Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 26 - 1 – Grandma Tong Tian

The man looked to be around thirty-five, thirty-six, tall and thin, with tapered face, and a piece of goatee at the end of his chin. It would appear that his face was like a hybrid between a horse and a goat. While walking up the road, he seemed to be trying hard to straighten his originally hunched back and stick out his chest and belly. Looking at his overall posture, he appeared even more like a Qin [dynasty] itinerant con man, who drifted around everywhere.

The clothes on his body were bright and neat, whether in terms of material or the craftsmanship, it was obviously expensive, fine goods. However, Xu Ziling saw through at first glance that this frivolous-looking gentleman was definitely not as simple as his outside appearance suggested.

His eyes were calm and collected, and nimble too, as if he was continuously looking for other people’s weak points. The skin exposed outside his clothes appeared to have some kind of peculiar sheen, which was the outcome of a long-term true qi cultivation from internal school. His hands were slender and neat. Even within his exaggerated movements, there was a strong impression of his power and agility. The little finger of his left hand lacked its last segment, as if someone cut it off.

Without any trace of politeness he sat down beside Xu Ziling, and poured a cup of wine for him. Introducing himself, he said, “Xiao [small/little; I am under the impression there is missing character here] surnamed Lei [thunder]; but everybody calls me Lei Jiuzhi [lit. nine fingers] for so long that I have forgotten the real name that my Die and Niang gave me! LaoGe, may I ask your honorable surname and great given name?”

The passengers sitting on the other table stopped talking; like people who loved to enjoy watching a bustling scene, they watched Xu Ziling’s reaction and listened attentively to the two man’s conversation.

Remaining tranquil and calm, Xu Ziling said, “Who made you from having ten fingers to nine?”

Lei Jiuzhi’s pair of eyes flashed with mysterious light, which quickly faded. Continuing his exaggerated gestures and expression, he said, “That is the cost I have to pay for playing before my skill was refined.”

And then he leaned closer and spoke in low voice, “LaoGe, are you interested in making a large fortune?”

“Not interested!” Xu Ziling coldly replied.

Lei Jiuzhi revealed a ‘I understand thoroughly’ expression; leaning back to his seat, he raised his cup and said, “Good man! Let Lei Jiuzhi toast LaoGe with a cup!”

Inwardly Xu Ziling praised him as worthy to come out and mingle in Jianghu; he deeply understood the way to see the wind and sail speedily. Asking him to leave, Xu Ziling said, “If Lei Xiong is here just to tell me this, you may go as you wish.”

Lei Jiuzhi laughed aloud and said, “Just let Xiaodi speak a few more words.” And then he leaned over again and spoke in low voice, “LaoGe must think that I make my living in Jianghu; am I right?”

Frowning, Xu Ziling asked, “Who are you, then?”

With serious expression Lei Jiuzhi replied, “I gamble all over the place north of the Great River, someone who researches all kinds of gambling technique.”

Laughing involuntarily, Xu Ziling said, “What difference does it have with Jianghu drifters?”

Putting his wine cup down, Lei Jiuzhi putting on an act, saying, “Naturally there is a big difference. Please listen to Xiaodi’s detailed explanation.”

Xu Ziling groaned inwardly that he had been duped; but it was too late to regret now.

Because the people on the other table could not hear their conversation clearly, they lost interest and continued their own previous endless chat [orig. discussing the heaven speaking about the earth].

Xu Ziling sighed and said, “I have zero interest in gambling. Lei Xiong, just find somebody else to listen to you.”

Lei Jiuzhi laughed and said, “Even though it is a minor art, it certainly has considerable gain! LaoGe does not have any interest just because you don’t understand it. The fact is, gambling can spread for all eternity. Not only there are a thousand schools ten thousand categories, they are wide-ranging and profound. You only need to understand one or two, then you can reap infinite benefit throughout your life.”

Sneering, Xu Ziling said, “In the end, doesn’t it boil down to two words, win or lose? If I have zero interest in getting rich, why would I want to learn it? Besides, you and I are total strangers, why did Lei Xiong suddenly come to me to give me small advantages?”

