Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 628 - Power of The Blaze

Chapter 628: Power of The Blaze

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Once Moye had lost everything he owned on Mars, he might as well be dead to the humans. However powerful he was, he could not face the entire human force all by himself.

Another piece of information Wang Tong was able to get out of the queen was more puzzling: Moye was not inside the dark castle at all; he was at the front line.

The revelation had caught everyone by surprise, as no one had thought that Moye would ditch his home base and go to the front line.

“I wager he is after Einherjar Lie.” Xiao Libie said. This was highly likely, since Einherjar Lie and his warriors were the backbone of the Martian united front, and he was also taking the brunt of the Zerg forces. If he fell on the battlefield, the Martian resistance would collapse very quickly.

“What should we do?” Everyone looked at Wang Tong, who had kept his silence while mulling over the question.

“How reliable is the information?” Lie Jian finally broke the silence. It was not difficult to tell that he was trying hard to cope with his worry.

“I got it out from the queen’s brain directly. This one is a high-level queen…I say it’s very reliable.”

“Let’s attack the dark place!” Lie Jian side firmly.

Although Wang Tong held the same opinion, he was relieved that Lie Jian had spoken it out for him.

“Roll out!”

The soldiers didn’t have much time to pack before they left for the dark castle. Regardless Moye were there or not, taking down the dark castle would be a huge blow for the Zergs. They sent a message to Lie Jintian, making him aware of their plan and his danger.

Everyone was in high spirits. The METAL warriors had fully recognized the mastery casters power after they had witnessed the spell that had destroyed an entire city.

If more casters were able to use such a deadly spell, no amount of Zergs would ever pose a threat to humanity.

That being said, the forbidden power was not perfect. For one, it took a long time to prepare, and it drained tremendous energy from the casters.

Nonetheless, the battle of Pulorita was significant in the history of mastery, since it was commemorated as the turning point in the public perception about the power of mastery.

Meanwhile, the deadly knights that had followed the War God also made headlines after countless victories. Although their number was smaller than that of House Lie or the Sect, they had a unique advantage: their invincible god.

The War God never deployed any battle tactics, yet he had never lost even a single battle so far. He was always the first one to arrive at the battlefield, and by the time his knights arrived, they only needed to clean after their god’s mess.

Lie Jintian was pleasantly surprised by the effect of the War god on the war. Suddenly, he could focus on attacking the Zergs and didn’t have to worry about the situation in the home base.

He had made significant progress on his mission, pushing the Zergs further back. Even though the Zergs’ resistance was fierce, he was able to batter their defense thanks to the new invention: GN energy guns.

Lie Jintian finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel; he reckoned that the final attack on the Zergs was close.

The application of the GN crystal technology was not limited to only the GN guns; it could also be used on battleships. Given time, humans would be able to craft a new generation of warship that was driven by this new technology. It would be lighter, faster, stealthier, and with much, much bigger guns.

Lie Jintian was suddenly taken over by a profound satisfaction; the people were going to see him as the savior of the world when this was all done.

After he left the world, he would pass the title and honor to his son.

He had already started preparing his son to take over the world. He never shied away from praising his son’s ability in front of the media, painting a picture of a budding ruler of mars.

Inside the commanding room, Lie Jintian watched the advancement of his units with a lighthearted smile; he was in a good mood today.

“Balls, that the hell is that kid doing? Why is he moving like a snail? Haha!” Lie Jintian joked as he noticed one team lagging behind the rest. The other officers gave each other a knowing smile. It had been a while since the last time they saw a smile hanging on their general’s face.

Suddenly, an ear piercing siren went off, breaking the amiable spell in the office.

The radar indicated a large group of red dots closing in onto the command center. They were a group of dark ones with a color that no one had seen on a dark one before: purple. At the forefront of the dark ones’ column was a hulking frame with two enormous bat wings. Although he looked uglier than the rest of the dark ones, everyone recognized him right away: he was the dark lord, Moye.

How did he travel such a great distance unnoticed?

By then, the human resistance had already crossed over to the Zergs’ territory, and it was almost impossible for a large number of powerful dark ones to track such a long distance without being discovered by scouts. Somehow, Moye had done just that.

Before the officers in the command center could gather themselves, they heard gunshots: the battle had started.

Moye didn’t even spare a glance at the soldiers firing at him below as he went straight for the command center. However, his purple guards swooped down and killed the soldiers with one strike.

Moye had deceived everyone. He didn’t fall for Wang Tong’s trap and fight him in the open field; instead, he sneaked up on Lie Jintian and attacked him with surprise.

After all, Lie Jintian and his units were soldiers who were really fighting the war, and not the pesky Wang Tong. Without Lie Jintian, the Martian front would quickly crumble due to lack of leadership, and Moye would be able to turn the tides of the battle once again.

Moye had been waiting for this moment for many years, and finally, Lie Jintian had shown himself.


The roof of the command center was blown up by force inside, and Lie Jintian shot himself into the sky like a cannonball, punching at the ugly face of Moye with abandon.


“Moye, you are finally here!”

“Hehe, I thought that was my line.” Moye grinned. Every feature on his face was grotesque and unholy; however, the arrangement of them made the sum look much less of an eyesore.

“Hehe…Whatever, I only wanted to fight the most powerful warrior of the Zergs, not the second most powerful. ” Lie Jintian smiled sarcastically.

Moye didn’t mind Lie Jian’s sneer; unlike his minions, he possessed perfect control over his emotions. He let Lie Jintian’s insult slide off his ego like rainwater off his bald head.

“Ah, humans…Forever an enigma to me. I was deeply fascinated by the humans’ quality ever since I was born. At last, my fascination has to end today. ”

“Hehe…You sound like you have already won the war. Don’t forget that it is you who are on the losing side. Why did you try so hard? Didn’t you know that you are only doing Patroclus a favor?”

Lie Jintian found Moye’s old wound and sprinkled a pinch of salt over it.

Moye had seen through Lie Jintian’s physiologic game, so he kept his silence. He spread his wings languidly and yawned, just to show how unfazed he was by Lie Jintian’s words.

“If you can defeat me, I will tell you more of my secrets.” Moye cracked a smile.

“That’s for the best.” Lie Jintian hardened his face and cracked up his GN force, letting the fire element energy pour into his system.

Moye smiled thinly and then said, “Still level twenty-seven after so many years?”


Lie Jintian flashed out of view and then reappeared in front of Moye, who was caught off guard and dealt a blow in the chest. Lie Jintian knew that he might not be able to overcome the combined might of all of Moye’s purple guards, so he had to finish the dark lord quickly. In a blink, he had cranked up his soul energy from level twenty-seven to twenty-eight.

Crimson Lotus Eight Hundred Strikes!

This was the move that Lie Jintian had reserved just for Moye. Turning himself into a conflagration, Lie Jintian connected his sea of consciousness with the natural force and poured the potent energies onto his enemy. The fire multiplied its size and intensity until it had engulfed the dark lord.

Lie Jian had connected his attack and formed a combo, and once Moye was thrown off balance by the first blow, it was impossible for him to put up any defense.

The deadly strikes rained on Moye like a sudden downpour. A red lotus with eight hundred petals bloomed on the battlefield; each petal was a deadly strike, and all of them together formed an inescapable fiery combo that meant death.

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