Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 266

Chapter 266: 266

*vibrate* *vibrate*

*vibrate* *vibrate*



I woke up from the alarm and I turned it off when I sat upright. It was 3:30 AM and I radioed to everyone that would be coming with me to see if they’re awake already. We would be leaving by 5:00 AM and I’m making a check with what everyone has brought in case they might have missed something. Kaley rolled over to the side and I saw her slowly stretching her body before rising up. Jared was the last one to respond from my radio call while Nikolas was already outside since he woke up much earlier than us.

I heard the door from the other room opening and I heard Tatiana knocking.

“Yeah?” I responded.

“I’ll be ready in five. I’m gonna take a quick shower.” she said.

“Okay~ We’ll make use of that~” Kaley answered for me and she made a short giggle.

Tatiana started to chuckle from the other side and I could hear Micah and even Rin is up. I think Rin is gonna come send us off in the camp.

“What would you make use of?” I looked at her.

“Let’s do another quick one? You down there is already up. Hmm?” Kaley said while wrapping her arms around me.

It was a quick and pleasurable couple of minutes and we cleaned ourselves up and we all assembled below. My aunt is awake and she prepared a meal for us and a takeout bag for noon. Jude was also there with us and he sat down in a chair while his bag was on top of the table.

“Those who are already finished eating, tell me all the things you’ve brought and where you placed them. I want you to be able to pull them out at a moment’s notice without any trouble.” I said to everyone present.

While I’m checking if they’ve brought everything I told them to, I saw Oscar, Matthew, Johnny, and Rod coming to our direction.

“You’re early kid.” Oscar said.

“You guys are too.” I replied.

“Well we didn’t drink too hard. I’d be in charge of this place while you’re away, so, you know.” Oscar replied.

“Coffee?” My aunt asked them.

“Black for me please.” Matthew said.

“Me too.” Johnny added.

“I’ll have whatever, thanks.” Oscar answered.

“No sugar for me.” Rod answered.

They were also served their own food and we’re double-checking everything and making sure everything is accounted for.

I tried to ask Jude if he wanted an upgrade but he chose to stick with his .22 AR. However, I succeeded in giving him a Glock 19 for backup. I didn’t have the time to place a suppressor on Nikolas’ AK but I made him use my own that already has one. It is an all-black AK-47 and it has several more add-ons than his previous one aside from the suppressor. It uses 40-round magazines, has a folding stock, a laser sight, and a sling. Tatiana would still be using her Benelli M4 though she switched her FN Five Seven for the same Glock I gave to Jude. Jared still brought what he’s currently using and never made changes. I didn’t notice Oscar leaving for a short moment but I saw him approaching me with another gun.

“Kid. Bring this with you.” Oscar said as he reached his hand out holding a 590 Shockwave SPS.

“What? Ew.” I replied as everyone listening choked.


“That would just add extra weight!” I retorted.

“BUT IT’S A F.U.C.K.I.N.G SHOCKWAVE!!!” he growled.

“But it’s a f.u.c.k.i.n.g shotgun!!!” I shouted.

“bUt It’S a fUcKiNg sHOtGuN~ JUST F.U.C.K.I.N.G BRING IT WITH YOU!!!” he doesn’t have anything to reply back so he’s distorting his voice.

“Give me a f.u.c.k.i.n.g reason why that would f.u.c.k.i.n.g help me! I’d have to bring more shells aside from the five already on that side shellholder!” I avoided his reaching hand.


“I did say shellholder didn’t I?!” I retorted.


“I don’t need ten rounds of birdshot!” I went for the kill.

“AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!” Oscar started to lose it.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!!!” his three buddies started to die laughing.

“Hey! You two are waking the others still sleeping!” my aunt shouted at us while glaring hard.

“Kid! Just f.u.c.k.i.n.g bring it! You’re using the bag I gave you so it fits snugly on that strap on the side!” Oscar lowered his voice but he’s still breathing heavily.

“Oh yeah, he gave me this bag…” I thought to myself.

“Fine… it’s another 6+ pounds old man. I’d only use this thing if I ever ran out of bullets.” I replied.

“Bah! Sure, whatever. Bringing that would give me a peace of mind. Bring me a souvenir when you get back you little shit.” Oscar said, chuckling.

We finally finished everything we needed to do and we’ve said our goodbyes to a few people that woke up from our squabble. We were driven by my uncle towards the DDR Camp and the soldiers over there are already awake and just simply waiting for us. Avalos and Honassan went into the SuperCobra and my team went into the S-76. Surprisingly, Micah was the one about to pilot the S-76 and she chuckled at my expression.

