The Ancients World

Chapter 82: Arriving in Zenith city

Chapter 82: Arriving in Zenith city

We have been traveling all day now, and night is approaching us. I had to go through the invisible barrier like all players do. Tokil and Thoznal both had strange looks on their faces watching that. We are only a few minutes away and we can see the walls and some of the city from here. There is some damage to the landscape looking from here, I bet the city is busy as can be with rebuilding. I wonder if I\'ll get to see Jackson again, he is a king now so he might not have time to have a friendly chat. I look over to my travel companions and see the solemn look at the devastation the area has been through. Dwarves are builders, seeing this might put a knot in Thoznal\'s stomach. Tokil is more used to combat since proving your skill and honor in battle is common for lizardmen, they are not fond of war though.

We came across some more monsters, but Tokil took care of them all. He is truly amazing with a blade, I\'ve come to respect lizardmen even more than before. "So once we make it to Zenith my journey with you two will be over, I must say it has been fun." I\'ll need to search for the blind priest Sam, problem is I don\'t know where to look. I pull up my tier up quest to see if I can get any clues to where he might be.

[Quest: Earn Your Wings]

[Description: You are proving that your the progeny of Michael, so now its time to earn what every true angel has. If you earn your wings they will be an invaluable piece of you, they can help attack, defend, and you can use them to fly at extreme speeds. They can be hidden so your identity isn\'t revealed.]

[Objective 1: Head to your capital city and speak to an old blind priest named Sam.]

[Objective 2: Complete the quest Sam gives you.]

[Quality: Tier Up]

[Rewards: Your Angel Wings, Divine mana aura quest]

[???: This is an incredible task, and your first step to true power. You are already an unreachable existence to your fellow players, but there are many enemies who grow fearful of your power. These enemies are stronger than you and you cant hope to beat them, with this quest you will be starting your real journey to power. I hope you don\'t waste your chance here, I won\'t give you another one like this if you fail.]

There are no clues to where Sam might be, I\'ll have to ask around. That is a huge risk and I don\'t want to be discovered. I need to find someone who knows people around Zenith, but isn\'t going to risk my identity. I have one friend here in Zenith, and that\'s Jackson, so that means I have no choice. I have to find a way to see him, he\'ll help me in a discreet manner. He knows my secret and has kept it all this time, he has proven that I can trust him. If he really was untrustworthy the church would have already found me.

I get out of my thoughts when Tokil asks me something. "If you don\'t mind me asking, how did you new people come to be. I\'ve heard rumors of your origins, but its impossible to think that its true." He will be shocked to learn that the rumors are true, but most players don\'t know the truth about Ancients World either. In a way its a 2 way street, there are things we don\'t know about Ancients World and there are things the NPC\'s don\'t know about us.

I sigh and rub the back of my head, he might not like my answer. "The rumors are half true, I don\'t know the whole answer because I don\'t have all the information. It seems unbelievable, but what\'s been said is true." Tokil looks at me with a look of doubt, I wouldn\'t blame him if he didn\'t believe me. "I understand that look Tokil, I would act the same way in your position. Just be careful around new people, you can kill them as many times as you want. They will always come back though, and most hold grudges. You aren\'t immortal like we are, and all the new people will grow to become very powerful. It would be wise to stay on the good side of us." I\'m giving him valuable information and advice right now, I wouldn\'t be surprised if the lizardmen welcomed players with open arms after Tokil reports this information back to his people.

I look over to Thoznal and he has a contemplative look as well. The dwarves will probably open trade with the merchant and crafting players. We soon make it to the main gate into Zenith, I see guards and soldiers questioning people and going through their stuff. I bet these are people who lived in Zenith, but left when the war started. Most will find that their homes have been destroyed, we all line up in the short line and wait our turn as well. I look into the city and see constant construction, they are working hard to rebuild by the looks of it.

We quickly get to the front of the line and are questioned as well. Tokil and Thoznal had to answer more questions then I did, after a few minutes they let us pass. We enter and see a half ruined city, they other half is being rebuilt. I look towards the massive palace and see some damage to it as well. "I have to say it has been a pleasure traveling with you two, I learned so much and you can be sure the information is safe with me." We say our goodbyes to each other and they both head to the palace, either to talk to the king or whoever else is in charge.

I want to see if I can find Sam without asking Jackson first. I\'m guessing even the church has been destroyed so that isn\'t a place I can look. My best guess would be the people who take in the displaced, and since there are barely any buildings that leaves the farms. I\'ll have to ask around and see if there are any farmers still around, if there are then that is where I should question first. As Cera begins his search for Sam, said man is having a conversation with his brother.

I can understand taking in so many homeless, but we are going to run out of food fast. I love that my little brother has such a kind heart, but we cant help everyone. "Listen to me Oliver, sheltering and feeding the displaced is a good thing. I worry for your families health and lively hood though, if you keep giving away your food you wont have any left to sell to the city." Oliver is so much like mom and dad, that\'s why they gave him the farm after all. He has done such a great thing with it too, taken it way farther then anyone else in our family has.

I hear him sigh and feel him sit down near me. "Well what am I supposed to do Sam? I cant turn my back on these people, they already lost everything. It was you who taught me that those who have the means to help others should, and that\'s what I plan on doing." I\'m positive mom and dad would be proud of his principles and character, I wonder what they would think of the failure I have become. If only I listened and didn\'t read the book forbidden of the 7 thunders, I would do anything to get my sight back. Perhaps when the son meets me I can ask him to help, even though I was foolish and deserve this punishment. I still wish to see the light and people, not pitch darkness.

With the city in ruin many will come here, this is one of the only safe places after all. Hopefully the son finds his way here. I\'ll do my best to help him in any way I can, but I doubt there is much I can do without my sight. "Oliver can you bring me my walking stick. I want to unwind in the cool air of the night." I hear my little brother get up and walk away, soon he returns with the thumping of my walking stick. I\'ve had a hard time adjusting to walking, but I\'ve gotten better at it as of late. Hopefully one day I can walk without falling over, one day I\'ll land on something as stubborn as I am.

I get up with my walking stick in hand and feel my way to the door, once outside I can hear people talking to each other. Oliver helped set up make shift tents, everyone who isn\'t in the barn is outside in the tents. I eventually fine my way to the bricked road that leads to the viewing area, it was one of my favorite places to before my time in the Holy City. I can picture it my head like I just saw it, I wonder what has become of the beautiful landscape with the war. I spend a couple hours sitting here until I\'m interrupted by someone. "Are you Sam by any chance?" I hear a young mans voice, its one I\'m unfamiliar with. He walks over and stands beside me. "May I sit down?" I gesture for him to sit and he does, its nice to not be alone when all you see is darkness.

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