Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 42 - 4 – Real is Empty, Empty is Real

Because the sheepskin outer robe was sewed personally by Chuchu’s jade hands, although it was stained with blood and was damaged, Kou Zhong still refused to give it up. After retrieving the Extinguished Sun Bow and the Moon in the Well, he handed the robe over to the garment shop for repair and cleaning.

The sky was still grey and hazy, just like the two boys’ mood at the moment.

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “When we left Shanhai Pass, we still had the mood to go on a scenic tour into the prairie, thinking that we could pass our days in leisure. Who would have thought that Old Ba nearly lost his life then, and we fell into dangerous situation now? We never thought that these matters could happen.”

Xu Ziling’s left arm was out of commission. If he had to fight right now, only his right hand could be used, but it would still affect the wound on his flank. Therefore, only his two legs could do the deeds for him. Hearing Kou Zhong, he blurted out laughing and said, “Do you think this malicious scheme has anything to do with Xiang Yushan, who is masterminding it in the dark?”

This moment the two boys crossed the vehicle and horse’s lane and arrived outside the gate of the foreign guesthouse. Finished listening, Kou Zhong stopped and muttered to himself irresolutely, “Your conjecture may be correct. Only that deserved-to-die kid understand our character very well; only he could think of this vicious move of using children to entangle us. Shen Mohuan has always been Xieli’s hunting dog, Zhao Deyan hates us to the bones, they put on disguise and came to ambush us, it must be because they did not want Tuli to know that it was their doing. His granny’s; if we don’t avenge this hatred, we are not gentlemen.”

Lowering his voice, Xu Ziling said, “If Han Chao’an came to probe the condition of our injury, for example, he is calling it by the glorified name of having a friendly match against us, what do we do?”

Kou Zhong subconsciously pressed his hand against the throbbing pain in his chest; he hatefully said, “I wonder if we could simply blame him directly for what happened just now? At that time, he could only quibble by laying words, hence he cannot do anything to us.”

Xu Ziling shook his head and said, “That can still be considered a way, but certainly not a wise one. First of all, with our usual style of work, we will surely have a falling out with him and stand ourselves in opposition to him, and thus we will invite trouble for ourselves. Secondly, and more importantly, we will make Han Chao’an know that we know that he and Shen Mohuan, husband and wife, are villains colluding together; as a result, he will be wary toward us.”

Having a headache, Kou Zhong said, “I don’t know whether my confidence has received a blow, but my mind goes blank, I cannot think of anything; do you have any good idea?”

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “How about real is empty, and empty is real? Speaking about exaggeration and giving a false picture of the situation, Xiaodi feel ashamed at being inferior, naturally I must ask you, LaoGe to throw your cap in the ring.”

Hearing the singing to a string accompaniment, Kou Zhong knew the valued advice; laughing aloud, he pulled Xu Ziling into the foreign guesthouse.

Fu Junqiang received the two boys at the upper reception hall of the foreign guesthouse. Jin Zhengzong and Han Chao’an were accompanying her on her left and right.

Song Shidao was the mediator who arranged this ‘peace talks’; seeing the boys were nearly quarter an hour late, he frowned lightly as a way to scold them.

The two boys swept the impatient Fu Junqiang, the grave-in-manner Jin Zhengzong, and the confident-and-at-ease Han Chao’an – with their gaze one after another. The three people’s demeanor was different from each other.

Fu Junqiang puffed up her fragrant cheeks, acting as if she could not vent her resentment, but it was unclear whether she was blaming them for coming late, or because of the old hatred in the Yuwen Huaji affair.

On the surface Jin Zhengzong did not reveal the emotion in his innermost being, but they could still feel the hostility buried deep within him.

On the contrary, Han Chao’an, who has just carried out assassination operation against them – was warm, making people feel that he was trying to hide it only to make it more conspicuous, showing off fake mercy of a cat weeping over a mouse.