Lei Jiuzhi’s eyes flashing, he said, “LaoGe is indeed a sensible man. This place has too many people and miscellaneous ears, can we find another place to talk?”

Ever since he came to talked to him, Xu Ziling has not been able to figure out his school or which path he was coming from; this moment his heart was moved, he asked, “Last night, those men who intercepted the ship before we sailed, what dispute or grudges do they have against Lei Xiong?”

Lei Jiuzhi looked at Xu Ziling in astonishment; evidently he wanted to reassess Xu Ziling’s expression. “LaoGe is indeed brilliant; your associative power is even more extremely rich,” he spoke in heavy voice, “If I, Lei Jiuzhi, still cover up the left and conceal the right, LaoGe would definitely look down on Xiaodi. That’s right! Those bunch of men last night were coming for me. They are from Chuan Nan Du Fang [South Sichuan Casino].”

Xu Ziling cheered inwardly. Unexpectedly, quite by accident he resolved the Han family’s difficulty; the remaining problem was to let Han Zenan know that the bunch of men were not his enemy, it was just a misunderstanding.

Rising to his full height, he said, “Let’s talk in my room!”

It was greatly beyond Lei Jiuzhi’s expectation; he had never thought that after he exposed his own identity, the opposite party would become friendly instead. Momentarily he was stunned speechless.

Song Yuzhi threw a tender tantrum; she said, “You speak this kind of frivolous word to me again, I will ignore you forever!”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Zhizhi fell into the trap! I just wanted to see your touching appearance like this, hence I deliberately spoke those frivolous words. Hey! Back to the main point, which direction is your mountain city home?”

Song Yuzhi was so angry that her apricot eyes grew even bigger; folding her arms on her chest, she shook her head and said, “Don’t even think that I am going to tell you.”

Kou Zhong stepped forward and spoke in low voice to calm her down, “Everything ought to be considered in the big picture. Just think, if just because your Die engraved my name on the whetstone I got so scared that I run away to the wilderness while pissing in my pants, and another day I came to propose a marriage, since your Die is an outstanding hero, how could he want to have a good-for-nothing for a son-in-law? Trust me! Your Die just wanted to see the color of my guts. I guarantee that when I climb up the mountain city, he, the Senior, would open the main gate wide to welcome me.”

Song Yuzhi nearly wanted to cover up her ears; sighing, she said, “Your boastful words are more unpleasant to hear than your frivolous words.”

Kou Zhong proudly said, “This is precisely my, Kou Zhong’s most valuable aspect to San Xiaojie; which is to enable San Xiaojie to touch things that you have never dreamed about before.”

Song Yuzhi nearly wanted to reach out and pinch and snap his throat. Stomping her feet, she said, “Only ghosts would dream about those things. Whether you are a first class saber expert or ninth class lobbyist, I want you to get lost. I do not want to see you again.”

Kou Zhong hastily smiled apologetically and said, “My bad! Zhizhi’s genuine kind intention, I understand completely.”

Song Yuzhi was taken aback, “What genuine kind intention?” she asked.

Kou Zhong leaned over to her ear and lowered his voice until it could not be lowered anymore. “You are afraid that your Die is going to kill me, hence you pretend to be heartless and told me to get lost! Am I right?”

‘Pfft!’ Song Yuzhi could not help giggling. Smiling wryly, she said, “I am really helpless against you. Your biggest shortcoming is that you don’t have self-knowledge, and your skin is so thick; when you speak, I don’t know what you are driving at. Ay! Just consider that I am afraid that you, Kou Shao Shuai, would really go up the mountain city to throw away your life!”

Full of confidence, Kou Zhong said, “Is it not clear enough for you? If your Die really want to kill me, he could have made his move that night.”

“This is just because you don’t understand him!” Song Yuzhi said, “Die’s conducts are always in and out of reason and outward appearance, difficult to speculate. There’s no harm in telling you: Die one time asked me if I wanted to marry you, I expressed my determination, and then set up an oath in front of successive generation ancestors that I will not marry you. Therefore, Die practically will not regard you as future son-in-law.”

Kou Zhong felt as if someone punched him on the stomach. Falling three steps back, with the color draining out of his face, he cried out involuntarily, “What?”

