Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 63: Chapter 5: Flushed With Success

Book 63: Chapter 5: Flushed With Success

Kou Zhong rushed into the Xing Qing Palace like a gust of wind. In front of the Hua’E Lou [calyx/sepal building], with the assistance of the Flying Clouds Guards the more than twenty Song Family martial art masters who came with her, were unloading their luggage from the carriage. Seeing Kou Zhong’s arrival, they abandoned whatever they were doing, stood in attention and saluted.

Kou Zhong hurriedly greeted them, rushed up the steps, and went straight to the main hall on the ground floor of Hua’E Lou. Song Yuzhi was served by four maids, she wore a lake-water-green colored dress and skirt, light muslin draped on her shoulders, wearing her hair in a hanging dark green swallowtail-shaped bun, so that her graceful tender body seems to be shrouded inside a layer of mist. Charmingly, light and graceful, she was walking towards a single-paned window facing the Long Chi [dragon pond], as if to enjoy the enchanting spring lake scenery outside the window.

The four maids were the first to spot Kou Zhong, they hurriedly half-rose out of their chairs to salute, and shouted in chorus in their tender voice, “Paying respect to Shaoshuai.”

Song Yuzhi’s pretty body trembled slightly, ‘Ah!’ she exclaimed and turned around, allowing Kou Zhong to see the flowery tender countenance that haunted him in his dreams.

If it weren’t for the four maids nearby, Kou Zhong would definitely disregard everything to take her into his arms, and to kiss her first, forget about appearing to be reckless – to show his affection and sweet love. This moment, however, he could only rush to her presence, grabbed her pair of soft weeds [sic. I think it’s a typo, and IIRC, the second time I am seeing this, but I don’t know what’s the correct Chinese character, it does not look remotely like the character for ‘hands’], smell her bursts of enchanting body scent, and spoke with stirred up emotion, “Yuzhi.”

Song Yuzhi let him grabbed her jade hand, two clumps of rosy-colored clouds flew across her pretty face, joy appeared on the tip of her eyebrows, she said, “Kou Zhong.”

Kou Zhong hurriedly signaled her with his eyes, Song Yuzhi’s blush penetrated even her ears, she spoke softly, “You may withdraw.”

The four maids responded and left.

Without waiting for the four maids to leave the hall, Kou Zhong could not wait any longer, he pulled her soft jade [lit. nephrite jade], warm fragrance into his embrace. He was about to seek her fragrant lips when Song Yuzhi, with fiery passion, raised her fragrant arms, wound around the nape of his neck like a water snake and taking the initiative, she offered the kiss first.

The outside world suddenly disappeared, leaving only the fiery passion. All the gratitude and grudges of the past no longer had anything to do with them. Their relationship seemed to start at this moment, and continued on until the extremities of heaven and the end of the earth. If the heaven and the earth crumbled at this moment, they would also cross together to the limit of the universe without a single fear, two hearts became one

With their lips parted, Song Yuzhi’s tender body was trembling, she could not stop panting, her pretty face flushed red, her star eyes were half-closed.

Kou Zhong almost wanted to carry her into the room, only too bad Shang Xiufang’s jade countenance suddenly floated into appearance, a feeling of wounding-the-spirit-severing-the-soul guilt welled up in his heart, he sighed and said, “Ay! Yuzhi, I …”

Song Yuzhi strived to open her beautiful lips, her high, erect, and perfectly straight nose, which put her character in full display, sniffed and absorbed the air he breathed out, her pretty eyebrows lightly knitted, she looked closely at him and said, “Why did you want to say something but then hesitated? In Yuzhi’s heart, Zhong Lang‘s [term of endearment, husband] achievement, since the dawn of time to today, no one can compare. Just now when Yuzhi entered the city and saw the jubilant scene of the city, I was moved to tears. This time I came here to reward you well, and to love you with my heart and soul.”

Just then, a burst of firecrackers came from somewhere in the city outside the palace, becoming the best explanation to her words and serving as a background in order to bring out what she said with greater brilliance.

Kou Zhong realized that her eyelids were indeed slightly swollen, so he could not help kissing her eyes lightly, kissing her nose that made him the more he looked, the more he loved her. “I made another mistake!”

Song Yuzhi’s tilted her cicada head slightly, pulled back from him a little, and spoke blissfully, “You mean Chuchu Jie [older sister]? Idiot, I will only be happy that Zhong Lang is an affectionate and true person, how can I blame you? Yuzhi will send people to Liangdu to bring Chu Jiejie to Chang’an. We will get along very well.”

