Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 58 6 – Proud Officialdom

Book 58 Chapter 6 - Proud Officialdom

Translator: Foxs\' Wuxia

Just like Xu Ziling, Kou Zhong was also aware that Li Yuan still cherished the memory of the life wandering in Jianghu, cuddling with the red and leaning on the green, living his life however he liked it. He hurriedly said, “Huangshang, please understand clearly, two Xiaoren have always been accustomed to the life in the wilderness, hey! Not daring to deceive Huangshang, last night, we went to Ming Tang Wo to play a couple of hands, and then went to Feng Ya Ge for a bit of fun. If we suddenly had to live a life following the compass and going with the set square [idiom], I am afraid we will not be able to adapt to it, it would affect our ball skills.”

Pei Ji and Wei Gonggong looked at each other. If it were other people, this kind of spending one’s time in drinking and pleasure [idiom] decadent life would be concealed and dreaded in front of Li Yuan, how could there be anybody like this ‘Cai Yuanyong’, talking about it without any shame, even used it as a reason to plead with Li Yuan not to enter the palace and hold official position?

Although Xu Ziling knew that the strategy Kou Zhong adopted was right on target, he still felt that he was a little speaking incoherently and was ill-mannered, therefore, he hurriedly remedied the situation, “Huangshang, please understand clearly, our Da Laoban Situ Furong’s banking business is in full preparation [orig. dense gongs and tight drums]. In all things, he will rely on the people he trusts to help him. We are asking Huangshang to allow Xiaoren [plural] to wait until the bank is established before entering the palace to serve Huangshang.”

Naturally his words were more fitting than Kou Zhong’s, but it seemed like Kou Zhong’s frank statements entered Li Yuan’s ears more. With deep empathy, he smiled at Kou Zhong and said, “Others may not understand that a rigid life indeed affects interest and skills. Zhen once invited Shang Xiufang to enter the palace and stay, but she tactfully declined for the same reason. Zhen’s martial art skill is unlike before, and the problem lies in this.” The last two sentences were clearly uttered because he remembered the battle with Shi Zhixuan.

Turning to Wei Gonggong, he said, “Does Gonggong have any suggestion?”

With a bit of displeasure, Wei Gonggong glanced over the two boys, he bowed and said, “They could be guest officials [or subject, the same word ‘qing’ (see last chapter)]; every morning they will come to the imperial palace to listen to Huangshang’s instructions.”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that henceforth they would only have to get up early, and when they could not resist the sleep demon anymore, worst case scenario they could take a nap in the afternoon.

Pei Ji said, “Weichen [this small official] has a suggestion. Seeing that they have outstanding talents and superb ball skills, why not bestow them the Ma Jiu Chang [polo chief] with special duty to train polo talents. That way, when they enter the palace every morning, they will not be idle. At other times, they can work for Furong Laoban until the bank’s main office is established, and then we’ll make other arrangements.”

Kou and Xu, two men rained curses inwardly, but they were at a loss against Pei Ji.

Li Yuan made the decision, saying, “Let it be as Pei Qing [subject] said.”

He also turned to Wei Gonggong and said, “Send someone on Zhen’s behalf to warn Qiu Wensheng, if his disciples dare to harass Zhen’s Ma Jiu Chang, he will not be able to guarantee his head. These words must be passed into his ears without changing a single word.”

Hearing that, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling you look at me, I gaze at you. They dared say that the Crown Prince and the Imperial Concubine factions already made a big fuss about this matter in front of Li Yuan, hence Li Yuan was so dissatisfied with Qiu Wensheng, the Paizhu [sect leader] of Guanzhong Jian Pai, and one more crime was added to Li Shimin. But Li Yuan’s move made it clear that he would not give Li Shimin a face.

The two quickly kowtowed to thank the emperor’s favor.

Li Yuan said happily, “You may rise, I grant you a seat! [I know it sounds weird in English, but that’s basically what he said.] Zhen just want you to concentrate on winning the game, so that our Great Tang will not be ashamed.”

The two sat down again, secretly thinking that Li Yuan seemed to be very interested to chat, but he seemed to have said everything that he wanted to say and everything that could be said has been said, what else would he want to say? When could they get away?