Just by looking at this, it was still unclear whether Fu Junqiang and Jin Zhengzong knew or agreed with Han Chao’an’s conduct toward them a moment ago. Han Chao’an apparently did not know that the two boys had seen through that he was the criminal ringleader, the main offender of the assassination operation.

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong began, “Please forgive our guilt in coming late. A moment ago we were ambushed at the Vermillion Bird Boulevard, which inflicted heavy losses on us that we are nearly unable to come.”

Song Shidao was shocked, “You are injured?” he asked. His burning gaze looked them up and down.

Laughing coldly, Fu Junqiang said, “Who has the ability to injure you? Where are you hurting? I can’t see it.”

Xu Ziling paid particular attention to Jin Zhengzong’s expression; he noticed his startled look, apparently he was unaware of the assassination operation. If he was not wallowing in the mire with the assassins, then logically Fu Junqiang was not involved either.

Kou Zhong ran his hand over the new clothes he was wearing, and said with a laugh, “Originally we were so unsightly being covered in blood all over, so we rely entirely on this set of new clothes to cover our disgrace. Ha! Can we sit down? Right now my legs are weak, anybody can put us in order quite easily.”

Han Chao’an’s eyes were flashing with bewildered, unsure look, apparently the two boys’ ‘showing weakness to confuse the enemy’ strategy worked.

“Let’s sit down first before continuing our talk,” Song Shidao hastily said.

Everybody seated around a big round table in the middle of the hall in host and guest order. Fu Junqiang, with Jin Zhengzong and Han Chao’an on her left and right, sat on the side facing the main door. The two boys were sitting on the side with their back toward the door, with the mediator Song Shidao positioned himself between the two parties; the situation was clear.

Noticing Han Chao’an could not stop scrutinizing him, Xu Ziling was amused inwardly, knowing that because the other side knew that he was hit by Mu Ling’s poisonous dagger, logically the deathly poison would attack his heart and kill him, yet because his Long Life Qi was impervious to any poison, it was as if nothing happened, which made Han Chao’an suspect that their claim of being ‘seriously injured’ was actually a trap to lure Shen Mohuan and the others to come again to deal with them.

This was indeed real is empty, empty is real strategy.

Jin Zhengzong spoke heavily, “Who actually did this? Can Shaoshuai be more detailed?”

Fu Junqiang pouted her mouth, implying that she disdained their dressing-up-as-god-play-the-devil antic, she said, “You really have the ability, your body is seriously injured yet still able to talk and laugh freely.”

Kou Zhong lowered his voice first to talk mysteriously to Fu Junqiang, “Xiao Shizhi’s [little martial nephew] heart was stabbed, it is still bleeding inside, ha! Fortunately my Long Life Qi has the rising-from-the-dead power, so that I was able to come here albeit with difficulty, to let Qiang Yi [auntie] see me, probably for the last time. Talking and laughing freely is just an act, in order to conceal the severity of our injury from the assassin that they might come again to take advantage of it. As for the condition of Xiao Ling’s injury, let him report it himself.”

Xu Ziling was peeved because Kou Zhong’s exaggeration was really excessive.

Greatly displeased, Fu Junqiang said, “Still babbling nonsense, who’s your Qiang Yi?”

Han Chao’an, who was well aware that his sword failed to stab Kou Zhong’s heart, finally could not endure it anymore, knitting his brows deeply, he said, “Shaoshuai, please forgive Zaixia for talking too much, but until this moment, we and two gentlemen are still enemies and not friends. Shaoshuai spoke so freely, aren’t you afraid we might take advantage of two gentlemen’s precarious situation?”

Stunned, Kou Zhong spoke to Song Shidao, “Didn’t Song ErGe say that Qiang Yi is willing to forgive us? We are all on the same side, furthermore, we are of the same family, the same school; how could we conceal the truth?”

Seeing that all along he refused to give up his ‘martial art nephew’ status, Fu Junqiang angrily said, “Another senseless talk, I am not going to talk with you at all!”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling exchanged a glance, they were both happy inwardly, because from the tone of Fu Junqiang’s voice as she listened to the exchange between the two sides, they knew that they still have room to resolve this animosity.

