Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 332 332 - Hopelessness

"How do you want to deal with this? Are you going to zap them or grenade?" Yue took out the grenades from his bag. There were only a five of the grenades left with him.

He looked up at his husband.

Fan mouthed that he was going to try to clear a path. He stood up but Yue immediately pulled him down.

"don\'t waste your energy. We might need to seal the wall after getting out of this crowd. We\'ll use the grenades," he unclipped four of them and directly tossed them closely. Hugging his husband, they both hung from the other sides of the wall away from the explosion. the wall acted as a barrier protecting them from the brunt of the grenades

A huge tremor was felt. The wall shook unsteadily.

​ "it won\'t collapse right?" fearfully Yue looked up at Fan. If this thing collapsed, they would fall directly on top of zombies and become their afternoon meal.

Fan grabbed his wrist. "I won\'t let anything happen to us, come on," they both jumped down in the gap that was created by the grenades.

Fan instantly started to zap a few of them that it close. His electric power seemed slightly weaker than before.

Yue came to his rescue. With his sword, he sliced the ability zombies that were getting close to them. He stood back-to-back with Fan battling them.

Little by little they gained inches towards the gap in the wall.

The zombies out there were all ability zombies and most of them had advanced up at least a few levels. Some fire ability zombies and air zombies were attacking them with their elements. The wind knives targeted their neck while the fire made sure that they were not getting anywhere closer to the hole in the wall.

The situation was getting much more perilous. Zou Yue tightly gripped his sword. The baby he had tied to his chest was sniffling slightly. Her small fists hit his chest as she was coming out of her food coma. \'shit we need to get this done with before this kid starts to wail….\'

He glanced up at Fan. He mouthed that he was going to use a different attack and told him to duck.

Yue nodded and ducked, hugging his husband\'s waist.

All of a sudden, a small chilling feeling spread on his back. He subtly glanced up. a huge layer of misshapen ice had formed around them.

The thick ice had formed into huge spears stabbing the zombies nearby. It gave them a small amount of time to rest and recoup. Yue checked his stats. He was out of bullets. Only had about one grenade. it was not enough to take them all the way over to the wall.

Fan suddenly grabbed his hand. "I will lift you up. just use the ice to run to the hole," he shouted, making sure to move his mouth very well.

His little Yue was still a little deaf. Without Peng Peng\'s ability, he was not able to hear properly. Fan had to make sure his lover heard him.

Yue squeezed his hand slightly.

Fan Xui lifted him up in his arms and climbed on top of the misshapen ice shard. He started to form an ice bridge as he ran. This ice bridge was so that they can stay off the ground.

The ability zombies had become much more powerful and smarter. A few of them had joined together and were starting to melt the ice bridge ahead of him.

"shit," Fan cussed under his breath. "hold on," he tightly grabbed onto Yue\'s waist as the bridge toppled down.

They were thrown off by the force. Fan Xui hugged his lover tighter making sure no harm came to him. the baby in between them made it slightly hard for him as he also had to make sure he did not squeeze too tightly.

A small leg kicked in his chest.

He peered down. The baby was wide awake looking up at him whist licking her hand.

Yue removed her hand and tucked it into the cloth he had tied around his chest.

By then the zombies had surrounded them again.

Fan Xui gritted his teeth. His powers were on the low side now. He would not be able to deal with so many of them. Even Yue was panting. His delicate forehead was filled with small sweat droplets.

"I\'ll try to make a path. Lets make a run for it," Yue tossed the last grenade he had with him to make a bit of space for them. Eh started to slice and stab anything that came close.

The ability zombies hit him with rocks and fire. The protective suit made sure he was unharmed, but even so he could feel the heat on his face. he shielded the baby\'s face with one hand.

All of a sudden there were a lot of vibrations on the ground. A huge six-foot zombie rushed to them. It was a man. At least it used to be old before all this shit. Half of its body was rotten and half of it was made out of metal.

It got close so fast.

Yue immediately sliced his sword to its neck. It hit it right there but it did not slice through. Instead, a small ting sound came out.

His sword instantly broke in half.

Fan rushed to his rescue. He grabbed onto the metal hand of that zombie and let out a huge electric charge out of his body.

Instantly the whole body of the zombie started to melt.

Yue grabbed the tired Fan and rushed to the wall.

The situation was hopeless though.

The zombies surrounded them everywhere.

they had no bullets, no grenades…. and their powers were running low.

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