Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 567 - Old Friends

Chapter 567: Old Friends

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

“Syracuse, the rest is all up to you.” Wang Tong didn’t ask a lot from Syracuse, but he knew that he could trust him. However, if the latter betrayed him, he would kill the two-faced SOB in a heartbeat.

Syracuse was well aware of his situation, and he was smarter than to think of double-crossing Wang Tong. Although he was a businessman, his aspiration was not only to make money. He was a firm believer that making money and helping the human world were not mutually exclusive.

After all, what would be the point of having a huge pile of wealth without the life to enjoy it?

Syracuse went straight to his office and called for a conference call meeting.

“Syracuse, what the heck are you doing in Maersa! Did you finish the task I told you to?”

“Father, I have urgent news for you,” Syracuse said earnestly.

Syracuse’s father had never seen his son act so seriously before, so he asked, “What is it? I know you have made some progress lately, but don’t take the family’s trust for granted. ”

“We have overcome the technical difficulties in mass producing the crystal gun,” Syracuse said slowly.

“What!” The old man exclaimed incredulously. He had dreamed of such a day; this breakthrough would make his family the biggest weapon provider of the world.

“Haha! Good! Excellent!” The significance of this development was beyond description. The old man simply found himself at a lack of words to praise his son’s achievement.

“It came with a caveat though.”

“Caveat?” the old man frowned.

“The inventor had requested us to provide assistance in spreading the technology,” Syracuse explained.

The old man knew right away that “assistance” meant making the pattern a public asset, essentially giving up a large share of the profit to other manufacturers.

“We can’t make the call between the two of us. We need to call the board.”

“Yes, father. However, the inventor was very adamant in his request. Right now, we still don’t have access to it. The pattern is still in the hands of Wang Tong.”

Hearing Wang Tong’s name, the old man nodded in resignation.?The breakthrough in the crystal gun was highly classified information, and only the core leaders of the Maersa city knew about it. They had to keep it to themselves before the guns finally hit the production line. The dark ones were as smart and cunning as humans, and their spies were everywhere.

The development had inspired enthusiasm among the core leaders.?Once the gun was mass produced, every citizen inside the city could become part of the defense force. This would allow the METAL warriors to charge out of the city and meet the opponent in the open field without worrying about defense. The introduction of these weapons into the battlefield would case a paradigm shift and completely change how the battles were fought.

By now, Aamir and Marcos had become Wang Tong’s most trusted advisers, and were in charge of managing the city. Wang Tong, on the other hand, had focused completely on training the elite soldiers. He had grouped the soldiers into different units, and let them perform military drills against each other.

Although he was the city lord, Wang Tong had spent little time on affairs concerning the city. He didn’t take over the Maersa City because he wanted to control the Maersa district; he did it to prepare for something much greater: his coup de grace.

The soldiers’ spirit rose as they felt their strength increase by the day. Wang Tong had handpicked five hundred soldiers as the elite unit. It consisted of a hundred or so Mastery casters, and four hundred METAL warriors. The main duty of the elite group was to inspire the other soldiers around them.

Mass production of the energy gun was never part of Wang Tong’s plan. However, the gods were kind this time and bestowed the gift to the humans. However, despite the positive effect it would make on the battlefield, Wang Tong knew that he could not rely on it to change the fate of humanity.

“Tianzong, how was the drafting of the reserve parties.”

“Slow. We have lots of applications, but not a lot of them can make the cut.”

“Hehe, let’s try the best we can. This is going to be a hell of a fight. We can’t force others to risk their lives either.”

“Yes, young master.” Yin Tianzong was the only person in whom Wang Tong had confided his real plan. Although it was a very risky move, it would be extremely effective in inspiring the human soldiers while delivering a huge blow to the Zergs. However, if Wang Tong’s plan failed, many lives would be lost, and that had greatly unnerved Yin Tianzong.

If the human world consisted of only Mars, Yin Tianzong might have strongly advised Wang Tong to take his time. However, it was not only the humans on the Mars that was threatened by the Zergs, but also the ones on the moon and Earth. The situation on there had deteriorated so much that Wang Tong simply could not afford to take thing slowly.

“What about the Divine Mastery Sect?” Yin Tianzong asked. He was not too worried for the warriors’ life, since he had expected them to be ready to pay the ultimate sacrifice. Plus, they were well prepared in preserving the soldiers’ lives, and a key element in that planning was the return of Xiao Yuyu and her field medics.

No one other than Wang Tong could persuade Michaux to let go of his best medics.

“I will have to pay Michaux a visit sooner or later.” Wang Tong said as he cracked a smile.?He would carry out his plan with or without Michaux’s help, but at least he should try to enlist him.

As the headquarter of the Sect, the city of the Divine Mastery was considered to be the safest city on Mars. At the city center, a giant tower was erected with an insurmountable height. It stood tall and straight, reaching high above the clouds. For centuries, this was the spine that supported all Martians’ spirit and resolution.

The city of the Divine Mastery and a few other cities around it were under the Sect’s total control. The strong presence of the Sect didn’t allow any room for the Zergs. Therefore, this area prospered in absolute safety, forming a stark contrast with the war-torn and poverty-stricken scenes that were so common in other parts of the planet. Michaux was not a god, so he could not fix the problem that did not have a solution. All he could do was increase his zone of influence slowly.

After days of traveling, Wang Tong had finally arrived at the legendary city where Li Feng and the Divine Master had first met. Unlike Li Feng, who traveled as a renowned warrior, Wang Tong arrived in the city as a nobody.

“Excuse me, where can I find the young master of the sect?” Wang Tong asked a vendor who was selling hot breakfast.

“Hehe, are you a refugee from other districts? It’s easy. Follow the road till you reach the tower.”


“Hey! Do you want to join the sect? Don’t keep your hopes too high.” The competition to become one of the sect members was fierce after all.

Wang Tong nodded and then walked straight toward the direction he was given. It had been five years since he last met Michaux, and he was interested to know how much more he had learned about the Divine Path.

“Hold on a second; I will give you breakfast for free.” The vendor liked Wang Tong, and decided to offer him some food. The latter didn’t refuse, so he sat down and started eating.

“You are a pig!” A girl chided. “How many days have you not eaten anything for?”

Wang Tong shot the girl a glance and buried his face into the bowl again.

“Are you looking for the young master?” The girl asked curiously.

“Two more bowls please.” Wang Tong announced, continuing to ignore the girl.

“Hey, I am talking to you! How rude!” The girl protested.

“It’s rude to meet me while wearing a mask. ” Wang Tong said blankly. He didn’t know who this person was, and neither did he care.

The girl was taken aback by Wang Tong’s reply. “So, you can tell?”

Wang Tong didn’t answer. He stood up, paid the vendor, and walked away.

“Hey, hey! Wait for me!” The girl hurried to stop Wang Tong.

“What is it?” Wang Tong asked impatiently.

“What kind of a gentleman are you? Who ignores a lady like that?”

Wang Tong rolled his eyes as he turned around and started off toward the tower.

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