Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 621 - Almighty Pirate King

Chapter 621: Almighty Pirate King

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

After a long while, the warriors inside the shelter finally gathered themselves. They realized that they were unharmed because they were at the center of the dangerous currents that flowed outward away from them.

However, inside the eye of the storm, even time had lost its meaning. The soldiers watched each other move in slow motion; but in reality, no one had moved an inch. A Zerg poked an arm through the window right before the deadly flood devoured it. The severed Zerg arm inside the building froze in its track along with everything in the room. It looked like a Zerg trophy the soldiers had put up on the wall.

When the soldiers finally recovered their motion, Lie Shan looked out from the window and was shocked by what he saw.

Not only the Zerg army was gone, everything else was wiped clean from the surface of the planet.?The entire Antonio city was erased from the map after one single mastery spell.

Wang Tong, Guan Dongyang and Michaux stood at the top of the only remaining building of the city, Antonio’s Torch, and looked down at their work poignantly.

This undoubtedly marked the milestone in the history of mastery; for the first time, the humans were able to command the power once denied to them by the god, the power of absolute annihilation.

The METAL warriors could only stare at the barren ground in front of them.

On the fourth day of the battle of Antonio, humans finally triumphed.

The METAL warriors looked up at the three warriors on the rooftop, outlined under the bright sunshine—the human warriors were brimmed with hope.

The extreme circumstances had pressured humans’ ability to a new height.

The religious importance of the moment gripped the sect casters. He was Wang Tong, the heir of a god.

He was the savior the prophecy had promised who would lead the humans out of this dark time.

The sect members watched as Michaux, their leader, folded his hands and bowed deeply to Wang Tong. “Welcome, Divine Angel. The Divine Mastery Sect shall follow you until the final liberation dawns upon the humanity.” The Divine Maser never bowed to anyone, except to gods and to the spirits of the former masters.

This was what the god had tried to show his followers at the Divine Mastery Tower a few months ago. As soon as Wang Tong walked into the sacred tower, the gods had answered him and bestowed the miraculous sight to all of its followers.

When darkness fell, a divine angel would descend on the red planet and give hope to the human race, so said the prophecy. It wasn’t until this battle that Michaux full understood what the prophecy really meant.

The sect members were already on their knees, praying with all their hearts.

Meanwhile at the front line, the Zergs charged at the human defense with abandon. The human GN gun units stayed behind covers and shot deadly GN energy plus at the enemy.

The hybrid design of these new guns worked marvelously.

After just one barrage, the Zergs’ charging line was thinned out significantly. However, more Zergs were coming behind them, and the human gunners need to keep at it. Lie Jintian had left the defensive line and led a group of elite soldiers on their toward a Zerg camp.

The gunners were defenseless when the Zergs got close to them, so they kept on firing at the insistent wave of attack. However, slowly but surely, the front line of the charging unit inched closer toward the humans.

This problem was particularly urgent at the central battle zone where the majority of the Zerg forces were at.

The main shortcoming of the GN gun units was their non-existent melee combat. Just half an hour ago, the Zergs had pressed to only a few dozen feet away from the human. A captain had sacrificed himself and twelve of his men to drive the Zergs back. However, the Zergs were closing in once again, and who would go out and pay the ultimate sacrifice this time?

“Follow me! We can’t get a single Zerg into our territory!”


Before a fire-team leader had finished his call to arms, the defensive line was bombarded by rows of tank Zergs that had marched into shooting range. The fire team leader and his men were shredded into pieces by the explosions.

This development spurred the human gunners to seek revenge; however, one section of the defensive line was eventually breached. An opening was created in the line of defense, and the Zergs poured in like flood water behind a breached dike.

Desperate cries and howling rose from the twelve regiments; however, the resistance no longer had men to rescue them. The commanders had even sent in their personal guards to help each regiment.

