Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 602 - Deep Blue

Chapter 602: Deep Blue

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

In a heartbeat, the substance in the emerald pool drained away as the eggs grew in size. Although everyone felt it was gross to look at, they conceded that it was just the nature of an unborn fetus.

Kacha! Kacha!

These eggs cracked, generating bone-chilling noise. Everyone readied their weapons as their instincts told them to.

By then, the eggs had grown to epic proportions as they cracked from the middle, revealing a pair of ice-cold stares. These newborn monsters snarled as two flashlights like eyes were fixated on Wang Tong.

Yin Tianzong and other warriors acted out of instinct and backed away. No one could bear the soul-devouring gazes of these monsters. These Zergs looked different than their normal counterparts: not only were they entirely blue from head to toe, but they were also covered with a layer of ice like scales. Soul energy rippled about these beasts, and their scales were suffused with a golden sheen, making them look almost divine. However, those two giant tusks that protruded out from under their lower lips betrayed their beastly origins.

A monster leaned its body forward, exposing more of its body and the light relived its bipedal nature. The hall had fallen pin-drop silent at this point.

Wang Tong closed his eyes and felt the soul energy of these Zergs as he tried to communicate with them they way their queen mother would. To his pleasant surprise, they didn’t resist. These Zergs lowered their front legs and plodded out of the eggshell completely. They turned around and started munching on what was left of the eggs, shell and all. Once they wolfed down their cocoon, they grew in size again. The smallest of them was fifteen feet tall, and the largest eighteen feet. The biggest one also had much darker scales than the rest; it was evident that he was the leader of the pack.

The newborn Zergs started to growl, and the Zergs outside the hall answered. However, their voices were laced with confusion. The guardians of these newborn Zergs had realized that their angels of death had already turned on them.

Wang Tong sent a signal to the Zergs, willing them to find a way out. Almost immediately after, the earth groaned and trembled, and the emerald pool suddenly collapsed from the bottom, revealing a secret tunnel. The Zergs slid down the tunnel without any hesitation.

Wang Tong scanned his human companions, and their stupefied looks amused him. He cracked a smile and then said, “Come on! Let’s go.”

Wang Tong jumped into the dark tunnel without any hesitation as the other warriors followed suit.

The tunnel was dark and very long. When they reached the bottom, they found themselves in a giant cavern the size of a city. The extraordinary vista had left everyone in awe. One could get easily lost in this labyrinth, but luckily for Wang Tong, he had the newborn Zergs to lead the way.

After some time, the initial shock finally subsided, and the soldiers’ mood started to lighten up a bit. They felt grateful for Wang Tong’s efforts in taming these wild beasts; otherwise, they would have never gotten out of here. The cave system was enormously large and complicated, each turn and brow a fresh vista. No wonder the Zergs would be able to hide under the humans’ noses for so many centuries.

Seeing how nimbly these monsters moved in such dubious lighting, the soldiers felt slightly uneasy. What would they be like if Wang Tong didn’t tame them? The answer was in their eyes, which held the ice cold intent to kill. The horn on their forehead could disturb the soul energy to a great degree.

As the group plodded on, Wang Tong scanned his minions with his soul energy. Even after being placated by his golden soul essence, these beasts were hungry for murder and blood. Their creator must have spliced all the aggressive genes of all races together to create such monstrosity.

In fact, humans presented an unprecedented challenge to the Zergs. Of all the races they had annihilated using sheer numbers, the humans were the only one that not only survived their onslaught, but also thrived. The humans had pushed their vanguard units back and permanently cut off the communication between the vanguards and the main forces. In desperation, the remaining Zergs in the human world had to look at genetic mutations in order to survive.

Rapid expansion and overwhelming numbers had always been the queen’s strategy; however, it had failed before the humans. Plus, the humans’ reproductive rate was not low either. In the three hundred years that followed the great war, the remainder Zergs struggled on their last leg.

After some time, the human soldiers noticed commotion ahead of them; instinct readied them for battle in an instant.

Wang Tong conceded that the Zergs would not let them escape so easily. His men were exhausted after climbing the mountain; he wagered that there might be more casualties than he had expected if he didn’t have the help of these new minions.

Wang Tong raised a fist to signal his group. The human soldiers quickly rearranged their formation into a defensive stance. Five minutes later, a tsunami of Zergs came at them, threatening to engulf them.

The monsters squealed in excitement; Wang Tong knew they were ready to battle. He sent a soul energy signal, and the hundred or so blue monsters charged at the Zergs with abandon.

While the soldiers readied their weapons, they wondered how Wang Tong’s minions would fare against their brothers and sisters. Although they were newly born, they were the same size as those giant Zergs.

The solider didn’t have to wait long before they got their answer. They watched in amazement as the monsters formed a single line of charge. They lowered their heads so that their horns were pointed forward, and then they sent out waves of soul energy from the tip of the horns. The soul energy from all the horns weaved a web of destruction in front of the line; it cut through the flesh of Zergs like butter. Even the heavily armored Tank Zergs were reduced into blocks of bloody stumps after the monsters charged past them.

After they reached the center of the Zergs’ formation, they truly started to show their deadliness and combat abilities. They came up and stood on their hind legs like a humanoid creature as meter long scythe-shaped weapons protruded from under their front arms. One flat sidearm sweep would claim the lives of half a dozen Zergs.

The human soldiers were stupefied by the display of strength. Wang Tong’s eyes were lit up with hope as he watched his minions and realized that he had found another weapon against the Zergs. The monsters were unfazed by the overwhelming numbers of enemies; they quickly devoured one or two of their victims in order to replenish energy and keep fighting.

These Zergs were the queen’s newest attempt in breeding the ultimate Zergs. Since it was an experiment, she didn’t create a lot of these soldiers. She had spliced together many gene segments from different species, many of which were completely alien to humans. The goal was to breed a new kind of Zerg warrior that was able to counter the humans’ soul energy attacks. The queen who was in charge of this hive was one of the mother supremes. She probably had never thought that her life would have ended so abruptly at the hands of a human.

“Boss, these monsters are quite the helpers. I wonder if we can tame them and turn them into our mounts?” Tan Bu asked while his eyes lit up with interest.

The mountainous terrain meant that no vehicles could be operated safely here. Even in the areas where maglev vehicles were allowed, their flimsy construction would not survive the battlefield. The lack of mobility had been an ongoing issue for the warriors. However, with these powerful mounts, they should be able to come and go at will on the battlefield.

Everyone nodded in agreement and looked to Wang Tong expectantly.

The battle in front of the human warriors had ended very quickly. The newborn Zergs had finished off all of their enemies and started to munch on their corpses. Wang Tong sent a signal to them using the soul essence, and the Zergs responded immediately. They stood in a neat row just as Wang Tong intended. The leader of the pact slid closer to Wang Tong and lowered his head obediently.

Wang Tong rubbed the scale on its back; the Zerg purred and lowered itself onto all fours. Its savage nature was gone in an instant, and if it could cradle inside Wang Tong’s arm, it surely would.

Wang Tong studied the smooth back of the beast and realized how easy it would be to ride on top. It was as if they were breed was made to be the dark ones’ mounts.

Wang Tong pulled himself up on the back of one beast, and then it slowly stood up without any sign of protest.?He was pleased by the Zerg’s acquiescence, so he laughed and said, “Good boy! I will call you…Deep Blue!”

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