Xu Ziling took Lei Jiuzhi into his cabin. As they were passing Han Zenan, husband and wife’s cabin, he intentionally raised his voice, “How did Lei Xiong incur those Chuan Nan Casino men’s hatred so that last night they did not spare any effort in trying to stop the boat?”

Lei Jiuzhi cast him a glance, his eyes revealed a singular look, but he did not answer the question.

Xu Ziling praised him inwardly, knowing that this man was worthy to make a living in Jianghu, he was able to obtain clues from the way Xu Ziling raising his voice. But since his goal has been achieved, he did not bother to pursue this matter further.

At the same time, he focused his power into his ears, and was immediately able to hear the woman speaking to Han Zenan, “XiangGong [an old form of address for one’s husband]! Did you hear that?”

Han Zenan merely responded with an ‘Oh!’

Xu Ziling pushed the door open and said, “Lei Xiong, please sit down.”

Without any trace of politeness Lei Jiuzhi sat into one of the two chairs by the window, and put the small wine jar casually on the table. After Xu Ziling sat down in the other chair, he sat up straight, as if he became another person altogether, dignified, exuding his strong presence. The tone of his voice changed from exaggerated to calm and collected. He sighed and said, “I really could not tell that LaoGe is actually a man who’s willing to help others so much. A moment ago when I saw your interest in Han Family, husband and wife’s affair, I thought you had another purpose, to the extent that I saw the color to determine the heart. But now I know that you are really good toward them.”

More and more Xu Ziling felt that this man was really not simple; he was definitely not an ordinary Jianghu drifter. He spoke indifferently, “Since Lei Xiong knew that the Han Family, husband and wife mistakenly thought that Chuan Nan Casino men were their family enemy’s pursuing troops, why didn’t you point it to them to let them know? Aren’t you harboring another evil intention?”

Lei Jiuzhi calmly said, “If I hastily talked to them, would they believe me?”

Nodding his head, Xu Ziling said, “Very well! We won’t discuss that aspect anymore. But why does Lei Xiong look upon Ol’ Gong?”

Lei Jiuzhi turned his head around to look at him; he said, “Turns out it’s Gong Xiong. Gong Xiong ought to be a greatly famous character in Jianghu, but Xiaodi has never heard about you. Only by looking at how Wu Jiang Bang people were particularly deferential and respectful toward Gong Xiong, I know that Gong Xiong is someone ‘with a head and a face’ [i.e. someone important]. This is very strange.”

Displeased, Xu Ziling let out a cold snort and said, “Evidently Lei Xiong has researched the roots and investigated the base of Jianghu’s big names. Lei Xiong, please be careful with your words and actions.”

Unexpectedly Lei Jiuzhi’s thin face revealed a delighted expression; he said, “Gong Xiong must not take any offense. Just now I was just using words to sound you out. Gong Xiong’s reaction has confirmed Xiaodi’s opinion. Gong Xiong, please forgive Xiaodi for my irreverent remark.”

Frowning, Xu Ziling asked, “What are you trying to sound out?”

With serious expression Lei Jiuzhi replied, “I want to see if Gong Xiong is really a chivalrous man? If Gong Xiong is a figure from the heretical way, what I said just now would bring Xiaodi the disaster of getting myself killed. Based on Gong Xiong’s martial art skill, taking care of me should just be the exertion of lifting your hand.”

Xu Ziing did not expect that this man was able to see through the depth of his martial art skill merely by observation; shivering inwardly, he spoke in heavy voice, “Lei Xiong might as well speak up clearly your purpose in coming, and please do as you wish, but do not waste Ol’ Gong’s time.”

Smiling, Lei Jiuzhi said, “This matter is complicated and not easy to express succinctly. First of all, let me ask Gong Xiong, would Gong Xiong be willing stand up for the heavenly way, while at the same time make a great fortune?”

Remaining tranquil and calm, Xu Ziling said, “I am afraid Lei Xiong will have to find another candidate; simply because Ol’ Gong has an important matter I have to attend to, hence it will be difficult for me to come to your aid.”

And then he quizzically asked, “If Lei Xiong wanted to evade the pursuing troops, you can jump into the river to escape, then you would break the clues pursuers were tracking. In this time, where the world is in chaos, who would have the ability to go all over the world to search for you?”

