
Chapter 56 - The Silencer Series

"But he–"

"Be quiet" Lu Feng cut her off with a side long glance.

"I know you." that was the only thing he said before ignoring her totally.

Janeane could only pout, feeling aggrieved at his second words.

David felt immense pressure as if he had been locked into by a beast! He felt that as long as he said the word \'No\' the beast would lose its patience and attack quite abruptly.

Lowering his head, his long fringe covered his eyes slightly, preventing them from been seen.

Dav seem to be thinking of something and only after staying silent for a while did he say,

"And what if I say no?" Dav seemed to smirk. Lu Feng\'s gaze sharpened and the air seem to get colder by several degrees. Janeane\'s teary face seem to smile by this development.

"Action and reaction are both interwoven. I advice you, the consequences would be severe." Lu feng said towards David with an indifferent gaze.

\'What nonsense is this guy spouting?\' Dav muttered under his breath.

"What a joke. You came here, blocking my way in the middle of the street, spouting nonsense about whatnot. Who the hell do you think you are?" Dav said in a sleepy tone, even had a slight smile on his face but the words he had spoken were surprisingly forceful as his droopy eyes locked gazes with the blue ones.

Dav didn\'t hold back with his tone as he knew that aside from a few small pranks, there were not much harm Lu Feng could perform. And who knows what would happen if he really sent a Forced Duel to him, he obviously wouldn\'t stop at just one punch he might just cripple him.

In the institute, they greatly place emphasis on their rules and laws and as there were many surveillance instruments placed at every corner of the massive island, there was never a chance for anyone to break the rules.

Although the Institute allows injuring and even killing of fellow students, that was under the premises that one of them had Forced Duel the other. But if that wasn\'t the case, the institute would immediately rusticate both students involved in the fight as long as both of them are injured regless of whose fault it was.

But if it were a one sized battle, there were a few changes that would be made to the punishment that would match a better Verdict.

Dav knew this, and that was what gave him the extra courage to not compromise. Well, he might also not be clearly aware of his words as the former David would at least compromise.

Extreme excitement shone on Janeane\'s face as she observed the deteriorating situation and without missing a beat, she pointed,

"Big bro, can you see how arrogant he is. I only requested for him to lend me his position for a while, but he said I had to battle him for it. As I had no choice in the matter, I had to send him a Forced Battle mail but I didn\'t expect him to be so shameless as to sneak attack a lady–"

"That\'s enough!" Cutting her off once again, Lu Feng gave her a glare this time.

"Just because you are in a protected state, you believe I can\'t do nothing to you?" as he said those words, he lifted his hands. Within his fingers, there was a fine blue cube the size of a few inches. It was a bit transparent as one could occasionally see a few streaks of electricity flowing through them. Even with the slight bright street illuminators, the streak of Blue electricity flashing was still visible

The instant Dav saw the cube, his heart thumped loudly in his chest. Technology is every man\'s romance. With the little time he had, he had gone through some of the few basic and low level techs available in the institute.

He finally got the reason his bodily instincts was screaming danger despite his favorable situation. It was because Lu Feng had one if the gadgets in the Silencer series with him.

A lowes level in the Silencer Series, Particularly the F1-B4U Cubic EMP is a type of gadget which is grouped into the Silencer Series of Contraptions. The Contraption wasn\'t at all harmful but the only uses was that, it could silently silence any operating device available within the 100 meter radius for 30 seconds. Cutting off its ability to send and receive data via myriads of waves or rays. It is a specifically low grade silencing contraptions judging from its first few characters \'F1\'

In the institute, there are a few special gadgets things that could counter or tamper with the equipments of the institute. This gadgets are not necessary sold within the institute nor by the institute but they were still also being sold in the institute.

In every Institute, there exists various underground factions or like the average person would like to call it, Cults.

This cultists are a very secretive group of people that were formed within the institute. As the security and surveillance within the institute were rather tight, the members weren\'t even allowed to interact with themselves.

They could only recognized themselves through a few secret gestures, actions, by the style of clothes they put on, or by their hairstyle and even by the type of music they listen to.

The institute were rather aware of them, there were countless measures the higher echelon of the institute could take to get rid of such organization but the institute chose to tolerate them. The reason, \'What is the use of a good cop without a bad one. There must be balance.\'

Although this had caused the rate of killings within the institute to soar because of the Cult Wars that happened from time to time causing a few geniuses to perish, it wasn\'t anything to serious as it was a situation salvageable by the Institute. If the situation got worse, the Institute send in a few powerhouses to clean them up.

Meaning to massacre 60 of the members in various Cults before finally leaving, that was one of the disadvantages of joining a Cult group. Also, one would stop receiving the full support of the institute, which means, the resources that would normally be given to a students would not be exceptionally given to a cultists member. That is also one of the disadvantages.

But the advantages are quite good and the benefits are numerous. The F1-B4U Cubic EMP normally could be bought within the Institute as it was a necessary device for those who venture out on a mission to the outer world. It normally would cost 1000 Gyno Points when bought through the system available by the institute.

But within the Black market protected by several Cults, it only cost half the price, 500 Gyno Points. From this, one could see the advantages and temptations of joining a Cult. Everything within the Black market cost half the price unless one gets scammed, that was the punishment for being truly ignorant.

Seeing the cube, only one word desperately came into Dav\'s mind,

\'FUCK! \'

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