Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 981 Rest Day Before Going Home

Chapter 981 Rest Day Before Going Home

In any case, I was tucking them in right before everyone else started waking up, but Nancy was about to run for the kitchen when she discovered what time it was.

"Oh, no~! It\'s already late! It\'s already 6:00—"

Megan and Alexa exclaimed, "PM?!"

"Huh? AM! I always wake up at 4:00 AM! The Madam\'s gonna punish me—"

Edith chuckled as she waved her off, "Don\'t worry, she\'ll understand," then she turned to me, "You guys just came from the shower, right? Were you just done—"

I nodded embarrassedly but as Megan and Alexa continued to sleep, Tatiana was actually still awake and answered for me:

"Correct! You guys missed out but means more for us… Why are my eyes so heavy… Zzz…"

Edith chuckled once again as she turned to me with a more serious expression, "Hey… We\'re leaving tomorrow, right?"

"Is there a problem?"

"A little…"

"What can I do?"

"Alright… You guys came from a ship of sorts, right?"


"And how long did it take to reach Mr. Cuervo\'s— no, if we start here, drop by your old school, the Academy(?), drive to Quinn\'s place, back to Mr. Cuervo\'s, and then your place… How long would it take? And do you have any other things to do before going back? I heard that part of your group drove the opposite side to find another one like Kuzma… I\'m just worried about the travel time because it\'ll be bad for the bees if locked up for too long."

I slowly had the realization, "Right… That\'s an issue…"

"You see, if traveling long distances, it would be much better to just buy a new nuc and start over but we can\'t do that anymore—"

"I guess we have to leave you here—"

"W-What?!" Edith looked like she was about to cry.

I quickly waved her off, "N-No! Not leave you like forgot about the whole thing but even Sal would approve of this because it\'ll be safer for you and Nancy if we pick you up either in the early morning or at night once we get back to my place."


"I\'ll pick you up with my helicopter and we airlift the nucs you prepared."


"Just make sure they\'re locked up tight with some ventilation—"

Edith looked relieved but she suddenly pouted and glared at me, "I know how bees work, y\'know?!"

"Ah— you\'re right, I\'m sorry—"

"But I\'m gonna miss out on a lot of things! Car sex, seeing your school, ship sex, everything!"

"Pfft… Aren\'t you more concerned about the sex more than anything?"

"You— You have no idea what you did to me!"

"Umm… You\'re welcome?"

Edith cutely glared at me before leaning too close, "Hngh~ Y-You don\'t understand! I-It\'s like a whole new world opened up for me! I-I didn\'t think it could be m-much more fun! It\'s crazy! Kaley said it\'s pretty normal to feel like this but I\'m always thinking of it ever since!"

I lightly chuckled as I shook my head, "It\'s a day or two at most without us but driving back is actually and still dangerous. I don\'t wanna say this but you and Nancy will be much, much safer—and the bees, of course—if you go by air."

She nodded as she looked somber once again, "S-Sebastian did teach me how to use a g-gun but I d-don\'t think I\'ll be brave enough to face them outside… I\'m sorry…"

I looked her in the eye as I tried to console her, "Look, I wouldn\'t say that there\'s nothing wrong about it and it\'s not your fault but since we\'re living in a difficult time, learning to defend yourself is a necessity. However, there\'s a time and a place for that and you being here wouldn\'t help you be that \'brave\' person you\'re trying to be…"


"Don\'t look so down. After we secure your bees and get you and Nancy settled with everyone else, Tatiana and I will give you the same training regimen we put Kaley through. We\'ll build you from the ground up again then we\'ll give you first-hand experience as to what\'s it like outside and facing them. You just need those things even if we don\'t exactly sign you up as a soldier but it\'s definitely badass seeing a cute beekeeper able to handle herself."

Saying that, Edith\'s face started to look brighter and determined but as she gave me a hug, Nancy suddenly cut in:

"H-How about me?! I wanna be like Kaley too! I saw her shooting yesterday and she never missed! Not once! She looked so cool…"

I patted her head as I pinched her cheek, "That\'s the spirit but it\'s also good to know our own limits, alright? You know you have a condition and it\'s a disadvantage for you but as much as it sucks, it\'s what you\'re dealing with and it\'s your responsibility even if other people could offer you help. Do you understand that?"


"With that said, it\'s a little cliche but you really gotta put in the effort—double the effort, because you have a respiratory condition—and trust me, it\'ll pay off in the end and when you need it the most."

Edith interjected, "Also, you might be able to last longer than a couple of you know what?"

Nancy tilted her head as she turned to Edith, "Last longer in what? Ah… You mean… Oh! OHHH! I get it now! Will it really?! REALLY?!"

I facepalmed but I nodded nonetheless, "Sure. I didn\'t think it\'d go there but it\'ll definitely help—"

"Ooh~ Is that also why you last really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really long~~~?"

"Sure… Let\'s say that…"




At that point, we discovered that everyone else was awake and was listening in but we didn\'t put it to heart as I slept in with Kaley and the rest for a few more hours while everyone else did their own thing.

This was our rest day of sorts, as Sebastian mentioned, but the moment we joined everyone to get pampered and shit, I straight-up lost it when I saw Mauro, of all people, wearing only a bathrobe, a facial mask, and a fucking towel over his bald head while several maids were taking care of each of his hands and giving him a foot bath and massage.

The motherfucker had more attendees than his wife, Elsa, and he was definitely ticked off when he saw me laughing my ass off.


Looking around, Logan and a few of the cadets were in one corner and sporting a black eye, probably due to doing what I did, but if push came to shove, I wouldn\'t dare fight a huge guy—even though I beat him before and still could—that could easily get disrobed and have his member flopping around.

I can take kicks and punches to a degree but a dick to the face was where I draw the line.

So, I tried to weasel my way out of the situation:

"You know you\'re bald, right? What\'s the point of that towel—"


As soon as he said that, Mauro snatched one of the nail files the maids were using and placed it over his head and LO AND FUCKING BEHOLD, it was floating!


Before you say anything, it was actually "floating" due to the minuscule hairs he probably hadn\'t shaved yet but I still fucking laughed my ass off and almost caused another rumble.

In any case, I surrendered myself to our attendants but surprisingly enough, Tatiana kicked more of a fuss when Kaley dragged her to have a foot massage while Quinn was already having her nails done while drinking from a bottle of alcohol.

My favorite part was when the masseuse came and made my body crack like a freakin\' glowstick and my only disappointment from the whole thing was that I didn\'t glow. But yeah, time passed rather quickly while having fun and it didn\'t take long before the next day came and everyone else was prepared for the drive home.

\'As much as I love going out— fuck that soapy bullshit, I wanna go home and sleep in my own bed so much…\'

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