
Chapter 581 The King

David\'s face loosened and he let out a slight smile. But then nodded to Alexander in greeting.

Alexander\'s face suddenly darkened. "Your mate? This is your mate?" his tone sounding almost repulsed.

Persephone\'s eyes narrowed to a slit and her energy waves seem to want to rupture. "Is there a problem Alexander?"

Alexanders clenched his teeth his eyes blazing as he shook his head and bowed."No, not a problem princess."

Persephone\'s eyes remained narrowed on Alexander until David pulled her lightly towards him, kissing her green hair did she released her glare. "Good, cause I want you to assist David with the poison within his body-"

Suddenly her countenance changed and her aura exploded as she growled. "You summoned father!?"

Alexander immediately lowered his head at Persephone\'s anger. The Princess was truly angry this time and he knew it was best to remain silent.

"You didn\'t think if I wanted my father here, I would have called him myself."

"Princess, I\'m the captain of the guardband it\'s my responsibility to inform his highness now that you\'ve seen your... Mate." His pause before saying the word mate made David\'s teeth clench.

The young man was certainly looking down on him. But he couldn\'t say he blamed him either. At such a young age, he was already a demigod. Such talent is something that could never be found within the lower realm.

Persephone was about to reprimand Alexander when she suddenly raised her head up to the sky.

Alexander also did the same as well as David. Up in the sky, a man steps gradually walked towards them like there was an invincible platform supporting him from falling to the ground.Â

Step by step, he walked to the team of three.

"Your Highness." Alexander immediately bowed, lowering his head to the ground.

"Your Highness." Persephone tilted her head slightly as she also bowed.

Having no choice, David tilted his head and bowed slightly.Â

The man gave off no energy wave at all, and he looked as though he was just an ordinary man, but the fact that he was floating proved that he wasn\'t close to being ordinary.

"What is it, young princess? Are you not happy to see me?" The man smiled as he gazed at Persephone.Â

Persephone grinned. "Of course I\'m happy to see you father. But your timing was just wrong."Â

She then turned towards Alexander, glaring at him. "I wanted to come surprise you in a few weeks, but I didn\'t expect for him to have called you here."

"Now now young princess, Alexander was just happy for you to have met with your mate, he couldn\'t wait to inform me." The man softly smiled and then turned towards David.Â

Immediately, David felt his body turn cold and he was unable to move even a single muscle. It was like he had been kept a prisoner within his own body.Â

\'What is this!?\' David was starting to panic and his eyes turned fiery as he gazed at the Persephone father.Â

"That is the power of a False God." Hazel\'s whispers resounded within his head.Â

David\'s eyes widened ever so slightly. \'He is a False God?\'

\'I\'m uncertain, but if he isn\'t within the realm of False God, he is very much close. Don\'t struggle, save your strength for what is coming next.\' as soon as she said this, she immediately went back into hiding.Â

"So this is the mate you\'ve told me so much about?" The man turned towards David with a smile and then towards Persephone.Â

Persephone turned towards David and nodded. "Yes father, he\'s the one i chose."

"You know there are still mates out there within other planets you might find more suitable."

"I\'m not changing my father, I\'ve chosen him."

The man\'s eyebrows rose slightly. "Has he marked you yet then?"

"Father! This isn\'t something we should be discussing! Especially not with you and before Alexander! " Persephone complained as she stamped her legs like a spoilt girl.Â

David remained still, almost as though he didn\'t want to say anything. But it was that he didn\'t, it was because he couldn\'t. His muscles seemed to have been locked down by some sort of sealed and hidden power he couldn\'t recognise.Â

He wasn\'t even able to sense the power not to mention recognise it. Although the power seemed a little. familiar with him, almost, almost similar to the negligible law of space he had learnt.

"Father, this is David, My mate. And David, this is my father. Although a king and old, he still thinks he\'s young for his age." Persephone chuckled while her father smiled.Â

"David right? You must have had an intense battle with a demigod to sustain such an injury. I must say, clashing with a demigod with this strength is truly impressive. You are lucky you aren\'t dead yet."Â

"I thank your highness for his praise." David responded with a smile.

The King was slightly surprised by this. He didn\'t think David would be able to even speak during his condition. He shook his head and then turned towards Persephone.Â

"Your mother is expecting you on the ship, there are serious matters your mother would like to discuss with you."

Persephone frowned. "Mother is here?"

"Yes, your mother is here. I didn\'t want to bring her along, but you know how persuasive your mother can be."

"But you shouldn\'t have brought her father. You are weak to women. Hmph!" Persephone snorted.Â

"At least let me say farewell to my mate." she asked.Â

The king nodded his head. "Go on, but let it be brief. If she doesn\'t see you soon, she might just come to look for you."

"You can\'t scare me, father."With his permission, she grabbed David and they walked for quite a distance before stopping.Â

David\'s jaws were tightly clenched. It was as though he was pained for her to go. But the fact was that he was under an excruciating amount of pressure. He had struggled to walk with Persephone, but only he knew just how much strength it took him.

"You just got here and you are leaving." After a while of silence, David spoke up.

"It is not by choice, I promise." The princess took him by the hand.Â

"This is the second time you leave me, you know that right?" David said with a slightly clenched fist.Â

"The first time, I just wanted to protect you. If my father\'s enemies or anyone else knew you were my mate back then, they would have killed you."

"What about now?" David tilted his head and asked.Â

Persephone smiled, caressing his hand. "That\'s what I came here for. And now that I know you can protect yourself, I\'m not too worried."

"What do you mean I can defend myself? The boy captain is a demigod while your father is most likely a False God, if your enemies wanted or get rid of me, I\'m pretty sure I wouldn\'t be able to protect my self." David grumbled.Â

"Don\'t lie to me David. I know what you can do now. You\'ve been inside me and I know you now, the real you. I might not be sure of anything else in my life, but this I know, you are not a weakling David. You are the protagonist, not the side character and never would be. You have survived through worse and if you survive through this peril, this world shall hear of your name and you will become a legend within this realm." Persephone\'s eyes had turned entirely white as she said this and suddenly, they turned violet back.Â

David\'s pupils constricted slightly. But he laughed it off. "Are you some kind of seer now Persephone?"

"Maybe."Persephone wrapped her arms around his neck and kisses him gently on the lips.Â

David kisses her back, deeply. "I think your guard captain would most likely have bored a hole through my head from his staring."

"Never mind him. He\'s ambitious. It saddens him he isn\'t in your position." Persephone chuckled.Â

David drew back, a little surprised. "You are very straight forward, mate."

"Is it not to your liking? Even if it\'s not, you have no choice now. Although reluctant, I have to go now. My mother isn\'t someone you\'d want to meet." The princess sighed as she withdrew her hands.Â

"Why? Is she also like you? Straightforward." David asked.Â

The Princess giggled, but she didn\'t argue nor testify. Giving him another peck, she tapped her led to the ground and numerous after images lingered as she vanished.Â

The king stared at David and suddenly began walking towards him. "Leave us."

"Yes, your highness." The young man swing his blade and a tear appeared in space as he walked in with the spatial tear closing behind him.Â

David\'s pupils constricted. Alexander\'s comprehension of the space law was being anything he had ever seen. Apart from teleporting short distances, David has no idea what to do with his low comprehension of space law.Â

The king stopped just a few centimetres away from David. And gazed at him in the eye.Â

"Server the mate connection you have with her. Seeing as you haven\'t marked her, she won\'t die." His voice was normal, as though he was saying something casual.Â

David couldn\'t move, but his eyes revealed the defiance within them.

"I\'m amazed by you, to say the least, but you are not the king I want on my throne once I\'m dead."

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