She called him Zhong Lang on the left, she addressed him Zhong Lang on the right, Kou Zhong’s heart went limp, his bones turned to jelly, he felt remorseful and distressed even more. He said, “It’s not Chuchu, it’s Shang Xiufang.”

Song Yuzhi’s reaction was completely beyond his expectation. She just cast him a sidelong glance, still full of joy, she spoke softly, “Any other Meiren’er? Quickly own up to the facts to Yuzhi.”

Kou Zhong shook his head and said, “No! Really not. Ay! It’s my fault, I shouldn’t …”

Song Yuzhi sealed his mouth and left before he wanted to move forward a step further by asking for a kiss, using this sweet gesture to stop him from continuing. As tender and soft as water, she said, “Let’s just consider the merits and demerits offset each other! Shang Cainu [talented woman] willing to be Yuzhi’s sister, it is Yuzhi’s honor.”

Greatly delighted, Kou Zhong said, “Really?”

Pretending to be displeased, Song Yuzhi said, “When did I ever lie to you? Oh, Zhong Lang! The beautiful things you have done for the common people of the world make Yuzhi only hopes that in the next half of your lifetime I can reward you well, to make you happy.”

“Xiuning Gongzhu is here.”

Song Yuzhi pushed away Kou Zhong, who, when he heard that Li Xiuning arrived, had sinister design in his heart, and said, “Yuzhi and Xiuning Gongzhu have a lot of things to talk about in private, go and do what you need to do. Die told me to pass on to you: Xieli’s army will show up when you least expecting it.”

Being busy until this moment, there were still a large number of court officials waiting respectfully for Li Shimin’s summon.

In charge of arranging the audience with the emperor, Du Ruhui and Fang Xuanling saw Xu Ziling and Ke Dazhi coming together, they did not dare to neglect. While sending someone to report to Li Shimin posthaste, they took the two men into the study room.

Li Shimin went out of the room to personally greeted them; he spoke cheerfully, “I’m just having a good chat with Wei Qing [subject]; we all are of the same side, no need to have any scruples. Oh! Don’t worry about all court etiquettes.”

Xu Ziling laughed and said, “Huangshang should’ve call himself Zhen [I, imperial use] to conform to the etiquette and propriety between a ruler and his ministers.”

In high spirits, Li Shimin laughed hoarsely and said, “Ziling actually came to tease me? Ha! Very well! Deference is no substitute for obedience [idiom; it is said to accept somebody’s request, invitation, etc.]. In the future, Ziling must not blame me for having the impertinence to address you and Kou Zhong lacking of propriety.”

One hand pulling Xu Ziling, the other pulled the rather overwhelmed-by-favor-from-superior Ke Dazhi, he took striding steps into the imperial study room. Wei Zheng stood up to greet them, with smile across his whole face, apparently he was getting along well with Li Shimin, like a fish back in water.

Li Shimin did not sit on the dragon desk, he first told Ke Dazhi and Wei Zheng to sit on one side, while he himself dragged Xu Ziling along to sit side by side on the opposite seats, and said with laugh, “Wei Qing taught Zhen to select the best persons not based on personal association, those who bear aspirations and professionals that use up their talents to the utmost. Every word is gems of wisdom, Zhen have learned a lot. What Wei Qing said is very true. In the current situation, only those who pay no attention to close and distant relatives, not remembering hatred and desire for revenge – can be used, can be trusted without any doubt. Only then will our Great Tang have the hope for revival, not fail to live up to Song Fazhu’s earnest hope toward us.”

Xu Ziling had a good feeling. Actually, Li Shimin already had this intention, yet he still patiently listened to Wei Zheng giving the same advice and even spoke some words of praise, which demonstrated his tolerance and generosity, willing to listen to his ministers’ opinions and encouraged them to express their ideas.

Submitting cheerfully, Wei Zheng said, “Just now Huangshang pointed out to Weichen [this small official] that toward the monarch, officials should obey more and oppose less. Willing to speak as a means to accept tolerance, this is precisely what the emperor guards against and detests. Therefore, he urges Weichen [plural] to speak in the future, not to have anything hidden, must be willing to speak out about the emperor’s fault.”

Li Shimin nodded happily and said, “Anyone who can admonish frankly with no regard to his own heart will be able to put it into effects in government and education, Zhen will certainly treat them with the courtesy of a friend from whom you can seek advice.”

