Young Master Damien's Pet

Chapter 234 - Elemental bearer- Part 1

The crystal-like woman answered, "I am the water bearer," What? thought Penny to herself, "I came in response to the awakening," it took her some time to realize what the person was speaking about.

"You are the element," she whispered. She shifted on the bed to have both her legs now hanging from the bed. When both Damien and Penny had visited Bathsheba,?the woman had run a ritual to see what element she belonged to as she was a white witch. With many who were left unaware of it, the white witches never knew what element they belonged to.

Water. Water was her element but who knew that a woman claiming herself to be a water bearer would appear in front of her. She had believed it was an ability that she possessed within herself.

"I am not," the woman spoke which left Penny confused, "I thought you belonged to the water element but now that I have met you, you don\'t have it in you," the lady spoke like a gentle breeze in the wind.

"I don\'t have it in me?"

"Yes, you don\'t," saying this, the lady started to walk towards the open patio of the room. She looked nothing less to an imaginary haunted phantom. Her footsteps leaving a trail behind her when Penny suddenly stopped her from stepping out.

"Please, wait!" She had questions to ask this person and with the black witch who wasn\'t in reach anymore, this person could help her, "Please, lady."

The lady stopped her steps and turned to look at her, statue-like while waiting for Penny to speak,

"You said you I am not a water element. Why did you come here then?" she asked with her eyebrows furrowed deep in question.

The lady stayed quiet for a few seconds like she was thinking and said, "I thought you were one. It is our bearers who have to come and provide the help that is necessary for the person who so seeks it. As you only acknowledged your ability, I thought you were one."

Yes, so she heard from this lady, thought Penny to herself, "One of the black witches told me that I was a water element."

"She read it wrong," answered the water bearer. When she moved, the clothes that were made of water like the rest of herself glittered due to the water droplets that hung on her, "It is usually the black witches who know what element a black witch is. They have all the materials that are required to run the acknowledgment," did that mean a white witch alone could not do it by herself? Pushing the thought away from her mind, Penny asked,

"Might you know what element I might belong to?" there was curiosity and eagerness in her eyes, waiting for the lady to answer who again stayed quiet. This time for a longer time than before.

"You might be the element of land," Penny wondered what an element of land could do but the lady was only guessing and not being definite, "You can be the element of wind or the element of fire," Penny\'s shoulders slumped down. It looked like the lady didn\'t know any better than her and was only giving her the options where the element of water didn\'t fall in it."

Once Damien would be back, she would have to ask him on this. The water bearer looked at the girl, her eyes crystal-like, she said, "I wouldn\'t have been brought to you if you weren\'t an elemental belonging to me. It is strange. Strange that it hasn\'t happened before. Try to have another acknowledgment. If you really belong to water than I shall return for you again," her voice barely audible and rather feeble.

Leaving no further more words to impart, the water bearer walked towards the patio. Penny couldn\'t help herself but follow the woman not knowing how she even came to get inside the room. She saw the lady step outside and when the raindrops hit her, the lady disappeared as if becoming one with the rain.

The rain continued to fall down, removing the fact that a lady had appeared in front of her claiming to be a water bearer. Did Bathsheba get the reading wrong? It was a possibility. After all, didn\'t she just drown in the sea right here outside?

So odd to think that there were things or entities that existed on these lands. If the elemental beares existed, that would mean only the white witches were aware of it and not all of them just some who went through the ritual to find out which triggered the bearer to come seeking them.

There was more to being a white witch than being burnt in the middle of the villages and towns, to be used more than a sacrifice by the humans in the name of protecting themselves. She wanted to learn more about what it meant to be a white witch and Damien had something about fixing up a meeting with the church priest in secret so that she could ask what she wanted to learn and what she could from here.

To tell she wasn\'t excited would be an understatement but everything came with a price. As unique as the white witches were, their life often hung by a delicate thread that could be cut at any point.

Walking to the dressing room, she looked at herself where the bruises had only come to become more evident since yesterday. Black and blue markings on the left side of her skin. Curious about her back, Penny undressed. Removing the cloth that Damien had wrapped around her body which took time before she caught the red spots that became only more evident as she removed it completely.

Turning her back and pushing her hair over her shoulder she looked at herself in the mirror, her back that had similar skin discoloration along with the wound which had only begun to heal.

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