the first time I get to talk to a lizardman.

My food is set in front of me along with a glass of beer, I slide the beer over to Tokil. "I know the history and relationship the lizardmen have with humanity. I just wanted to know why you came so far inland, and this is also the first time I have seen one of you in person. My best guess is you\'re an ambassador speaking for the lizardmen, and that\'s why Zenith is your next stop." He looks at me impressed, my deduction must have been spot on. He picks up the beer and necks the thing, while I\'m not from the EU I always wanted to say that.

He slams the empty glass down and releases a satisfied sigh, he then receives his food as well. "You are very knowledgeable for a new person, and by the look of the blade you carry you are powerful too. I wont be so rude as to ask for your level, but may you share?" I wonder why he wants to know, my instincts and years of solo play are telling me not to tell him. He isn\'t a player though, and its not like he is going to find out about my class. I do wonder what his level is as well, while my guess of 45 to 50 might be correct its still a guess.

I look over to my family and see they are still deeply invested in their games. I have time to talk, and I don\'t have to worry about holding up my family. "I\'m on my way to Zenith myself, I have a tier up quest to do. I hit level 60 not long ago and all new people have to head to the capital city of the country they appeared in. I\'m heading out before night fall, while I wait for time to pass I\'m hanging out with my family." I point my head in the direction of my family and he looks to them, he picks up a chicken wing and digs into it with his reptilian teeth and extended face.

He looks over to the dwarves getting drunk by the barrels of beer. "My traveling companion is the oldest dwarf over there. The one that\'s wearing the green chest plate, he is an expert blacksmith representing the dwarves smith alliance. We met up sometime ago and decided to travel together till our quests are complete. We have the same destinations so it worked out." An expert blacksmith is very rare, and he is also a representative of the dwarves smith alliance. They are the best crafters in the world, but I doubt they have any legendary blacksmiths. I don\'t regret giving up that adamantine metal, was never going to use it. I have a great idea myself, and I wonder if Tokil will be interested.

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