Turning toward Xu Ziling, he said, “You don’t know how much I wish I could come to Fu Ju Lou to seek you guys to drink and chat merrily, only too bad I have no time to spare.” And then he said to Ke Dazhi, “Ke Jiangjun is Ziling’s brother, whatever it is you have to say, speak without any convenience, Zhen will certainly exhaust my strength to accomplish Ke Jiangjun’s cherished desire.”

Li Shimin’s astuteness and broad-mindedness really made Ke Dazhi emotionally moved, thereupon he told the matter.

Li Shimin laughed aloud and said, “Such a trivial matter, if Zhen go as far as refusing it, will I still have the face to see Ziling?” Then he instructed the attendant to immediately summon Wen Yanbo.

Ke Dazhi had never thought that it would go without a hitch, so he promptly stood up and was about to kneel down to express his gratitude for the emperor’s favor, but Li Shimin helped him up, and spoke earnestly, “The reason why Ziling and Shaoshuai think so highly of me, Li Shimin, is because they think that I, Li Shimin, can bring about unity and peace to the world, instead of disasters and wars. In Zhen’s eyes, Hua Yi [China and non-Han] One Family, plus with Yang Guang’s overturned cart [learning a lesson from the mistakes of one’s predecessor (idiom)], Zhen will never allow myself to make the same mistakes. Different ethnic groups can coexist peacefully, it will only be beneficial without any harm to all parties.”

Ke Dazhi revealed a touched expression, he said, “How will Huangshang deal with the allied armies from beyond the Great Wall?”

Li Shimin smiled and said, “This aspect, Zhen leave it to Shaoshuai to take full responsibility. Shaoshuai‘s heart has become very soft now. There is no lack of comrades in arms and brothers within the allied armies, Dazhi should feel relieved.”

Wei Zheng stood up and bowed and said, “In Chenxia’s [official in feudal court] opinion, presently it is really not suitable to confront the allied armies from beyond the Great Wall directly, even though Weichen has full confidence in Shaoshuai, and certain that under Shaoshuai’s leadership our chance of victory is comparatively high.”

Li Shimin told Ke Dazhi and Wei Zheng to sit down. With his hands behind his back, he walked to the front of the table, his eyes fell on the seal of state that Li Yuan had personally handed to him on the desk, his eyebrows slightly knitted, he said, “Wei Qing‘s proposal puts Zhen

in a very difficult position. Disregarding life or death, considering power and position like mustard grass, Shaoshuai came to help Zhen, what he is asking is ‘righteousness’, one character. Now if I, barely ascending to the emperor position, immediately overthrow the former promise and hole up in Chang’an and do not go out, sitting and watching the allied armies from beyond the Great Wall creating destruction and looting everywhere, how can I be worthy of Shaoshuai? Moreover, I will be unable to forgive myself.”

Ke Dazhi revealed a lauding expression, but Xu Ziling had another set of ideas. He had long understood how Li Shimin could control his ministers, could employ their talent to the fullest. Now the topic under discussion was incisive and pressing, not to make Wei Zheng dumbstruck and unable to reply, but to inspire Wei Zheng to use his brains again, to come up with ways to solve the problem, to brave death in utmost remonstration, and to measure Wei Zheng’s real weight even more. If because of this Wei Zheng cowered, he would definitely not be put in an important position by Li Shimin in the future.

Wei Zheng was about to stand up to state his views, but Li Shimin moved to Xu Ziling’s side to sit down again. He smiled and said, “Let’s just treat it as a small talk, Qingjia does not need to stand on ceremony.”

Wei Zheng was obviously moved by Li Shimin’s open-mindedness and sincerity in accepting his remonstrance. After muttering to himself irresolutely for a moment, he spoke respectfully, “There are two reasons to support Weichen‘s view. First, Huangshang ascended the throne only today, while Taizi and Qi Wang’s remaining power has not disappeared. Domestically, many things are waiting to be done, the great undertaking of reunification still has its repercussions, it is not suitable to cause heavy casualties due to military campaign, it will affect the stable development of national conditions and popular sentiment. Secondly, even if we prevail, it will only aggravate the hatred and desire for revenge between the Central Earth and various tribes beyond the Great Wall. Sooner or later, inevitably the one to suffer will be us again. This is Weichen’s humble opinion, Huangshang, please collate and examine critically.”