Avoiding the question, Lei Jiuzhi said, “Since Gong Xiong have no intention to lend a hand, Xiaodi has no choice but to find another way. Excuse me, please!”

Song Yuzhi dejectedly said, “Just forget Yuzhi! With your, Kou Zhong’s qualification, who among the beautiful women around the world would not greatly admire you? If you are really good to Yuzhi, hereafter please do not enter Lingnan even for half a step.”

Finally Kou Zhong recovered his composure. With mouth wide open he gasped for breath for a moment, before shaking his head and said with a sigh, “Song Yuzhi, you are too heartless to me!”

Involuntarily he waved his hand to say goodbye, and then flew backward. In the blink of an eye he disappeared into the woods.

Song Yuzhi tightly bit her cherry lip; her pretty face was deathly white. Suddenly her cherry lips opened up and she vomited a mouthful of blood before collapsing backward.

Unexpectedly a shadow flashed across and caught her waist just before she fell to the ground, and then the shadow flew in the direction where Kou Zhong disappeared.

In one breath Kou Zhong rushed for about twenty li in the wilderness; his heart was filled to the brim with resentment and sorrow. In the land of love, he had been utterly defeated.

First it was Li Xiuning, and now it was Song Yuzhi.

When he came, he was brimming with hope, but now all his vision for the future and fantasies have been smashed to pieces by a few words from Song Yuzhi’s mouth.

Suddenly he became aware that he was traveling along an official road. There were other vehicles and horses, as well as pedestrians. At this moment he did not want to think about anything; he just wanted to find a wine shop and drink until he pass out. He would think about making other plans after he woke up.

As far as Song Yuzhi was concerned, he had totally given up all hope.

While still in daze, he entered the county town, and unexpectedly it was the Yulin County that he was looking for.

After paying the tax to enter the city, he walked leisurely along the main street, looking for a wine shop. He entered in and bought wine to get himself drunk.

This wine shop was very unique; it had two elongated rectangular-shaped sections, inside and outside, joined in the middle with an open-air courtyard. There was an oval shaped fishpond in the middle of the courtyard, while potted plants were spread all over the place.

If it were during the peacetime, Kou Zhong would definitely enjoy the atmosphere. This moment, however, he simply walked to the end of the shop, and sat down on the table in the corner.

The waiter cordially greeted him, “This Daye must be from out of town. Our Jian Long Zhai’s [lit. seeing dragon building] wine and dishes are second to none in Yulin; Daye really have good taste.”

Kou Zhong swept his gaze around, and noticed that the shop was quite sparse, with only six or seven tables had customers on them, how could he believe his bragging? He was not interested in chitchat even more. “I don’t want any dish, just wine,” he said, “And I want your strongest wine.”

Contrary to expectation, the waiter was quite astute; he left without saying anything.

Thinking about Song Yuzhi being so heartless, a tearing-the-heart, splitting-the-lungs pain burst in Kou Zhong’s heart, he had difficulty breathing, and he felt like bawling his heart out, yet not even half a teardrop wanted to come out of his eyes. He began to realize the depth of his love to Song Yuzhi, which greatly beyond his own expectation.

But then he immediately comforted himself. All these things would pass, just like that time he was dead drunk because of Li Xiuning. When he sobered up, he would strive his hardest to forget Song Yuzhi. This was also the only thing he could do. He really could not understand Song Yuzhi. And for the first time he realized it was impossible to fathom the real thought in her heart.

It was obvious that this naturally proud woman, who came from prestigious school and big clan – liked him; even if previously there was some gratitude and grudges between them, seeing him, Kou Zhong, as if he was making a pilgrimage, taking time out of his busy schedule, defying ten thousand rivers and a thousand mountains along distant road to come to seek her, she should have thrown all past disagreements and come to welcome him!

Who would have thought that the ending would be like this?

The wine came.

Kou Zhong suddenly felt something was not right. Looking up, he saw that the one bringing the wine to him was surprisingly the ‘Silver Dragon’ Song Lu. Startled, he hurriedly rose up.

Song Lu affectionately pressed down his shoulder and warmly said, “Sit down first, we’ll talk later.”

