Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 584 - Massage

The injured party members needed rest, and therefore, they quickly left the Bore City and hid in the woods to recuperate. Even though there had been no casualties, thirteen warriors were injured, and they needed immediate medical care. After some stressful hours of work, Xiao Yuyu and other field medics were able to steady the condition of those warriors. However, to fully recover would take a much longer time.

Despite their injuries, those soldiers didn’t waver at all, and were willing to get back to the battlefield right away.

After what had happened at Bore City, Wang Tong seemed to have found a new opportunity. Keeping on fighting city after city was not a good long-term strategy. As Wang Tong saw new opportunities, he also found many new difficulties. He could not guarantee that all the dark ones were cowards like Linmo, and it was possible that they would walk into the camp of an extremely ferocious dark one. In addition, after the destruction of three large cities, the guards of all the Zerg cities had been doubled, and therefore, the human soldiers would have lost the precious element of surprise.

There was another problem: food. They packed light when they left the human territory, and had been restocking their supply every time they sacked a city. Each time they did so, they only packed just enough for them to last until the next raid. Unfortunately, the fire had accidentally burnt all of the food storage in Bore city. Therefore, the human soldiers were not able to restock their provisions.

They tried hunting for wildlife, but it was easier said than done. The savage Zergs had long since hunted all the animals to extinction during their brief reign. They would be lucky if they could even catch a rat.

“Out next fight would have to secure our food ration.” “Women are not like men. They can’t just eat anything.” Guan Dongyang put in. Field medics were not as tough as METAL warriors; some food might not site well in their tender stomach.

“I can speak on behalf of all medics that we can swallow down whatever the METAL soldiers do.” Xiao Yuyu announced.

“Sorry, that was not what I meant. Field medics and casters need to concentrate while working. You can’t concentrate while you are suffering from malnutrition.” Guan Dongyang explained.

Guan Dongyang was not a sexist; he knew that in order to march swiftly under difficult terrain, everyone on the team would have to be in their prime condition.

Everyone looked to Wang Tong for a solution. Although their victory was encouraging, the soldiers couldn’t feed on their thoughts regardless of how positive they were. When hunger finally struck them, they wouldn’t even be able to stand up and fight.

“We can make an adjustment to our formation so that the injured soldiers can take on fewer enemies, but the issue with the food needs more discussion. In addition, those injured soldiers’ METAL suits were badly damaged, and they can’t use them any longer. ”

“Exchange them with the METAL warrior’s suits.” Guan Dongyang put in, and Wang Tong nodded. “That will do. As for food, I think I might have a solution.”

“What is it?” Lie Xuan couldn’t resist asking Wang Tong.

“After each battle, there is food lying in front of us everywhere, only if we can allow us to be more adventurous. Although this food doesn’t taste good, it has all the nutrition one needs.”

Wang Tong was talking about Zerg meat. He had to live on it for a year while he was trapped on Norton. So, he was very familiar with all fifty shades of its disguising taste.

A few girls faces turned pale at Wang tong’s suggestion. “Captain, can we eat something else instead?” Ye Zi’s face was white like a parchment paper. Eating Zerg meat was the last thing she ever wanted to do.

Some of the soldiers finally realized what Wang Tong was alluding to. “Are Zergs edible?”

“Yes, all parts of their bodies are, as a matter of fact. But, the taste is…not the best. I think we should start eating them after the next fight. We can no longer rely on searching food in the Zerg cities, since our missions are getting more dangerous, and we need to get out of there as soon as we have done our job.” Wang Tong explained.

“We should leave the normal food to the girls and the injured, and the rest of us should stick with the Zerg meat from now on,” Vorenus suggested.

“I agree!” Yin Tianzong said.

This time, Xiao Yuyu and her band of field medics had kept their silence. Although they were not afraid of dying on the battlefield, the thought of eating a Zerg made their skin crawl.

“Our next target is the Mephisto City. We need to survey the ground before we attack.” Wang Tong said as he pointed at a map.

“If we continue in a straight line, are we risking being too predictable?”

“Good point! And, that is why we need to survey the land and be ready. However, I don’t think the dark ones will be that quick to respond yet. I wager that will change after we sack Mephisto.” Wang Tong pointed on the map where their current course was leading to. It was the Zergs’ headquarter. They would pierce straight into the hearts of the Zerg land without even taking a single detour. It was a brazen challenge and a conspicuous proclamation of war.

“If the Zergs are planning on playing tricks, we will play nasty with them as well. ” Tan Bu clapped his hand had said.

“That’s right! We will give the Zergs a lesson on battle strategies. Have you guys noticed that there are only very few Zergs guarding the city?”

“Indeed! The number of dark ones was not nearly as many as we had initially estimated. ”

“I think they are stretched pretty thin because of the war. Although we are not a large army, we can surely make them hurt while they are in such weakened state.” Wang Tong said with a broad smile.

Everyone headed back to their tents after they had decided on a few more details of their next move. Wang Tong rubbed his forehead as he lamented on how tired he had gotten. However, each one of them looked as spirited as when they first followed Wang Tong through the wasteland to the Zergs’ territory. Although Wang Tong couldn’t guarantee everyone’s safety, he was determined to make sure as many soldiers could return to the human world safely as possible.

Their plan had reached a critical moment; Wang Tong knew he had to be careful in every step he took from then on.

He needed to use the dark ones’ shortcomings and turn them into his advantage while striking a balance between being overly cautious and arrogant. So far, he and his team seemed to be making progress. However, something nagged at his mind as if he had overlooked a specific key element.

He had calculated and recalculated all of his moves, and everything seemed to play into his favor. So, why did he still feel such unease?

Bang, Bang!

“Come in.” Wang Tong’s pulled his mind out of his reverie; it was Xiao Yuyu at the door. “Chief Medic, why are you not in bed?”

“Why aren’t you?” Xiao Yuyu answered with a question.

“I don’t get tired easily.” Wang Tong smiled.

“Is there anything I can do for you? You look tired.” Xiao Yuyu asked.

“Thank you…We are fortunate to have you here. Otherwise, those warriors would have already died.” Wang Tong remarked.

“Do you need a massage?” Xiao Yuyu blurted out and then blushed.

Wang Tong paused for a second and then replied, “Of course! Haha. I do feel sore around my neck.”

Wang Tong’s laugh relieved some of Xiao Yuyu’s embarrassment. The perilous situation had lent Xiao Yuyu courage to make a move on Wang Tong. Only God would know if she could wake up tomorrow and see his smile again. She didn’t have time to wait and contemplate; if she wanted him, she needed to act now.

Wang Tong was not a fool; he had felt Xiao Yuyu’s feelings for him, and had decided that it would be rude to refuse her outright.

Xiao Yuyu was never trained in massage, but she tried her best. She put her soft hands on Wang Tong’s neck, squeezing and rubbing it. Neither of them spoke, dragging out the silence. Wang Tong’s mind had wandered off back to the time when he was on Norton. He had fought by himself and fought without any burden; it was a much simpler time than the situation he was in now. He had to concede that Being the savior was a difficult job.

Seeing the relaxed smile Wang Tong’s face, Xiao Yuyu gained more confidence in her skills. She started to use strength as she pressed on Wang Tong’s naked skin. Unconsciously, she inched closer toward Wang Tong. Wang Tong smelled her perfume, and he opened his eyes. Xiao Yuyu’s bosom was right in front of him.

Suddenly, Wang Tong shouted, “I got it!”

Startled, Xiao Yuyu collapsed into Wang Tong’s arm. The touch of her soft body and firm breasts quickly kindled the fleshly desire inside the latter.

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