Sirlanka, the captain of the twelfth regiment rolled up his sleeve and shouted, “Everyone, follow me! Let’s push them back, or we all die here!”

There was not much point in coordinating the defense when the defense was shattered. He might as well charge right into the Zergs with his soldiers and kill more Zergs before the inevitable came. Sirlanka was a level eighteen METAL warrior, and he was able to run down many Zergs. However, in the sea of Zergs, the number seemed insignificant.

He knew that Lie Jintian’s plan had failed, and as a human warrior, he would rather die a hero than live as a coward.

He charged up his soul energy and threw himself at a tank Zerg. Sensing the incoming attack, the Zerg spit fire out from its mouth. Sirlanka dodged the flame while closing in and plunged the spear right into the skull of the Zerg. The Zerg howled painfully and rolled on the ground. Its massive weight crushed many unwitting Zergs into pulps. At the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a dark one charging at him.

From Sirlanka’s uniform, the dark one reckoned that he was a high ranking officer in the human army. So, he jumped up, thinking that he had hit the jackpot.

However, before the dark one even got remotely close to his target, he was pinned down on the ground by a giant spike that bore down on him from above.

A human warrior had appeared in the sky; it was the War God!

Most of the gunners were drafted from the reserves in each city behind the front line where the War God was worshiped as the protector of mankind. Therefore, he was recognized almost immediately.

The appearance of the War God lent the human warriors a newfound strength and raised their spirits.

Sirlanka grimaced, and wondered if the War God could still turn the tides after the outcome of the battle was already set in stone. Sirlanka kept on fighting; as a human warrior, he would never stop fighting until the battle was over, regardless of the outcome.

Zachery looked down at the meager forces of the Zergs contemptuously. This would only be a stroll in the park. Back in the days, Li Feng used to send him alone to a planet infested by Zergs.

This time, he wasn’t fighting alone, since Charcoal was following him as his loyal sidekick.

“Charcoal, now!”

A space portal opened up behind Zachery and revealed a thousand sharp blades on the other side. The sight of so many deadly blades at one time was terrifying.

Sirlanka was shocked by the scene. Was he dreaming? He slapped himself on the face and felt that the pain was real. Everyone on the battlefield who had not yet met the War God yet shared his surprise.


The pirate king roared a battle cry.

He was not a legendary warrior, nor an Einherjar; he was the death himself—the Pirate King Zachery!

Zachery charged up his soul energy and commanded the golden swords to plunge into the mass of the Zergs.?If he were the War God, he was the most malicious and evil god in the Asgard.

The warriors watched as Zachery killed all the Zergs near the opening and pushed the other ones back with a single sweep of his hand.?Zachery was reveling in the slaughter. Ever since he regained his memories, he felt something was missing in his life, but he could never put a finger on it…until now. It finally occurred to him that he missed the killing and the blood.

These Zergs were pathetic, and Zachery’s moves were almost lazy.

A few bright lights flashed across the sky as more METAL warriors landed on the ground. The soldiers cheered as they recognized that they were the War God’s knights.

Rumors had it that great secrets were hidden inside their golden swords, bestowed by the War God himself.

The tide of the battle was turned just as everyone thought that the war was lost. The War God led his golden retinues and stormed into the Zergs.

Fighting side by side with their god liberated their minds from the constraints of reason. At that moment, they were not humans, but the god’s chosen ones who would cleanse the world of evil, and so they did.

Sirlanka finally gathered himself and shouted, “CHARGE!”

The human warriors followed the knights into the battle with a newfound resolution.?Zachery charged at the front of the line; he casually brandished his blade from time to time and sent a few hundred Zergs to their makers in each stroke.

The development shook the commanding dark one. He was an A-level blood kin and knew the ins and outs of human power. However, he had never seen any human this powerful. Or, was he even a human?

Finally, he decided to send in the golden dark ones.

Zachery was getting bored, and the sight of a dozen golden dark ones lit up his eyes with interest, if not pleasure.

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