“You think I’m just a pretty face here? I know things too~” Micah said, smiling.

“Hah! You got me there, I want to pilot this thing though, is that okay?” I asked.

“You know how to fly it too?” Micah was surprised.

“Oh, they haven’t told you yet? He knows everything, he’s crazy.” Kaley was chuckling.

“Interesting~ I’ll give you pointers though.” Micah replied.

“Kid, if you reveal more cards, I’d f.u.c.k.i.n.g kidnap you and send you to my city, HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Rod started to laugh.

“Do you even know where we’re headed bro? Manila is a huge place.” Jared chimed.

“I know, it’s in the City Hall, right?” I looked back at Rod and he nodded.

“That coffin looking son of a bitch.” Rod added.

“It really does but I remember it representing a shield from the templars historically.” I replied.

We all went inside and I was in the pilot’s seat. Flying a helicopter is a few notches higher in difficulty than simply driving a car. You’d have to be in complete attention towards it or else things would be more than bad. I have the cyclic and the collective in either hand and my feet are on the pedals that allow the helicopter to move in either direction on its horizontal axis.

I started the basic things you needed to do for a takeoff and we’re on the part where I needed to make the amount of lift produced by the rotor exceed the total weight of the helicopter including our baggage. I immediately felt the cyclic becoming sensitive as the S-76 leaves the ground. I gripped the cyclic and I nudged it forward.

It’s several kilometers towards the City of Manila and it would take several hours to reach that place by a land vehicle, not to mention the bloody figures now occupying the streets. The time it would take with our helicopter will reduce that several hours by several times. I’m paying attention to the controls and the people with me are chatting casually on the radio.

Roque is discussing some of his ideas with the president while I tasked Jared and the rest of my people to take footage of the road beneath so we’ll have a rough idea of the situation below. We would still be traversing the places we’re scanning albeit roughly so a little bit of scouting wouldn’t hurt. I’d sometimes make unnecessary turns to make full use of our time inside this helicopter.

“We’re almost there.” I said through the communication radio of the helicopter.

We could see everything from below and I don’t f.u.c.k.i.n.g like what I’m seeing.

Don’t get me wrong, Manila is one of the best cities in our region even before this thing started but despite its beauty, there’s always that dark side people would always hide under the rug. This city’s mayor did its best to clean up this city but there’s still the huge problem coming from the depressed areas. The ‘coffin’ shaped City Hall is still standing with the 100-foot clocktower inside it. It mostly has that same dirty yellow paint it has with a few red details to make the color pop out.

The thing I’m hating about it is aside from the multitude of hammered makeshift houses just outside of it, the security of the outside is shit. The amount of people trying to get inside is staggering, so they decided to camp outside to make the people living inside have more problems. The vehicles trying to drive outside are getting crowded by people trying to get a handout. When we’re still hovering above, I could see a ton more of f.u.c.k.i.n.g problems that would make my head itch like a head full of dandruff on a sunny day.

“F.u.c.k me. It’s worse than what he said the situation here is.” Rod said.

“It could be worse in the inside, we never know.” Roque added.

“Hmm, people are always the problem.” I replied.

“Want me to drop a grenade in there? We’re fairly high, I wanted to use the M197 from that attack helicopter but it’s yours now.” Rod said.

“Mr. President?!” Roque was shocked.

“Hmm, how about a molotov though? The fire would spread and we’d need to only use one. Those materials that they used would caught fire easily.” I replied.

“WHAT?! ARE YOU TWO LISTENING TO YOURSELVES?!” Roque is losing his shit.

It took a few moments of silence before Rod and I started to laugh hysterically.


My people are still struggling to get used with my sense of humor so much more the people that has only heard us a few times. I even saw the SuperCobra and the Cargo Helicopter swaying abruptly just before we spoke to each other.

“Hah! We’re kidding of course! Oh! Is that Iskoh over there?” Rod said after glancing at the window.

“That’s him? Want me to do an entrance?” I asked.

“What entrance? Wait, when did you have that tattoo on your neck? Ranger?” Roque was confused.

“Hmm?” Everyone suddenly looked at my neck. It’s a fake tattoo with the words ‘RANGER’ written on it with lightning bolts and a dagger forming a cool spread.

“I’M A RANGER BABY~!!!” I shouted at the top of my lungs as I veered hard right.

“BROOOOOOOOOO~!!! NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN~!!!” Jared exclaimed and held tight to anything he could.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!” everyone inside shrieked.

Then chaos ensued.

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