Rebound: A 2nd Chance

Chapter 293 - An Exciting Weekend.

Inside a small television studio sat Tucker and Jeff as they sat casually in brightly colored chairs around a coffee table.

Tucker took a sip from his red plastic cup before turning to the camera with a smile "Hello and thank you for tuning in to another episode of Foul Mouths.

I\'m your host Tucker Winston along with my co host Jeffrey Lautner." Jeff nodded at the camera with a smile on his face before raising his own red plastic cup.

"Thanks for the intro Tucker. Man, am I in a celebration type mood right now. Today we are here for yet another amazing win by Jefferson middle school as they are now 17 and 0 for the season.

There just isn\'t a school in the county that can keep up with them. At least from what I\'ve seen so far in this season."

Tucker nodded his head "I would have to agree with you Jeff. From what I\'ve seen from them on the court Jefferson Middle School is in a class of their own.

It almost seems unfair to have them go against other middle schoolers." Jeff laughed "Seems unfair? More like it\'s super unfair.

Jefferson has the best point differential out off all the other teams in the state. They are beating all of their opponents by at least 30 points this season.

If that doesn\'t sound unfair to you I don\'t know what is." Tucker nodded his head "You do have a point there Jeff."

He then began to scratch his head as a grin formed on his face. He turned to Jeff "But why does it sound like your a super fan talking about his team?

If my memory serves me correctly it was you that was doubting Jefferson so much last year." Jeff began to blush.

He crossed his arms as he took a sip from his cup "Are you going to bring that up every single time we talk about Jefferson?

I get it, I was a lame-o loser for being super doubtful about Jefferson and Jaya last season. But can you blame me?

Up until then Jefferson had the reputation of being the worst basketball team in the whole county. Who could have known that they would be this good?"

Tucker began to move his eyes as he scanned all over the room "Actually I think there were a few well educated sports lovers with high basketball IQ that were able to recognize Jaya\'s talents.

Cough me cough. But you\'re right. I can\'t really blame you for lacking the ability to see the true potential of Jefferson and Jaya."

Jeff face palmed before rolling his eyes "Alright already, we get it. You are the basketball god for being able to see all of this way back since last year. Are you happy?"

Tucker smiled "Very. Anyways, now that we\'re done teasing Jeff let\'s talk about the games that happened this weekend."

Jeff chuckled "I think we\'re the only show that would cover a regular season game for a middle school team."

Tucker nodded his head "Yes, but we are also a local show and what else other than Jefferson do people really care about in Riverside?

In this city the biggest names on peoples\' minds right now are Jaya and Jefferson. And can you blame them?

No team in this city\'s history has ever shown the kind of talent and potential that Jaya has shown with Jefferson.

Even with Tyreek we mostly marveled at how amazing he was as an individual. He never showed the ability to uplift a team the way that Jaya has."

Jeff took another sip as he nodded his head "True, true, with Tyreek we watched him dominate with his ability to take over games by himself.

But with Jaya he\'s a different kind of amazing. Not only has he shown that he can take over games by himself but he\'s also shown that he can get the most out of the players around him.

Not to say that one is inherently better than the other but they have different styles. It\'s kind of like comparing Magic to MJ. They are both on the Mount Rushmore of GOATs. At least here in Riverside."

The screen behind them began to play highlights from the games that happened over the weekend. Tucker turned his head to loot at the screen.

He grabbed the remote and paused it before holding his head with both of his hands "That play was crazy.

Jaya clearly gets hit with the screen and his defensive assignment is left wide open for the three. But he hustles back just in time to block the shot from behind."

Jeff added "The crazier part is the fact that they\'re already up by 30 in the fourth quarter and he still hustled like that.

That level of energy and intensity is a skillset at that point. It\'s already hard enough for some players to play with heart and effort regularly.

But when you have a lead like that and it\'s clear that you\'re going to blow your opponents out of the water?

Most people would be cruising at that point. Jaya\'s the only kid that I can think about doing something like that."

Tucker responded by shaking his head "Too bad most people don\'t feel that way. I\'ve been seeing a lot of the comments online.

While a lot of people acknowledge Jaya\'s talent and abilities there are also a lot of people that don\'t think that this is all real.

Their biggest argument is the fact that Jaya hasn\'t had to face any real competition so far. And although I don\'t agree with them completely they are right when they say that Jefferson is in a weak county with lower levels of competition."

Tucker nodded his head before smiling "That\'s true. But I don\'t think that will be the case for long. There are only three more games left in the regular season.

I\'m sure that when Jaya leads Jefferson to the state and national tournament all the haters will have to shut their mouths hahaha."

- - -

In Kyle\'s room Jason was laying in his bed while reading through one of his manga while Kyle sat in front of his computer playing a game.

All of a sudden Jason turned his head to the side as a sneeze came out of him "Achoo! " Kyle took off his headphones as he turned around to look at Jason.

"You good bro? Maybe you should take it easy for a while. You did just drop a fifty piece two games in a row."

Jason shook his head before going back to reading the manga in his hand "Nah, I\'m good. It\'s probably someone just talking about me."

Kyle laughed "If that was the case you would be sneezing 24/7 bro. Too bad it\'s already Monday tomorrow.

I feel like we didn\'t even get a chance to have any fun this weekend." Jason didn\'t take his eyes off of the manga that he was reading as he responded.

"I don\'t know about you but I had a ton of fun this weekend. Dropping 50 points back to back was pretty exciting." Kyle rolled his eyes as he laughed "Whatever."

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