Song Shidao rebuked him, “Xiao Zhong, please don’t anger Junqiang, I have already explained your difficulty in letting Yuwen Huaji taking his own life clearly to her.”

Jin Zhengzong spoke in displeasure, “Shaoshuai has not answered previous question; currently, within the City of Longquan, who has the ability to ambush and inflict heavy losses to two gentlemen?”

Kou Zhong replied with a sigh, “It’s not that they have enough ability, but they are despicable enough.”

Immediately he narrated the ambush situation, adding some oil and replenishing the vinegar, telling the story with flying eyebrows and dancing countenance, not forgetting to mention that the level of their injuries should have killed them many times over, sending them to the Yellow Springs [netherworld].

Among the listeners, Han Chao’an was the one whose eyebrows were furrowed the deepest.

Finished telling the story, Kou Zhong lowered his voice until it could not be lowered anymore, saying, “Most probably these assassins are Da Ming Zun Jiao people, because the one who stabbed Xiao Ling was a woman who disguised herself as a man.”

Xu Ziling added, “Also it’s possible that she is Shen Mohuan’s wife, Mu Ling.”

The silence continued. Fu Junqiang and Jin Zhengzong did not show any special reaction, but Song Shidao’s tiger-body shook lightly. He faintly grasped the two boys’ tactics, because he knew Han Chao’an’s relationship with Shen Mohuan, husband and wife.

The two boys felt strange.

The reason Xu Ziling intentionally mentioned Mu Ling was to probe Fu Junqiang and Jin Zhengzong’s reaction. If they had nothing to do with the assassination, unless they practically did not know that Han Chao’an was wallowing in the mire with Shen Mohuan, husband and wife, they should have a bit unnatural reaction, such as looking at him or something like that, yet they were acting naturally.

Kou Zhong spoke with serious expression, “These are all off-topic; we came here this time, it is to listen to any instruction Qiang Yi has for us.”

Everybody’s eyes turned toward Fu Junqiang’s beautiful face. This Gaoli beauty’s pair of eyes lit up, her gaze fixed on Kou Zhong, she said, “If you don’t want me to pursue you, you must agree to my three conditions.”

Kou Zhong respectfully said, “Qiang Yi, please bestow your instructions. As long as it is something that we can do, we will definitely not disappoint Qiang Yi.”

These words came from the bottom of his heart. Due to Fu Junchuo’s relationship, they were most unwilling to make enemies of Fu Cailin.

Fu Junqiang swept her gaze over Xu Ziling first before returning to Kou Zhong. She spoke heavily, “The first condition is that from now on, you can no longer claim to be the disciples of our Yijian Men [lit. abundant sword school]; I am not your Shiyi even more.”

Kou Zhong helplessly smiled wryly and said, “Without asking for Shigong’s instruction Shiyi simply chased us out the wall? Ay, all right! From now on I won’t dare to call you Qiang Xiao Shiyi, I’ll simply call you Qiang Yi.”

Fu Junqiang angrily said, “Still acting shamelessly and naughty?”

Jin Zhengzong smiled, together with Han Chao’an they shook their head and laughed in spite of themselves.

Song Shidao tries to smooth things over, “Shaoshuai, can you be a bit more serious? Jianghu has a non-formal etiquette, young and old, overlooking years, anybody can call each other brothers. If later on you call her Fu Guniang, won’t this problem be easily solved [orig. (bamboo) splits when it meets the knife’s edge]?”

He was worthy to be coming from a family influential for generations, a big clan, his speech satisfied both sides, making those who hear it feel comfortable.

Readily following good advice, Kou Zhong laughed aloud and said, “The next condition, would Fu Guniang please bestow your instructions?”

Fu Junqiang’s countenance cleared up a little, she said, “The second condition is if Kou Zhong, you in the future unify the Central Plains, you must never use soldiers against Gaoli.”