Li Shimin cheerfully said, “Wei Qing‘s words, each one is bead of irregular pearl [precious], you stand tall and see far. That being the case, what is the best way to solve Zhen’s difficult problem?”

Wei Zheng said, “Shaoshuai has great wisdom and great courage. As long as we tell Shaoshuai as things really are, he will have a way to satisfy rival demands.”

Ke Dazhi slapped his thigh and said, “That is the best way. Dazhi also has an eight-character true statement, which is ‘Empty is real, real is empty’ [xu ze shi zhi, shi ze xu zhi].”

Li Shimin, Xu Ziling, and Wei Zheng, three men were emotionally moved at the same time.

Xu Ziling asked, “Is Dazhi warning us?”

Ke Dazhi smiled and said, “You could say that. One of the reasons is that the Great Khan did not reveal the slightest bit of his battle plan to me, showing his suspicion of me, which made me no longer wish to follow him, to vow loyalty and devotion to him. More importantly, I believe that with Kou Zhong’s ability, we can surely meet Wei Xiansheng’s request, to dissolve the disaster of war into nothingness. But I am putting forward a suggestion like this, in the end, I am still giving thought for the Tujue people, I don’t want our clan to establish such a formidable opponent as the new Great Tang. Moreover, I believe firmly in Huangshang’s Hua Yi as One good faith, I am convinced of Kou Zhong’s promise of peaceful coexistence between the Central Earth and foreign countries. In the end, it is still a bit selfish, hoping that Huangshang will treat my clansmen remaining and living in Chang’an kindly.”

Remaining cool-headed, Li Shimin said, “Was that Dazhi’s pure speculation, or did you grasp spider’s thread and horse track [clues]?”

Ke Dazhi spoke heavily, “The timing of the coalition troops gathering in the northern border of Taiyuan does not seem to conform to reason, furthermore, it is not in line with the usual tactics of using wonder troops [troops appearing suddenly] that the Great Khan loves to use. From the northern border to here, a thousand li distance, it surely is hard to avoid your eyes and ears. Even if they can reach Guanzhong, certainly they will suffer devastation by ambush along the way. I dare say that the reason why Shengzhe [the saint] left in a hurry is because the coalition forces have successfully sneaked into Guanzhong, they can reach the outside the City of Chang’an within a few days.”

Li Shimin stood up abruptly, he spoke decisively, “Zhen want to see Kou Zhong immediately.”

Inside the imperial study room, finished listening to Ke Dazhi view, Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Ha! Good kid. I did not mean you, Dazhi, but that old kid Xieli. My father-in-law’s vision was even more like a torch, he urged Zhizhi to remind me that the coalition forces could appear suddenly at any moment.”

Xu Ziling spoke indifferently, “Shaoshuai is in a very good mood!”

Kou Zhong responded casually, “So good that I almost burst into a song, only I’m afraid you can’t stand my tone. Ha! Huh? Why is your expression so heavy? What’s the big deal? Counter soldiers with arms, water with an earth weir; Laozi practically does not fear any allied armies.”

Li Shimin heaved a sigh, he said to Wei Zheng, “Wei Qing may report the view in your heart to Shaoshuai as things really are.”

Turning to Wei Zheng sitting beside him, Kou Zhong asked in astonishment, “What is it that you want to say to me?”

Thereupon Wei Zheng expressed his viewpoint again.

Listening to that, Kou Zhong’s brows greatly knitted, he looked at Xu Ziling first. The latter laughed and said, “What’s so good to look at? Don’t you think what Wei Xiansheng

said makes sense?”

Li Shimin spoke earnestly, “I’ll leave everything to Shaoshuai to decide.”

Ke Dazhi remained silent.

Smiling apologetically at Xu Ziling, Kou Zhong said, “What Ling Shao thinks is right, how can I, this little Shaoshuai, dare to oppose. I was just comparing the situation between the enemy and us in my heart. Wei Xiansheng is right, we, not just in name only, but also in reality, have the foot of our troop disposition not stable yet, the public sentiment is so, in the military affairs, this is also so. Even if the Shao Shuai Army, the Song Family Army, and the Jianghuai Army, three armies arrive in time, we still have problems with command and cooperation, new comers barely arriving and are immediately thrown into battle, while the other side coming with stored up momentum, with adequate training. It will be even harder for us to be optimistic. His granny’s bear! If he, Xieli kid comes with real is empty or what have you, I will pay him back with empty is real. Leave everything to me.”

