Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 479: How Can I Make A Man Out Of You?

"Funny business aside, I am here to see if you two are ready for tomorrow."

"Go ahead. Tell us what to do."

"Just hit me." Wang Tong opened up his arms and said.

"Haha! Furface, are you out of your mind? I am level eleven, and Duo Lun is level ten. If we attack you with full force, you are going to get killed." Tan Bu waved his arms in dismay.

"Are you sure?" Before Wang Tong\'s voice faded, Tan Bu and Duo Lun felt a fit of spasm in their legs that threatened to steal their balance. The two warriors hurried to maintain balance. However, they found that the more control they exerted over their legs, the more intense the spasm grew.

The struggle went on for ten minutes, and the two soldiers finally gave up and collapsed to the ground.

Wang Tong scowled; he had expected them to last for at least half an hour. He conceded that although he had improved their damage output, the tactics did nothing to strengthen their endurance. Blinded by their sudden increase in power, they might set themselves up in anger without even realizing it.

Tan Bu and Duo Lun laid on the ground while stared perplexity at each other; they didn\'t even know what had happened to them. They struggled to get up, but failed as they realized that their energy and GN force had been completely depleted.

"Start your tactics. Don\'t waste such an opportunity!" Wang Tong set his hands on both soldier\'s shoulders, sending a rush of energy into their systems.

Wang Tong looked at the two soldiers and was determined to find out the source of the problem.

The energy that Wang Tong sent into Duo Lun and Tan Bu lit up their motivation and spurred them to start their tactics anew.

Wang Tong watched carefully and reckoned that although the new tactics lacked in damage, they were easy to learn. But, how come they fell short so badly in terms of endurance?

Wang Tong mauled over the question when recognition suddenly dawned upon him.

The issues were with the GN nodes. Although the addition of sixteen GN nodes would boost the damage output, without a solid foundation, it would be hard for the cultivator to maintain the stability of the GN force. In other words, to alleviate the instability issue, Wang Tong could change the tactics so that it would only unlock eight additional GN nodes instead of sixteen.

However, changing the tactics meant that Wang Tong would have to choose another two testers, since it was already too late for Duo Lun and Tan Bu to alter their GN node configurations. The earlier change to their GN node movement was simply an addition of GN node circulation on top of their existing ones. However, reducing the GN nodes from 16 to 8 meant irreversibly changing what they had already learned.

This was not to say that Duo Lun and Tan Bu were stuck with an ineffective tactic. Since Wang Tong had already found out the cause of the problem, he would sooner or later discover the cure for them.

Nevertheless, Duo Lun and Tan Bu felt that they had nothing to complain. Wang Tong had already given them more than what they had wished for.

Wang Tong chose a flat rock on the edge of a hill and sat down, looking over into the distance as he watched the purple dusk of Mars. The three of them sat together until darkness surrounded them.

In the morning, Guan Dongyang and his entourage, including warriors form House Lie, marched toward the camp of Thunder Fire.

Wang Tong, Duo Lun, and Tan Bu sat inside the transport vehicle; they were the support staff of this mission. After having tasted Wang Tong\'s power, the two soldiers had finally acknowledged him as the leader of their trio. The more they know about Wang Tong, the more he resembled the \'Evil Genius\' who tortured humans for fun.

"Furface, do you think we can eventually become badasses, killing Zergs with the snap of fingers?" Tan Bu asked.

Wang Tong cracked a smile and then said, "I don\'t think so. I would never want to face a swarm of Zergs all by myself."

"I mean if… IF you have to face thousands of Zergs, then what?"

"That\'s easy." Wang Tong smirked.

Tan Bu and Duo Lun cast each other a knowing glance.

"I will run away." Wang Tong said calmly.

Wang Tong\'s answer made the other fighters around them burst out laughing. Even Duo Lun and Tan Bu felt embarrassed. Wang Tong didn\'t mind them laughing at him. He looked through the cracked window into the distance and let the sneers slide off his ego like a breeze off his thick beard.

In the front of the line, Guan Dongyang and Lie Xuan took the lead side by side. This was a dream come true for Guan Dongyang to fight alongside the girl he loved. However, he was also painfully aware that the reality was far from ideal. Not only did Lie Xuan still treat him as one of her friends, but the success of the mission with the help of House Lie also meant that Battle Wolf would be branded with the family name of House Lie.

However, at this point, Guan Dongyang knew that he didn\'t have many options.

Battle Wolf moved through the meandering trails cautiously, trying to avoid contact with the Zergs. Just a few years ago, it was the Zergs that needed to watch out every time they were on a human planet. Patroclus\' betrayal had turned the situation upside down.

But, however tough the situation was, human life carried on.

The fleet traveled slowly to make sure of their safety. In the night, they would make camp wherever they stopped. After dinner, some soldiers would take the night post on the high ground while the rest of the group rested. Ever since the emergence of the dark ones, the Zergs had learned to ambush, and even lure the human forces into their traps. The goal of the Zergs was no longer to kill as many humans as possible; instead, it was to eliminate the most powerful human.

Ever since the letdown that Duo Lun and Tan Bu had given Wang Tong, he had started to expect more from the two. Every time Tan Bu though of slacking off, he swallowed down his laziness as soon as he saw Wang Tong\'s demanding eyes.

A couple of days later, Wang Tong tested the two soldiers once again, and this time, the two soldiers lasted even shorter than the last time.

"Furface, how long do we have to do this for?" Tan Bu protested.

Wang Tong slowly turned a page of the book in his hand and said calmly, "Till the time you are strong enough."

Unlike Tun Bu, Duo Lun didn\'t speak a word. He knew that Wang Tong\'s intentions were good, as he was trying to help them overcome a hurdle in their cultivation. Having Wang Tong as their personal trainer was a blessing of the gods.

Wang Tong glanced at the two and said, "Don\'t you two want to become the Super METAL warriors?"

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