Kou Zhong gladly said, “Even if Guniang did not have this instruction, Xiaodi will never make any move against Niang’s motherland. In fact, I am not a man who loves to move the weapons of war. Ha, Qiang ... oh ... Guniang looks at my countenance, do you think I have the good fortune to be the emperor? Aren’t you speaking too highly of me?”

Jin Zhengzong said with a sigh, “Shaoshuai ought to know that you have become the Han man with the most influence in the prairie, there are plenty of people who think highly of you. Currently, the man Xieli is having the most misgivings is not Li Shimin, but you, Shaoshuai.”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling suddenly saw the light; the main reason of this peace talks with Song Shidao as the mediator was merely to facilitate one factor. Even more important was that Kou Zhong’s reputation and power was expanding continuously.

Not only Kou Zhong made it clear with iron-clad facts that he was an unequalled martial art master, he was also the military counselor who devised battle plan in a tent, who helped Tuli defeating the Golden Wolf Army. And now in the Central Earth Kou Zhong had the ‘Heavenly Saber’ Song Que’s support, whose fame intimidated inside and outside the Central Plains, plus in the prairie he had Tuli, Pusa, and the Gunatai brothers as allies, who would dare to despise him?

Therefore, Gaoli people did not want to be enemy with him; at least they did not dare to have direct conflict with him. Han Chao’an only dared to assassinate him in disguise, plus it was highly likely that he kept Fu Junqiang and Jin Zhengzong in the dark.

Song Shidao spoke in delight, “Two issues have been resolved, Junqiang, please state your third condition.”

Fu Junqiang spoke indifferently, “The third condition is even simpler. I know the Five-Colored Stone is still in your possession, as long as you hand over the Five-Colored Stone, I can act on Shizun’s behalf that your crime of stealing the Jiu Xuan Da Fa [great method of nine mysteries] and Yijian Technique will be written off at one stroke, afterwards nobody owes anybody anything.”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling groaned inwardly at the same time. They looked at each other, unable to say anything. Who could have thought that the third condition was the Five-Colored Stone, which had nothing to do with her?

“What is the problem?” Song Shidao asked in surprise, “How come both of you look like you are in trouble?”

Xu Ziling replied dejectedly, “If the Five-Colored Stone was still in our possession, we would immediately hand it over to Qiang Guniang, only regretfully this morning Meiyan Furen came to see me, asking me to return the Five-Colored Stone to her. Now the Five-Colored Stone is back in her hands.”

Fu Junqiang, three people revealed a shocked expression at the same time; it seemed like the Five-Colored Stone returning to Meiyan Furen’s hands was the worst situation.

“How could there be such a coincidence?” Song Shidao joined in.

Turning to Fu Junqiang, he advised, “I know their personal character well, since the Five-Colored Stone has been returned to Meiyan Furen, I wonder if Junqiang could skip this condition?”

Shaking her head, Fu Junqiang replied, “This is the most important condition of the three, not to mention they always tell lies and cheat repeatedly; how do I know that they are not deceiving me?”

Han Chao’an said, “To untie the latch of the door, one must connect the latch and the person. Two gentlemen only need to ask Meiyan Furen to return the Five-Colored Stone, then you complete the three conditions, afterwards everybody can coexist peacefully.”

If this remark was made by Jin Zhengzong, Kou Zhong might accept readily, but since it came from Han Chao’an, who used despicable method to put them to death by all means, his mouth did not agree with his heart, hearing that, Kou Zhong’s heart was burning with anger.

He coldly said, “Who does Han Xiong think Meiyan Furen is to us? We could simply ask for the Five-Colored Stone and she would simply give it back?”

Hearing that, Fu Junqiang’s jade countenance immediately sank.

Listening to the smell of gunpowder between the two sides, Song Shidao tried to persuade using all possible arguments, “What is this Five-Colored Stone’s usefulness to Junqiang? Do you absolutely have to have it? After you obtain it, are you going to give it to Bai Ziting as a present? If that is the case, why not let Bai Ziting deal with it himself?”