Li Yuan said to Xu Ziling, “Zhen like people who are loyal to their old master like you the most, unlike those who see profit and forget morality. Situ Laoban‘s grand plan in establishing the bank is very much in line with Zhen’s intentions. Later on, formal imperial order will be granted to authorize it, Pei Qingjia will be in charge for supervising and promoting my Great Tang’s trade and commerce. As for the rectification of the bank’s name, how about the word ‘Zhen Guan’ two characters? Zhen from zhong zhen [loyal and dependable], Situ Laoban does not care about personal gains, he fully demonstrates his undivided loyalty and dependability to my Great Tang, and his plan is even more standing tall and seeing far, with hong guan [macroscopic/holistic] magnificent aspiration and grandiose plan. Therefore, Zhen chose ‘Zhen Guan’ two characters as the name of the bank.”

Actually, this name was not easy to interpret, but naturally everyone sang him praises, giving him accolades without actually thinking of him.

Pei Ji also said, “This time Situ Furong establishing the Zhen Guan Bank Head Office, he raised a huge amount of money reaching a million taels of gold. Not only it is related to the success or failure of the flying money business, but it is also the guarantee of the reputation of Zhen Guan Bank. Therefore, Weichen thought that this huge sum of million taels of gold to be stored in the national treasury for safekeeping, and the remaining money in the bank’s treasury and all settlements will be handed over, Weichen will assign a special person to examine and approve. Otherwise, if the bank takes a wrong turn, the implication will be extensive, the consequences will be worrying.”

Inwardly, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling cursed, you, this muddled egg surnamed Pei, were carrying out Yin Zuwen and Chi Shengchun’s tactics! Fortunately, the one suffering a calamity would not be them, but Yin and Chi, two big bad guys. This was the most ingenious and brilliant plan that Lei Jiuzhi came up with.

After muttering to himself irresolutely for a moment, Li Yuan nodded and said, “Let it be like Pei Qing presented.”

After Li Yuan left the palace hall, Cheng Mo personally saw them out of the imperial palace. Along the way, he told them all kinds of taboos and the compass and set square in the palace. He finally said, “Ma Jiu Chang is an official position under the Yu Lin Jun [lit. Imperial Forest Army, palace bodyguards]. Although it cannot be considered an important position and has no leadership authority, there are still nearly thirty men under your command. And because you are serving directly under Huangshang, I guarantee that no one in the palace will dare not to give you any face. Tomorrow I will take you to the Jin Wei Jun [Imperial Guard Army] general headquarters at the Xuanwu Gate, to receive the official letter of appointment and the official uniforms, while completing the household registration at the same time. The documents will be sent to the Ministry of Appointments for stamping and signature, and then we will be both residents of the Palace.”

Hearing that, Kou Zhong’s head was pounding with headache, he asked, “Who is our immediate superior?”

Cheng Mo laughed and said, “Officially, I am your immediate superior, but only Wei Gonggong has the qualification to instruct you, simply because it concerns Huangshang; how could Xiaodi take upon the responsibility myself?”

Looking at this immediate superior, Xu Ziling asked in astonishment, “So Yu Lin Jun is under Wei Gonggong’s command?”

Cheng Mo replied, “Everything that concerns Huangshang, whether big or small, are handled by Wei Gonggong. Jin Wei Jun are under four great commanding officers, they only obey Huangshang and Wei Gonggong’s order.”

And then, lowering his voice, he said, “Officialdom is another way of life, that is, you have to figure out your superior’s intention; you will soon understand what I mean. Huangshang really shows special favors to you, you must never, ever, fail to live up Huangshang’s expectations toward you.”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “In that case, Cheng Daren must give us a couple of tips first, so that we could learn how to figure out your intention.”

Embarrassed, Cheng Mo said, “I’m your immediate superior in name only, not in realty. I even hope that you will have the opportunity to say a couple of good words on my behalf in front of Huangshang.”

The two left the palace on foot, from Hanbei Gate they turned to Guangming Street. Kou Zhong crossly said, “That fellow Pei Ji is really not a human, for us to be freelance guest officials is not good enough for him? He insisted on us to become some his Niang’s Ma Jiu Chang, even have to train his granny’s polo players every morning. How could we still have time to do other things and rest?”

Smiling wryly, Xu Ziling said, “What’s the use of complaining to heaven, blaming the earth? By tomorrow morning, we must figure out a comprehensive polo rules, which we have no idea what it is yet. Otherwise, we will train a group of polo players who keep fouling the rules. Definitely they will be pushed out of the Chengtian Gate to be beheaded, and their severed heads will be paraded through the streets.”

