Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 639 - Dark Lord’s Head

Chapter 639: Dark Lord’s Head

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Moye’s transformation wasn’t just in terms of aesthetics; it had also improved his skills. Moye’s last form, the second form, excelled in brute strength. However, regardless of how heavily he could hit, if he couldn’t land a solid blow, all that strength and energy was wasted. The last stage of his transformation refined his technical finesse while further boosting his raw power.

“This blade technique looks familiar.”

“It’s House Li’s Tactics of Vayu.” Lie Jian furrowed his brows and answered. He wagered that the blade technique would become more powerful when used by Moye than Li Zhedao.

“Air Splitting Whirl Wind Hell!”

Moye twirled and spun as he rose into the sky. He squeezed the blade with both hands, as the purple energy crystal on his helmet started to gleam. The purple light flowed to the blade and clung to it as Moye hacked at Wang Tong suddenly.

The air was stifled for a splitting second, and the earth trembled and mountain moaned. Countless blade aura lanced and swirled toward Wang Tong with a killing intent. It was a GN attack, and its potency was no less, if not more, than that of mastery.

The belligerent blade aura threatened to rip open the very fabric of space; Moye was not worried about energy consumption since he had a nearly unlimited supply of it.

A golden light flashed in Wang Tong’s hands, and the Einherjar Lance appeared out of nowhere. He rested the lance firmly about his waist and formed a GN shield around him.


The blade aura rained on the shield like a sudden downpour. Moye held the purple blade in both his hands and channeled more energy from his body into the tip of the blade. When the tiny point could no longer hold any more energy, Moye finally attacked. With that, a beam of highly concentrated purple energy shot out of the tip of the blade.


The blade aura exploded in Wang Tong’s face, sending a shower of sparks and cinders. Everyone’s hearts were caught in their throats. Was Wang Tong alright?

As the dust and smoke finally receded, Wang Tong emerged unharmed. He twirled his lance around as if playing with a toy. “This is your final stage? No wonder Patroclus is not interested in you. You are still too far from the real power. Have you heard about the divine path?” Wang Tong said airily.

“That’s bullsh*t! Strength is the only path! ” Moye shouted. Without the husky and hoarse voice, he sounded like a girl screaming.

Wang Tong shook his head and lamented about how primitive and simple Zergs were. Despite their incredible evolution ability, their complete ignorance of the divine path would be their downfall. The humans had searched for the divine path for thousands of years, and by then, the name had been branded in humanity’s collective memories. The Zergs were already too late to the party.

Wang Tong constantly spun the lance in his hand with an even and controlled level of soul energy. Wang Tong had kept his soul energy output steady ever since the beginning of the fight. Without knowing the full extent of his opponent’s power, it was dangerous to unleash off of his power as Moye had just done.

However, Wang Tong didn’t conserve his soul energy for that reason; he simply didn’t think that he would need any more of it to subdue the dark lord.

Michaux marveled at the improvements that Wang Tong had made in the last five years. As a matter of fact, Wang Tong was already ahead of most people even five years ago once he possessed the soul essence. After five years of cultivation in undisturbed seclusion, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to Michaux that he had come back so powerfully.

It was evident that Moye was not a worthy opponent, and Michaux would have to wait another day to see Wang Tong’s full power on display. Wang Tong wouldn’t reveal his real power for the same reason that Patroclus didn’t reveal his while he fought with Li Zhedao. They were both watching each other’s every move closely. If one showed a powerful coupe de grace, given some time, the other would be guaranteed to come up with a counter. Therefore, it was in their best interest to hide their power as much as possible and seek safety in the darkness before the final showdown.

Sensing that Wang Tong was going to attack, Moye gathered up his soul energy and increased his defense. However, he doubted that the former could even make a dent on his armor. Not only had he the absolute advantage in terms of strength, but his wings also provided unmatched agility.

The golden lance extended ahead, its tip shooting at the ground. Suddenly, Wang Tong charged out; his body started by flicking like a phantom and then disappearing completely. Before Moye knew it was too late, he felt the wind blow through his chest. He looked down and saw the hole on his chest. Blood spilled out of Moye’s insides as he dropped down to one knee while Wang Tong re-emerged right in front of him.

This was the same move Wang Tong had pulled off five years ago in order to defeated Li Shiming: the Space Warping technique! But unlike five years ago, Wang Tong knew exactly what he was doing this time, and the power was much more devastating than when he had unleashed it by accident.

“What kind of move is that?” Moye’s handsome face was distorted by pain. Thanks to his swift reaction, he was able to avoid the killing blow. By then, the large hole on his chest had already closed up as the wound started to heal.

Wang Tong didn’t hurry to strike again while Moye was still weak. “I have heard that you are able to copy any move you have seen. Would you care to entertain me with that ability?” Wang Tong put the Einherjar lance down and said in a condescending voice.

Wang Tong had finally shown the sharp demeanor that befitted his power and donned the mask of the almighty Blade Warrior. Contempt and pride were carved into this mask, and Wang Tong wore them like a constant reminder of his superiority over the Zergs.

The humans hadn’t seen this much confidence on display in the last five years. In those dreary five long years, if the humans were not in hiding from the Zergs, they were running away from them. Never once did they muster enough courage to truly stand before the Zerg army with an adequate measure of confidence.

When Moye had completed his final transformation, the human public was seized by despair and hopelessness. But, all of that defeatism was gone now while they basked under the reflected glory of Wang Tong.

In the space, Samantha watched the screen as she marveled at how quickly Wang Tong’s mind had grown up and matured. No longer did he act on a whim; everything he did and said encouraged the human soldiers while straining the minds of the dark ones and immortals. He had finally started to see things as a bigger picture.

