Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 272 - Pouting

Chapter 272 – Pouting

Fan Xui silently peered at the ground. Secretly to invisible eyes, his powers were spreading through the ground searching for those hidden from sight.

At the moment he could spot at least ten people but he was not sure if someone else was hiding as well.

The person who shot him with the tranquilizer was not a novice by any means. That person was shooting from a place that even he could not track down.

\'This is getting interesting… I\'ll just deal with the fleas that I can sense..\' he silently glanced up at the sky.

His powers were slightly different. He can not only create electricity from his own body, he can also control the natural elements of it.

The powerful lightening…

The clear sky above him turned grey in an instant.

"What are you doing? Are you doing this?"

"Yep," Fan Xui raised his hands and ten lightning bolts flashed down from the clouds.

The kidnappers did not even get a second chance to run. Everyone was shot down.

Fan Xui calmed looked at the charred body in front of him. The stinky smell of burned meat wafted into his nose. "Really stinky…"

{\'you… don\'t ever show this side of you to Yue! Ever!\'}

"Why? It\'s not that bad."

{"You look like a psychopath! Yue will start to fear me,, so don\'t…"}


{"Now give me back my body,"}

"Not yet…" Fan Xui glanced back at a particular spot. He could not feel any presence in there but there was a weird feeling of danger coming from that direction.

He waited for a bit. The person did not act out or try to hurt him.

"I\'ll spare you today just because I\'m not in the mood. I only get limited time you see. I don\'t wish to waste it on scoundrels like you. I\'d rather spend it with my Yue," he coldly glared in that direction.

The bush trembled slightly.

"Better not cross my path again. I will burn you to a crisp," humming softly he walked away.

Yue was sliding down his back slightly. He put his hands on his thighs and carefully held him on his back.

His warm body really made him tingle.

{"Don\'t even think about it…"}

"Think about what. You know he likes me too."

{"That\'s why…. don\'t start anything that you can\'t end."}

Fan Xui blatantly ignored him and walked over to the barrack. Going home with Yue in this condition will only worry his family.

Instead, he chose to go back to the barrack and rest in his assigned room.

While entering the gate, the two soldiers looked at him hesitantly. "Is everything okay sir?"

Fan Xui glared at him. "I told you to call for Hary… Is this how you do your job?."

"sir.. he is a general. We can\'t summon him for trivial things.. It\'s detrimental.."

Fan Xui sighed. "Yeah you\'ve got a point. But fucking follow orders the next time I tell you to," he glared at them both and walked in.

Many people gazed his way. He silently walked over to his room and placed Yue on his bed.

His little lover rolled over to his side with his mouth slightly open. "how cute. Who can resist this beauty?"

{"lay a hand on him and I will.. I will.."}

"You can\'t do anything little Fan." Fan Xui placed a hand on his cheeks and watched Yue sleep peacefully. "I don\'t know how you met him.. but I met him ten years into the apocalypse. He was dressed up like a beggar with a huge scar on his face. it was really realistic… but those eyes.. They can\'t hide their shine.."

He gently touched his eyelashes.

"The way he looked at me stole my soul…. But I kept denying my the feeling. Every day he ran after me looking at me from afar. It shook my resolve…".

"Little by little I started to anticipate his visits."


"He was so cute.. He would jot down everything about me in his small notebook." He pulled the sheet over his body, tucking him in. "he used to wear a loose-fitting shirt and a puffer coat with a lot of holes in it.. He yawned all the time. Sometimes I wondered \'does this guy even eat or sleep\'. Half the time I met him he was either stalking me or running from me… i never saw him eating…"

The other Fan Xui was really silent. He did not know if he was listening or not.

He gently kissed Yue\'s cheeks.

"For the first time I braced my heart and send him some bread…. but…. but it was all too late…"

Fan Xui\'s heart started to ache sharply. He climbed into the bed and hugged Yue close to his body.

{"What happened?"}


{"What happened to Yue…"}

"He … he went missing. By the time I realized it.. he was gone…." his eyes started to tear up slightly. "I didn\'t even know… I didn\'t know. I should have protected him well. I should have approached him when I could and given him that bread myself. I should have done something…"

"Instead I just sat there in my office waiting for him to appear.."