Kou Zhong hated it so much that his teeth itched, he said, “That bastard Pei Ji must have worked hand in glove [orig. villains collude together] with Yin Zuwen. Forcing us to be polo slaves like this, he must be harboring unfathomable motives. And then he wants to deposit most of our gold in the state treasury, it shows even more clearly that it is a crafty plot and machination. His Niang’s! Later, Laozi will show him how formidable we are.”

Xu Ziling spoke indifferently, “Furong Ye should never have asked two gambling ghosts and lechers [orig. sex ghost] as his bodyguard chiefs. If the enemy did not set their hands on us first, shouldn’t they look for someone else? Keep your tricks looking good! Making threats and promises, using favor and prestige, all will come one after another. As long as out of ten shares Chi Shengchun can take up an extra share, and by chance Furong Ye happens to die of old age, the bank business will become the Xiang Family’s business. This is called the big fish eats the small fish, or the small fish is swallowed by the big fish.”

With the sound of hoofbeat, one rider was galloping over from behind.

Astounded, the two boys looked back, and saw one of Qiao Gongshan’s men, whom they had seen previously, spurring the horse to run after them. He spoke respectfully, “Qiao Daren ordered Xiaoren to invite the two Daye to Fu Ju Lou for lunch, Qiao Daren and Er Daren are waiting respectfully for two gentlemen’s honored selves.”

If the one coming to invite them was either Qiao Gongshan or Er Wenhuan, they could build words and offer excuses, but at the moment they could not decline, without any better option they obediently followed this Changlin Army’s little brother turning to the west.

On the top floor of Fu Ju Lou, Chi Shengchun, Qiao Gongshan, and Er Wenhuan were sitting on the east side, on the table against the window; they were talking in low voice. Seeing Kou and Xu, two men arrived, they stood up to welcome them.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling had never thought that Chi Shengchun would show up here, they were greatly surprised, but did not show it.

Because it was not lunch hour yet, in the hall, only less than half of the tables were occupied. The two swept their gaze around but did not see any dangerous people with qualifications to see through them, hence they breathed a sigh of relief somewhat, but still did not dare to be negligence. Putting on Cai Yuanyong and Kuang Wentong air, they walked towards the three men.

Chi Shengchun made a welcoming gesture and invited the two to take their seat on the table. Chuckling softly, he said, “Cai Xiong, Kuang Xiong, you really give us some face. No! Xiaodi should call you Cai Daren and Kuang Daren. Let us congratulate two gentlemen Daren for the promotion and gaining wealth; your future prospect is unbounded.”

Kou Zhong plopped his butt down, musing that he, this kid, indeed had long ears. Pushing out a smiling expression, he said, “Ah, we are nothing, just little pawns waiting upon Huangshang playing polo!”

Er Wenhuan poured the wine for the two, while Qiao Gongshan instructed the waiter to serve the dishes.

Lowering his voice, Chi Shengchun made a show of being very much in earnest, he said, “Although Ma Jiu Chang position cannot be considered anything special, but you are directly waiting upon Huangshang. As long as Huangshang’s dragon heart is greatly pleased, two gentlemen will rise in your government position to join the nobility; it will definitely happen.”

Letting out a weird laughter, Qiao Gongshan said, “Not only you can accompany Huangshang playing ball, you can also accompany the nobles in the palace playing around. Such an excellent job, even if we seek it, we may not find it.”

Er Wenhuan put down the wine pot, he laughed and said, “The ball field [qiu chang] is like the battlefield [zhan chang]. If you can defeat a powerful team from foreign country, it would be like setting up a [military] meritorious service, with the two gentlemen’s skill in playing ball, wouldn’t achieving such wonderful meritorious service be as easy as a hand’s turn?”

Chi Shengchun raised his cup and said, “Let’s drink for victory! Here’s to wish Cai Daren and Kuang Daren proud officialdom, with the casino [du chang, lit. gambling field] at hands, and luck with women in the rouge and power field [hongfen chang] without boundary.” [Note: all these terms share the same ‘chang’ (field/arena) character.]

His last sentence made Xu Ziling think that if Chi Shengchun insisted on inviting them to the brothel, how should they deal with it?

One cup was drained, everyone harbored his own sinister design, but on the surface naturally the atmosphere was warm.

Pushing the wave and adding to the billows, Er Wenhuan said, “Good things come in threes. To celebrate you two being appointed as officials, we will have another party tonight. We will go to Shang Lin Yuan first to enjoy the gentle and soft taste of the most popular courtesans fawning upon us in every possible way, and then go to the Six-Happiness to play some hands, what do you think?”