It was about time for a hero like Wang Tong to show up as humanity was on its last leg.

Samantha reckoned that if Wang Tong charged straight into the dark castle and done away with the dark lord as soon as he landed on the Mars, he would have changed only a fraction of what he had so far. If he had done that, the factions on Mars would still be fragmented while the big players bickered and squabbled about trivial matters. It would only be a matter of time before Patroclus weighed in and crushed the splintered Martian front in one fell swoop.

Moye starred at Wang Tong fearfully. His mind refused to acknowledge what he had seen. Wang Tong had broken the law of physics, that was impossible. It had to be some kind of a trick!

Moye gathered strength and suddenly was covered with blue flames. Lie Jian’s face hardened at sight; he registered that Moye was going to combine the House Lie’s Tactics of Blaze with House Li’s Tactics of Vayu.

Although such a feat was impossible for a human, it was as easy as breathing for Moye.

As Moye gathered more energy, his belly and chest were filled to the brim with dancing blue flames. The fullness in his body bent him backward slightly, stretching his muscles and sinews as if stringing a bow.

Across the roiling energy, Wang Tong’s face seemed relaxed.?Harmon was taken aback by the former’s expression. He knew Wang Tong had tricks up his sleeves, but without being there close up, he wouldn’t be able to discern the nature of Wang Tong’s counter. “The devil is in the details.” Harmon lamented.

Blue Vayu Fire Wind!

In an instant, the earth around Wang Tong cracked open due to the bombardment of blade auras. The attacks bent and warped the fabric of space and made the air look almost like liquid. The ground trembled violently as the dark palace started to crumble.

Wang Tong didn’t move a hair, but the attacks simply went through his body as if they held no physical substances.

“You are a great copycat, but that is not enough to end the human world.” Wang Tong announced, still standing where he was while completely unharmed.?Moye shot him a fearful glance as he tried to wrap his mind around what had happened. In his simple mind, speed and strength were the only things that mattered to a warrior’s power. Plus, he had gone above and beyond to refine his skills, combining powerful techniques creatively. Was that still not enough? If so, what did he miss?

Moye watched as Wang Tong raised his lance. Confusion and fear had taken hold of him, rendering him motionless. Wang Tong pointed the lance at Moye’s neck, making him feel a chill down his spine as he turned into a bundle of nerves.

Suddenly, Moye flapped his wings, and just as everyone thought he was going to attack first, the dark lord turned on his heels and flew in the other direction.

The audiences were shocked: Moye was escaping!

Anyway, Wang Tong didn’t give Moye a chance as he hurled the lance at the nape of Moye’s neck. The attack hit home, and Moye tumbled to the ground, still alive. He struggled to keep balance while the lance was lodged in his neck, and then tried to flap his win again, in vain. Wang Tong had gripped his wings with an iron grip. While Wang Tong held Moye’s wings in one hand, he picked up the lance with the other as he lifted the latter’s body off the ground and held it.

It was the cue for Lie Jian to avenge his father.

Lie Jian shouted a battle cry as blue flames covered his body and charged out.?Fists of fire rained on Moye’s pretty face. Compared to Moye’s crime; this punishment seemed almost benign.

Harmon watched with astonishment. He had planned the start of this fight, but didn’t expect it to end like this. He had doubts regarding Wang Tong’s power, but Patroclus’ conviction had persuaded him in the end. However, even if he were aware that Wang Tong’s incredible abilities, he could have never seen him defeat Moye so easily even in his wildest imagination. In addition, he was also impressed by his ability of gaining Lie Jian’s support by offering him the chance to avenge his father.

Lie Jian would owe Wang Tong a big one by being given the opportunity to redeem his family’s reputation. It wasn’t just Lie Jian he was helping, but also the Martian public. Wang Tong needed all of their support to lead the Martian troops to liberate the Earth and the moon. He was clearly killing two birds with one stone.

Harmon hesitated for a second and then started his spaceship. The battle is wrapping up, and he needed to bug out while he still could.

Meanwhile, the entire red planet was awash with elation and blissful joy. Women wept tears of joy while men shouted and hoorayed for the end of the dark age.

Moye’s perfect body was already in tatters by then. The fire had melted his elegant METAL while his porcelain skin was charred to the color of coal. His neck was broken and his head lolled to one side. Lie Jian grabbed onto Moye’s hair, and with a forceful yank, he pulled the head off of Moye’s shoulder.

By then, the human warriors were surrounded by dark ones and Zergs coming from all over the area, but the scene had terrified them despite their overwhelming numbers. They saw a bloody human head on a pike, and then realized that it was Moye.

Stunned by the sudden turn of events, the dark ones simply stood around, not knowing what to do. After a while, a few smart ones started running away, and then the entire army followed them.

Zambrotta announced Moye’s death right away to encourage his soldiers. The darkest time had passed, and now, it was the time the clean up this planet of the Zergs. The news had convinced the human soldiers that they would be unstoppable from then on.

The Zerg army didn’t dare to look at Moye’s head, much less get near it. Little did they know that they had lost the best opportunity to kill the human elites.

Inside the dark city, soldiers collapsed to the ground out of exhaustion. Even Wang Tong had started to feel fatigue. They would have never been able to defend against the Zergs if the latter had decided to attack them. Wang Tong had thought of that, and therefore, he had set Moye’s head on a spike for all the Zergs to see. He knew the terrifying sight would scare away the dark ones.

Everyone cheered the heroes’ names. This was an epic victory, and this day would be remembered and cherished for generations to come.

Wang Tong, Lie Jian, Michaux, Guan Dongyang, Xiao Yuyu, Vorenus, Yin Tianzong, and many other warriors were the pride of the human race.

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