Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 624 - How To Heal A Broken Heart

Chapter 624: How To Heal A Broken Heart

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Despite the limited help this small number of Kaedeians could bring, knowing that they were not fighting this battle alone raised the human warriors’ spirits.

The siege ended much quicker than Battle Wolf had expected. Instead of a completely demolition of the city as always, the soldiers got stationed in the city, turning it into a war camp where they prepared for the attack on the dark castle.

In the meeting room, Lie Jian pulled a solemn face as he stared at the helmeted Kaedeian in front of him. When the Kaedeian pulled down her helmet, all human soldiers ogled at her beauty.

The battle was easy to draw out the primal nature in the soldiers, so when their eyes found the most exquisite beauty on Mars, they could scarcely resist her charm.

Kaedeians were well known for their attractiveness, and the Kaedeian Princess was the paragon of beauty. Many men on Mars dreamed of marrying her and had attempted to ask her out, but no one had succeeded so far.

Wang Tong was not entirely invulnerable to the sight either; he had met her before, but the hardship of the war had brought out her womanly charm more so than before.

Wang Tong reached out for a handshake. “Welcome, Princess Heidi.”

Without overthinking the faux pas that Wang Tong had committed while greeting a princess, Heidi took hold of his hand and shook it. Heidi felt the responsibility on his shoulder in his heavy handshake.

“Kaedeian Queen’s Guard at your service, chosen one!” Heidi announced. The man in front of her was the chosen one, the savior, heir of the Blade Warrior. Those titles used to mean nothing to Heidi; however, with every incredible deed Wang Tong achieved, these titles got rooted deeper into her heart until she finally knew what they meant. By then, bound by duty and destiny, she was already in his thrall.

Wang Tong held her gaze confidently; not a lot of men were able to do that.

“Well, well, perfect timing! You came just when we were going to win the battle.” Lie Jian said sarcastically.

“Lie Jian of House Lie, I would like to remind you that many Kaedeian warriors had lost their lives even before the humans started fighting the Zergs,” Heidi said hotly. For the longest time, the Kaedeians were treated as cannon fodder, but they never complained. That was in the past, but now, Heidi would not take it from Lie Jian anymore.

Everyone agreed with Heidi and felt that Lie Jian was mean to a lovely lady.

“Haha, I was just kidding! You were absolutely right, my princess! With your help, Moye is doomed.” Lie Jian reached out to hold onto Heidi’s hand. The Kaedeian princess was a rare sight in this dull war; he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to steal a kiss from such a hottie.

The Kaedeians were strictly Matriarchal in its society, and they didn’t follow humans’ social norms such as handshakes and pecking on the lady’s hand. Heidi had played along with Wang Tong’s human interaction solely because he was the chosen one. Therefore, she didn’t even spare Lie Jian a glance and let his gesture hanging in the air. After a few awkward moments of silence, Lie Jian managed a polite but wry smile. “So unfair! Wang Tong, tell you what, I have been with way more girls then you did, but it’s not all about quantity, is it? Haha!” Lie Jian had no filter, and his words made Heidi blush, but she kept her silence. Lie Jian expected Heidi to shoot back at him, instead of the silent acquiescence. The turn of events?fanned the jealousy inside him.

Lie Jian turned around to Michaux and asked, “Hey, do you have a healing spell for a broken heart?”

The addition of the Kaedeian Warriors had swelled Battle Wolf’s rank. These were well equipped elite soldiers in the queen’s guard, the most prestigious unit in the Kaedeian’s army.

Meanwhile, the bulk of the Kaedeian force was attacking Zerg cities near the frontlines. They knew the area well, and therefore, they were able to strike the Zergs with surgical precision.

The Zergs still possessed an edge in terms of numbers, and any reckless move against them could be fatal. Although the Kaedeian force did not have as many soldiers as humans did, they fought with unrivaled bravery and mettle.

Being attacked at multiple fronts, the Zergs’ foothold was taken out one after another; before long, the Zergs in different war zones were isolated from each other. Humanity’s last line of defense was secured despite a large number of Zergs still stationed on the other side of the defensive line. Without any reinforcements, those Zergs could do little to no harm to the human defenders.

Following the lead of the War God and Lie Jintian, more and more powerful human warriors came out of their hiding and fought back. After a while, the EB units’ hold on the legendary human warriors was completely gone.

The humans started to take the initiative in the war, and more and more victories turned out each day.

Propaganda about the War God and his knights spread to every Martian city. They were praised for their ferociousness before the enemies and benevolence to the people. They fought not for themselves, but for the honor of the War God and the people of Mars.

As the development unfolded around Wang Tung, his research deepened. He was no longer a one-person army; instead, he had near unlimited resources and supervised over a hundred smartest minds on Mars.

His latest research focused on optimization of the GN energy ratio in a Hybrid gun. His experiments had revealed that the conventional heat-based weapons had a disadvantage in penetrating the Zergs’ chitin shell, which could be fixed by mixing a small amount of GN energy. In order to save the precious GN crystals, Wang Tung was determined to find out the optimal ratio between the conventional energy and the GN energy to achieve the best results.

That being said, the GN guns remained ineffective in dealing with heavy Zergs.

Wang Tung was a scientist, but he also knew what the human soldiers needed to win the war. What they needed was not the state-of-the-art weapons, but something that was cheap to make and easy to use; quantity over quality, just like how the Zergs did it.

This research breakthrough finally leveled the ground for the human warriors, and for the first time in five years, the humans could stand a chance in a battle against the Zergs.

The Kaedeian Queen’s Guard was equipped with a stealth airborne propulsion unit. They allowed the fearsome warriors to sneak up on their enemies unnoticed.

As members of the elite units, these guards had high standards; however, they were still shocked by the power and discipline of Battle Wolf.

Their small numbers were easily made up for with their superior strength and might.

Once the threat to the humans’ home base was eliminated, the resistance’s war machine kicked into overdrive, extending its influence beyond the defense lines. Kaedeians, Zambrotta, and Lie Jintian had quickly recaptured the land they had lost to the Zergs and restored the communication between each city.

The time for the final counterattack was about to come.

Meanwhile, Wang Tong and his men were scouting outside Pulorita City. Many reports had suggested that Pulorita city was one the very few production bases for creating dark ones.

If that were true, this city was almost as significant as the dark castle. The tide had already turned, and therefore, Wang Tong was in no hurry to attack the dark castle. He decided to scout around for other targets, and that was when he found Pulorita.

The dark lord still made no move against Wang Tong; perhaps he was still occupied by the setbacks at the frontline. It was not just the dark lord; the entire Zerg territory seemed empty as all the Zergs were sent to reinforce the front lines. However important it was to capture Wang Tong, Moye conceded that he needed first to contain the humans’ comeback before it was all too late.

Wang Tong simply couldn’t sit around and pass such a golden opportunity to piss off his host. And as he looked for the next target, he found Pulorita.

The Zergs ought to have a strong defense in a city as important as Pulorita; however, it should pose no difficulties for Battle Wolf. By then, the only target that was dangerous for Battle Wolf was the dark castle.

Life had taught Wang Tong many lessons, and he knew that being overconfident was also a premonition for failure. So, he reminded himself to calculate his every step carefully despite the advantage he held.

“This is the map of the area. Our scouts have confirmed all the landmarks. ” Heidi said as he pointed at a map on the table. “Here, here, and there, those are the three locations where the queen is most likely to be hiding.”

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