‘Knock! Knock! Knock!’

Xu Ziling was studying the newly learned ‘Zhenyan Shou Yin’ when he heard knocks on his door.

“Come in!”

It was Lin Lang. He said nervously, “They are here!”

Xu Ziing immediately knew that the Chuan Nan Casino men were renewing their pursuit, simply because only they had the ability to catch up with them in such a short period of time. “What does Lin Xiangzhu intend to do?” he asked.

Lin Lang indignantly said, “Everything must be handled according to Jianghu rules. This is our Wu Jiang Bang ship; if the other party wants to cause difficulties on the ship, that is, not giving us Wu Jiang Bang any face, how would we stand in Jianghu in the future? After arriving in Jiujiang, naturally we will not meddle in other people’s business.”

Xu Ziling praised him inwardly. No wonder Hou Xibai said that Wu Jiang Bang’s prestige was outstanding, while at the same time his impression on Lin Lang greatly increased. This was what was called ‘he who comes is surely ill-intentioned, no-one well-meaning will come’ [idiom]; since the other party dared to hold on to their tail and pursue them, naturally they had enough power and confidence that they would be able to eat Wu Jiang Bang men.

Smiling, Xu Ziling said, “Do you know who the other party is?”

Lin Lang shook his head. “There is no identifying banner,” he said, “There seem to be more than a hundred men. This is really strange. Most of the gangs and societies of the same way [principle] doing business along the Chang Jiang have had drinks with me and have good relationship with me; even if there is no good relationship, at least we nod and greet when we are passing each other. But this group of people looks very unfamiliar. I wonder what’s their background.”

Xu Ziling said, “I just received the information; the pursuers are likely to be the men from Chuan Nan Casino.”

His countenance changed, Lin Lang asked, “Where did the information come from?”

“I heard it from one of the passengers on this ship,” Xu Ziling replied.

Greatly worried, Lin Lang said, “If they are indeed from Chuan Nan Casino, it will be extremely thorny. Among the gambling establishments in Chengdu, Chuan Nan Casino is the largest in term of scale. Even Xie Hui has to give them a bit of face. No wonder they are this overbearing and did not give any consideration to us.”

Remaining calm and unruffled in the midst of chaos, Xu Ziling asked, “Who has such a big face?”

Lin Lang replied, “The big boss of Chuan Nan Casino is the ‘Golden Abacus’ Huo Qingqiao; he could be ranked among the martial art masters of Bashu. His reputation is barely second only to Xie Hui, Fan Zhuo, Feng Zhen, and other regional overlords. His son Huo Jitong is well known for being a bully; very daring and ruthless. Their Huo Family also runs pleasure house business. I really don’t understand how that Han Zenan could provoke this kind of man?”

Probing him, Xu Ziling asked, “Could it be that because the other party is Chuan Nan Casino that Lin Xiangzhu changed your attitude?”

Lin Lang sighed and said, “That depends on whether they have any reason to stand. Our Wu Jiang Bang is not that easy to provoke either. Our Laoda and Xie Baozhu [fort master] have always had friendly relations. Chuan Nan Casino men will have to follow compass and set square in their reasoning.”

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “What Lin Xiangzhu just said is enough for me! If the other party is using their strength to mistreat others, being insolent and irrational, I will take the whole thing as my responsibility.”

Stunned, Lin Lang said, “Gong Ye must not do that! If something happened to Gong Ye, how could our Sha Laoda answer Hou Gongzi?”

Xu Ziling knew that Lin Lang’s trepidation was due to the opposite party was Chuan Nan Casino men; he was afraid that this matter would escalate. Thereupon he said, “Lin Xiangzhu need not worry. I, Gong Chenchun, have mingled in Jianghu for many years, what wicked men have I not seen? By the time I am done and leave, there won’t be any pretext for the opponent to give you trouble.”

Seeing how reasonable and understanding he was, Lin Lang delightedly said, “Gong Ye’s righteousness reaches up to the sky; indeed you are our Wu Jiang Bang friend.”

Rising up to his full height, Xu Ziling spoke indifferently, “Let me see whether Chuan Nan Casino men have three heads and six arms!”

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