He gently held Yue\'s hand and kissed his scrapped knuckles. "Younger Fan, learn from my past. Never let go of this precious hand,"

After saying this, future Fan Xui disappeared leaving the control of his body back to Fan Xui.

Fan Xui sighed loudly. Things were complicated. This guy from the future held strong feelings of guilt and love for Yue.

He gently wiped the spots that guy kissed him and kissed him right there, as if to hide his traces.

"I don\'t want to share…."

Yue sighed softly in his sleep.

He sat up and started to change Yue\'s clothes. His shirt was definitely stained with blood and his pant leg was torn below his knees.

As he was removing his pant, he noticed a small pink spot on his calf.

"Did they administer the drug here.. Wait I still don\'t know what that fucking drug is," he shot up in shock.

Yue seemed like he was sleeping peacefully but for all he knew that drug could have been a potent poison.

He kissed Yue once more and rushed out of his room to the infirmary.

The doctor there was tea sitting in the corner of the room tiredly drinking

"Help!" he rushed to him and handed the vial of the drug. "\' tell me what this is?"

The doctor was perplexed by his sudden shout. "ah.. wait a bit. The label says it\'s Ketamine. It\'s just anesthesia… do you have more of this? Some patients need it,"

"I don\'t have more, but you can have this. Does it have any side effects? When will the person wake up?"

"Depends on the dosage…."

That was a vague answer but now he knew that the drug was not anything dangerous.

Fan Xui returned to his room and silently sat by his bedside wiping his hand and cheeks clean.

The doctor said that he will regain consciousness in a while.

Now all he had to do was wait.

{"Can I spend some time with him,"} the future Fan Xui softly whispered in his mind.

"I can take care of him well.. Don\'t worry,"

{"You are really possessive aren\'t you. Well, what can I hope for? You are me and I am you. we are but the same,"}

"No. I am different." Fan Xui pouted slightly.

There was a soft knock to the door.

{"Must be that silly Qian. Hey tolerate him. He might be a nuisance but he means well,"}

"He is MY friend, I know how to deal with him.. Geez" Fan growled and walked over to the door. It was indeed Qian standing out there.

Seeing him, his mind became a jumbled-up mess. First of all, future Fan Xui loved Yue and next, he cared for his friend.

He did not know how to feel about that.

\'Is it jealousy… fuck I hate this burning feeling in the bottom of my stomach,\' he gently massaged his stomach.

"You hungry? Did you eat? How\'s Yue? Someone spotted you carrying him in. Is everything okay," Qian peered over his shoulders at the bed.

Fan Xui stood on his path. "Qian, tell the truth. Do you prefer me or the future Fan Xui?"

"eh, what is this now? Why are you asking silly questions?" Qian raised a brow. "ummm weird. I\'ve never seen that expression on your face before. It\'s almost like you\'re… pouting.. Fan! Are you pouting?!"

Fan Xui wordlessly closed the door.

"Pouting?, why would I pout.." he ran to the bathroom nearby and glanced at his reflection. His lips were indeed pursed and his eyebrows were scrunched up.

{"ah so you do know how to pout.. tsk tsk little Fan, your learning how to express yourself in a cute manner.. haha…"}

  Fan Xui scoffed. "I don\'t pout… it\'s just.. My lips are dry so I was pursing it.." he licked his lisp vigorously. "see it\'s all moist now."

He walked out f the bathroom to the bed. He hopped in without making much sound and hugged Yue to his body.

"Pouting my ass. Why would I be pouting? Tell me Yue, why should I pout? I admit I do get jealous about the other guy but… I can\'t help it. he is…."

{\'Better than you,"}

"Shut up," he closed his eyes tightly, nuzzling into Yue\'s soft hair.

{"aw don\'t worry little Fan, when you are my age you will also become a better version of yourself,"}

Fan Xui gritted his teeth. Listening to this guy boast about himself felt annoying to the core. \'Can\'t I block him?\'

That guy was in his mind after all. If he tried his best, he could block him.

He closed his eyes and concentrated hard..

Unknowingly, he fell asleep.

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