Jin Zhengzong sighed and said, “We precisely don’t want the Five-Colored Stone to fall into Bai Ziting’s hands.”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling suddenly understood. Gaoli supported Bai Ziting founding his country was to act as a buffer between them and the Tujue and Qidan, two tribes, but they were unwilling to see Bai Ziting unifying the prairie, and thus became the powerful neighbor that would be a threat to Gaoli.

Thinking about how tangled and complicated this matter was, it would be enough to give people headache.

Kou Zhong seized this opportunity to ask, “Meiyan and Bai Ziting have no family relation, no reason, she shouldn’t give the Five-Colored Stone to Bai Ziting for nothing?”

Letting out a cold snort, Fu Junqiang said, “What do you know? Meiyan has always had close relationship with Funantuo, hence at Hualin [sic, I thought it was Tong Wan?] she entrusted you, these two idiots, to deliver the Five-Colored Stone to Bai Ziting. Now that she saw that you are slow to hand over the Five-Colored Stone, she confronted you directly to get the Five-Colored Stone back. You infuriate me to the death!”

Being scolded by her, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling your eyes look at my eyes, while inwardly they were shaken at the same time, because it appeared that in term of Meiyan and Funantuo’s relationship, Liexia did not lie to them.

Song Shidao said, “It was because they did not know the actual facts that they unintentionally made mistake; I was wondering if Junqiang could not take this matter too seriously?”

Her anger was difficult to pacify, Fu Junqiang said, “If they can’t do it then they can’t do it. Looking at Song Gongzi’s face, I can give them a few more days. If they can bring the Five-Colored Stone to me before the ceremony of the founding the kingdom, I promise that I will not break my word.”

Smiling bitterly, Kou Zhong said, “Fu Guniang is aware than we are seriously injured, others don’t come to give us trouble, we are going to celebrate; how could we still have the ability to seek other people’s trouble?”

Greatly displeased, Fu Junqiang said, “Still blabbering crazy talk? Only an idiot believes that you guys are seriously injured. You have to fend for yourself, my conditions definitely will not change.”

Finished speaking, seething, she brushed her sleeve and walked away.

The remaining five men you look at me I look at you.

Song Shidao spread his arms helplessly, indicating that he gave up.

Only Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling knew that they had brought this trouble upon themselves; they had never thought that this real is empty, empty is real tactics that they were using to deal with Han Chao’an would have this counter-effect of deepening the misunderstanding between them and Fu Junqiang.

Xu Ziling noticed Jin Zhengzong’s helpless expression, he appeared to sympathize with them, but also seemed to regret that their relationship with Fu Junqiang was deteriorating. A glimmer of hope grew in Xu Ziling’s heart, he said, “I wonder if two gentlemen could help us to persuade Qiang Guniang, let her understand that even if Bai Ziting obtained the Five-Colored Stone, it will still be difficult for him to unify the prairie, because Tuli definitely won’t let this happen.”

Jin Zhengzong sighed and said, “This is the other situation that we do not wish to happen. Although Bai Ziting is astute, but he blindly put his trust in Funantuo. The reason is because Funantuo, using Tianzhu divine calculation, already stated that he is the true master who would unify the prairie, among the most important sign is that the long-lost Five-Colored Stone will return to his hands. If this matter does happen, the consequences will be difficult to imagine.”

Only then did Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling understand the crucial role the Five-Colored Stone was playing. If the Five-Colored Stone fell into Bai Ziting’s hands, how could Bai Ziting not believe that he was the true master chosen by Heavens? As a result, he would overestimate his own capabilities and raise the weapons of war. And then for Gaoli, who was too busy to deal with him, it would only bring harm without any benefit.

Han Chao’an stood up, he said, “Junqiang originally thought that because she could obtain the Five-Colored Stone, she would render great merit; who would have thought that unexpectedly two gentlemen handed the Five-Colored Stone back to Meiyan? Her disappointment could be easily imagined.”

Heaving a deep sigh, Kou Zhong said, “Very well! We will see what we can do.”

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