The Ancients World

Chapter 98: Events Galore

Chapter 98: Events Galore

{Mark any spelling errors please. From this chapter on wards I wont be responding to any past comments on chapters simply because there are to many. I\'ll talk only on the chapter currently released. I never expected to have so many people talking on the story. Thanks for reading everyone!!!}

As Cera sleeps through the warm night others are trying to do the same, one of these people is Saintess Lucy. The reports we are getting from all the kingdoms is proving to be a problem, and most new people have vanished. There are new reports of an entire continent coming into existence, and with the disappearance of the new people we can assume that they were sent there. Its unclear on what\'s happened and why, our best seers and researchers have no clues to what\'s going on. Alex has been dealing with absolute chaos from every ruler still aligned with the church, many have threatened to join the coalition if their needs aren\'t met. If I was in control we would all be working together, whether people liked it or not. However, I only have so much power. If this course continues then there will be a collapse of the current power base. I don\'t want the church to lose its standing in society, and this coalition is making it harder every passing day.

I toss and turn in my bed, thinking about my other failures now that my mind is on the subject. The search in Alsoma for any survivors turned up nothing, and I find it extremely infuriating that the fate of an entire country has been decided because of travel problems. We need a new way to cover long distances faster, the current teleportation grid doesn\'t hold up to standards in war. My stomach twists and turns at the reality the females face, and knowing death is a mercy makes it worse. Having such a fate isn\'t something that I want for my continent, if we cant stop the monsters they will eventually move onto other areas on Gaia. Their mages are obviously capable and powerful, and while not as numerous as our mages. They make up for it with mysterious dark magic, and that magic isn\'t something the church can predict or stop if fully unleashed.

In a few days the strike force will move to stop the summoning of one of the 14 sons. We don\'t know which one will be summoned, being an offspring of one of the 7 evil ones isn\'t good. The 7 evil ones had 2 children apiece. Hence the creation of the 14 sons, all of them are incredibly powerful. However, they are no match for their fathers. In the end they are pawns for their fathers own ends, but that doesn\'t stop the in fighting. A major reason another great war hasn\'t happened is because the 7 evil ones cant reunite. A true blessing for us, their own agendas and greed get in the way. Much history isn\'t recorded during that time, but we can assume certain things from the old documents. I should try and get some sleep, most of the problems are just beginning. As NPC\'s all over Ancients World do their things, the players are in chaos. One of these players being Xander.

I didn\'t think this is how the collision would happen. Since Jericho and I were together in the real world we appeared in the same place, but our families were away. Now that this has happened we don\'t have any way to find them or contact them. "I cant believe Angelus was crazy enough to do something like this! I condemn everything we built at J&X!" I cant stop my anger from flowing out, sometimes you just have to let it out. Jericho looks at me with a sympathetic face, it doesn\'t help that we are alone and isolated. We were in a secure location when the collision happened, and now that we are here. We have no way to contact anyone else, if only we knew that we wouldn\'t just appear in our towns. It was foolish of me to think that, Angelus would never do something so simple. We didn\'t create her to be simple.

My oldest and only friend now puts his hand on my shoulder. "We\'ll find them, we married smart women. Samantha is probably already with Brooklyn, they are inseparable after all. They will make sure everything is fine until we find them, however long that may be." Jericho is right about that, they would never let any harm come to the kids. "Sam and Brooke will more than likely stick with bigger crowds since they were in populate areas, we will have to search each crowd we come across." Looks like Jericho is already making plans. I need to get my mind out of the gutter and help him, we can accomplish anything together. While Jericho and Xander prepare and plan their next moves, 2 familiar NPC\'s are talking in the tent they are sharing. Creatureman is the first to start talking.

I look over to my brother and see the contemplating look on his face. After we defeated Clintock we took a break from fighting and travels. After a little bit, Gregory got into contact with us again. "So are you nervous about the upcoming strike? I know I am, I don\'t like the idea of possibly fighting one of the 14 sons. I still have all those treasures to spend after all, I\'m still surprised that Gregory let that go." King Gregory is a man that doesn\'t come by very often. I can see why he is considered one of the best kings to ever live. Its to bad that he wasn\'t the ruler of our shit country, Zelly wouldn\'t have had to deal with Clintock for so long.

Ghostzero sighs at my question, he must be as nervous as me. "Do you think that Lucy would go out with me if I asked her?" I have to regain my bearings after hearing him say that, we got to meet the Saintess when we made this campsite. We are closer to the summoning ritual at our current location. I get that she is extremely beautiful, but to think you have a chance with her is bold. "Well, what do you think Creatureman? I know that I\'m attractive, but not enough to draw her attention." Creatureman has always been smooth with the ladies, and his looks have helped. Saintess Lucy on the other hand isn\'t an average woman. She was literally blessed at birth by the Arch-Angel Uriel. She probably doesn\'t even think about a relationship.

I sigh and rub the top of my head as I lay it back down on the pillow. "I don\'t know Creatureman, Saintess Lucy seems the type to not care about love or romance. All I can say is I don\'t know enough about her to give you advice, I guess you could try. Don\'t be surprised if your shot down though." My words seem to give him a little hope, in the end the worst that can happen is a rejection. However a rejection from a beautiful woman such as Saintess Lucy will hurt very much. Women wonder why men have a hard time asking them out, and that\'s because the rejection of a pretty woman hurts a lot. We sit in silence for awhile. Sometimes the quiet is much better then talking about problems and life. Many players and NPC\'s alike are going to sleep right now, but there is a mother that is to worried to sleep.

I cant stop thinking about the worst for my son, Cera doesn\'t get into unnecessary trouble. My heart just cant stand the thought of him dead, and I know I\'m over reacting. A mother just cant help it, as I look out into the stars from the building we are taking shelter in I wonder if Cera is looking at the same night sky as me. "You know he\'s going to be fine. He is stronger than all of us, if anything he might be more worried about us." The sudden voice of my daughter startles me, I look over at her and I see that she is looking up at the stars to. "Cera is a man that knows exactly what to do and when to do it, his ability to do this is almost scary to me. I always wondered who he got that from, and the fact he knew about such good classes makes me worry about him." Hailey brings up great points, Cera has always had that gift. Getting some rest will do me good, but what Hailey said about him knowing about the classes as got me thinking. The night passes and morning comes, Cera is awoken up by the bright sun coming through the trees.

I rub my eyes as the sun beats down on my face, I don\'t know what time it exactly is. Best guess its around 7am. Nice and warm to, didn\'t have any problems sleeping last night and from the looks of it. All that\'s happened wasn\'t some dream, I stand up and stretch my body. It pops and cracks as I do some stretches, I look around and see birds flying around and making the morning racket. Today is a beautiful day, and one good for flying to. I walk out from under the tree and toggle my wings on with a thought, they instantly appear and spread out in a stretching motion. I never truly appreciated their size, each wing is probably 11 to 12 feet long fully spread. Makes their intimidation factor better. I flex them as I get ready to take off and I burst from the ground as wind rips by trees and bends them slightly. I\'m already at the clouds as I level out and slow down. I\'ll stay above the clouds to stay out of sight, now lets see if I can find anyone.

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