Kou Zhong pretended to be disappointed, he said, “I am afraid it will be a few days before we can do that. Furong Ye only trusts the two of us, that gold business was entirely handed over to us, we must wait until the accumulating fund is completed and then re-casted into golden ingots with the word ‘Zhen Guan’, only then will we have time to spend in drinking and pleasure. Ay! Three gentlemen’s kind intention, we appreciate it!”

Hearing that, immediately Chi Shengchun, three men’s eyes grew big and lit up.

Xu Ziling seized the opportunity to say, “The five hundred thousand taels of glistening yellow gold is really not a small amount. Although our Furong Ye has wealth equivalent to that of an entire nation, to raise this amount we still have to exhaust tremendous strength [orig. the strength of nine oxen and two tigers], therefore, there will be no room to cause a loss. Otherwise, if the ‘Duan Ming’ [lit. short-lived] Cao San came, it will be terrible! That Chi Ye‘s ‘Han Lin Qing Yuan’, I wonder if the jade annulus has been returned to Zhao [idiom: returning something intact to its rightful owner]?”

Chi Shengchun shook his head with bitter smile.

Er Wenhuan said, “Your business is our business, the gold’s safety issue, our Changlin Army will do our best to help, two gentlemen can rest assured.”

Lowering his voice, Kou Zhong said, “Two Daren are indeed true friends. The problem is that our Furong Ye has a weird temperament, he already stated clearly early on that in the matter of the gold, we must not have other people get involved. Among the people in Chang’an, only us, two brothers and Furong Ye know the gold’s situation. Er Daren’s kind intention, we appreciate it!”

Stunned, Chi Shengchun said, “The gold still has not been shipped to Chang’an?”

Xu Ziling said, “If the one asking is not Chi Ye, we definitely will not answer. The gold is being brought here bit by bit. We were busy the whole night last night, precisely to put the gold together in a safe place.”

Qiao Gongshan laughed and said, “But last night someone saw two gentlemen going in and out of Ming Tang Wo and Feng Ya Ge!”

Revealing an awkward expression, Kou Zhong spoke in a low voice, “This is called to cover people’s eyes and ear, to threaten the east and strike to the west!”

Immediately Chi Shengchun, three men roared into laughter.

This moment the vegetable and meat dishes were served on the table, all were top-notch products, delicacies filled the eyes, everything smelled, looked and tasted great.

Chi Shengchun said cheerfully, “Two Daren no need to joke around with us anymore! Tonight, at the beginning of you hour [5-7pm] we are waiting for your honored selves in Shang Lin Yuan. If we don’t see you, that means you don’t respect us enough. We will let you go before the third watch [11pm-1am, midnight], two gentlemen must not decline anymore. Come! Let’s have a cup!”

Xu Ziling reached out to erase the marking, and left the rear courtyard wall of Shen Luoyan’s big residence. He met Kou Zhong, who was coming together with him, and said with a laugh, “We have a date with the beautiful woman at the shen hour [3-5pm]. After wooing Meiren’er Gongzhu [the beautiful princess], Shaoshuai can still go to Shang Lin Yuan to enjoy the wind, flower, snow and moon!”

Kou Zhong spoke dejectedly, “Do I really have to persuade Meiren’er Gongzhu? We are taking a risk, no matter what.”

They were walking and talking at the same time. Xu Ziling said, “Brother, the big problem before our eyes, the one pressing in on our eyelashes, is that there is a great chance that Li Yuan is going to execute Du Ruhui and Fang Xuanling. If the person receiving the order to investigate readily stated that the two colluded with Liu Wenjing to poison Zhang Jieyu, and to drive a wedge between Qin Wang and Jiancheng, Yuanji against their brotherly affection, also forged human testimonies and material evidence, even if Qin Wang comes in person, he will be unable to do anything except to immediately raise his troops to rebel. But you ought to know that the fortunate time is not yet ripe, your two thousand martial art masters are still on the way.”

Scratching his head, Kou Zhong said, “What does this have to do with Meiren’er Gongzhu?”

The two walked in the direction of the Vermillion Bird Boulevard, Xu Ziling said, “We definitely cannot let Li Yuan execute Fang and Du, two men, they are like Li Shimin’s left and right hands; to govern the world he had to rely on their insights and wisdom. And since Li Yuan killed Liu Wenjing, no one would dare to say good things for them in front of Li Yuan anymore, the only exception is Li Shentong! He is Li Yuan’s younger brother, Li Yuan can never push Li Shentong to be beheaded, therefore, to save the two men’s lives, Li Shentong is the key figure. Do you understand?”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong replied, “Understood!”

From the direction of the south of the city, the bugle horn was sounded, followed by even more bells and drums rang together from the Chengtian Gate inside the imperial palace. While the two boys were unable to make any sense of the matter, a group of people, rushing as if they were fleeing for their lives, swarmed over from the Vermillion Bird Boulevard. Among them, several elderly men grumbled, “It’s not Qin Wang returning, Laozi don’t give it a damn!”

The two boys you looked at me, I gazed at you, they halted their steps. Several big men were coming toward them, one of them politely said, “Why haven’t two Xiongtai headed toward the Vermillion Bird Boulevard to welcome Taizi [crown prince] returning in triumph to the imperial court? We are from the Longxi Pai, asking you to help us.”

Kou Zhong laughed aloud and said, “We must cheer on then.”

He dragged Xu Ziling towards the Vermillion Bird Boulevard, and said with a laugh, “I now fully understand why Jiancheng absolutely wants to get rid of Li Shimin, because common people’s eyes are as bright as snow.”

On the Vermillion Bird Boulevard, people were rushing forth. Although it was not crammed until not one drop could trickle through, it was quite a noisy crowd, only they did not know how many people came spontaneously, and how many people were forced by the Longxi Pai to fill the scene.

The main army returning in triumph entered the city, the vanguard unit was indeed majestic and powerful, the picture of a flourishing army at its peak.

The two boys mingled among the crowd, they watched Li Jiancheng, escorted by Xue Wanche and others, various generals, slowly riding along the Vermillion Bird Boulevard towards the imperial palace, accepting the cheers of the crowd from both wings, looking enormously proud of their success.

It could easily be imagined that this moment Li Yuan would be waiting in formation outside the imperial palace for this beloved son’s return in big victory, he might even hold a congratulatory victory ceremony at the traversing public square.

The two boys’ eyes could not help being fixed on Zhuge Dewei, who was following two horses behind Li Jiancheng. They really wished they could make their move right then and there, to kill him, in order to avenge Liu Heita’s deep enmity.

Just by looking at his position within the procession, the official position Li Jiancheng rewarded him was certainly not a small matter.

No longer having the interest to continue watching, they turned around and left.

“Aren’t we going home?” Kou Zhong asked in surprise.

Xu Ziling said, “While everyone is crowding toward the imperial palace, we should go pay our respects to Liao Kong while trying to find information from him.”

Shaken, Kou Zhong said, “Be careful! If Shi Zhixuan finds out, our grand plan to fabricate the emperor will be done for.”

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “No one is following us.”

“Do you have any confidence to sense Old Shi’s presence?” Kou Zhong asked.

Xu Ziling said, “We can test it; come!”

Finished speaking, he simply somersaulted over the wall of a courtyard in the left, Kou Zhong followed him like a shadow attached to the form, followed him to the other side, and then somersaulted over the courtyard wall on the other side, and then rushed through the alleys. After passing through houses and leaping over the buildings several times, they continued to walk in the direction of the Dong Da Si.

Xu Ziling spoke cheerfully, “My senses were not wrong, right? Nobody is following us, including Shi Zhixuan.”

Kou Zhong shook his head and said, “It’s really puzzling? Chi Shengchun doesn’t want to know where the gold is? He should send martial art masters to follow us twelve sichen a day. Cai Yuanyong and Kuang Wentong are just henchmen of the Nine Schools of the dark road.”

Xu Ziling said, “So what if he knew? Could it be that he would send people to grab the gold? Then our Furong Ye will have a serious reason to postpone or even cancel the plan. Chi Shengchun shouldn’t be that stupid.”

Scratching his head, Kou Zhong said, “Yes! I was so stupid to think that Old Chi would be that stupid! It was all because you forced me to see Li Xiuning, implicating me that I could not control my heart and became an idiot.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Xu Ziling said, “All right! One lifetime, two brothers. I will see her on your behalf.”

Kou Zhong hurriedly said, “A man did the deed, he must own it. The one in love with her is me, not Ling Shao. Naturally it should be Xiaodi who must clear up the mess.”

Xu Ziling spoke indifferently, “In that case, please shut up. We came to Chang’an not for a scenic tour. Today Jiancheng returned, tomorrow is Yuanji’s turn. It must not be a coincidence, but a conspiracy to deal with Li Shimin. If we can’t find the firearms’ whereabout before Li Shimin returns, even if we help Li Shimin with the strength of two arms, we will inevitably end up being burned or beaten to death.”

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