Greatly delighted, Li Shimin said, “Shaoshuai has thought of a way to deal with it?”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “My brain is particularly nimble today. Xieli has moved stealthily for a thousand li, eventually he will show up. But only when he is coming near that we are going to wake up with a start; that would be very bad. Therefore, the top priority before our eyes is to figure out clearly which route the opposide side will take to attack Chang’an?”

Li Shimin said, “Xieli wants to avoid our spies’ eyes and ears, so he will …”

Ke Dazhi stood up and saluted, “Dazhi wants to see my clansmen and tell them about Huangshang’s favor, Huangshang, please grant your permission.”

Before Li Shimin could speak, Kou Zhong laughed and said, “We are all brothers, what is there to avoid as taboo? Quickly sit down for me.”

Ke Dazhi shook his head and said, “I will leave for Shanhai Pass immediately. If we are brought together by fate, another day I will raise my cup and have a heart-to-heart chat with gentlemen brothers.”

Li Shimin nodded and said, “Dazhi, set your heart at ease, your clansmen will live in peace and work happily in Chang’an. This is Zhen’s promise to Dazhi.”

Xu Ziling stood up and said, “Let me see Dazhi off for a while.”

After the two left, Li Shimin continued, “They will take a more westward route. The terrain of Jingzhou’s mountains and rivers are the most suitable to conceal the troops and horses’ track. Supposing before today he hides by day and travels by night, our side would be too busy to pay attention, indeed they would be able to avoid our eyes and ears.”

Kou Zhong asked, “What important city is there in Jingzhou?”

Li Shimin said, “The most important and strategic city in Jingzhou is Wugong, located north of the Wei River. There is an official road that leads directly to Xianyang, less than a hundred li away from Chang’an, and even closer to Xianyang. Supposing they take Xianyang, they could then control the temporary bridge over the Wei River, and cut off the passage between the north and south, two banks of the Wei River. Advancing they could attack Chang’an, retreating they could defend Xianyang.”

Kou Zhong’s pair of eyes lit up, he said, “If we could defend Wugong and Xianyang firmly, wouldn’t Xieli have no room to advance or to retreat?”

Li Shimin cheerfully said, “Shimin has exactly this intention. If Xieli wanted to enter Jingzhou the gods did not know the ghosts did not perceive, he would have to drastically reduce his troops, with light cavalry and plain clothes, plus not being able to carry a large amount of army provisions even more. Therefore, if he could not quickly capture the city, in the supply aspect, immediately difficulties will arise.”

Wei Zheng said, “Xianyang and the city of Jingyang to the north are interdependent, we must strongly defend the three cities at the same time. Although the allied armies from beyond the Great Wall can obtain food and grass supplies from Gaoling County on the way from Wugong to Xianyang, the quantity is limited, only enough to support him for ten to fifteen more days, depending on the number of men.”

Kou Zhong spoke in astonishment, “Unexpectedly Xiansheng is so proficient in Guanzhong’s situation, it is amazing.”

Wei Zheng sighed and said, “In the past, when I followed Mi Gong, I made plans to attack Guanzhong many times for Mi Gong, but now everything has become the past.”

Li Shimin said, “The change in the situation in Chang’an must have been greatly beyond the enemy’s expectations. Not only the army and civilians in Chang’an are of one heart, the vitality is not hurt the slightest bit, and it is unlikely that the news would be leaked, which is very beneficial to us. Shimin will dispatch the troops first to substantially reinforce Wugong, Xianyang and Jingyang city defense. Other things, I leave it to Shaoshuai to be in charge, even if Shaoshuai decides to confront Xieli head-on, Shimin will have no objection.”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Wei Xiansheng’s proposal is thought-provoking. I, Kou Zhong, am not a brave-and-fighting-ruthlessly person, not to mention within the allied armies are many of my brothers. Ha! All of a sudden I feel like victory is within our grasps. Huangshang, please give an order to reward the three armies, all the brothers who worked hard last night shall have a good rest, leave everything to my subordinates. As long as the three cities are as stable as iron barrels, this battle will be a success.”

Li Shimin said, “The tactic Shaoshuai is using must be elite troops strategy, how many men and horses do you want Shimin to allocate to you?”

Kou Zhong smiled and said, “No need to inconvenient Huangshang with a single soldier, a single pawn, my three-thousand-man elite troops will do.”

Li Shimin said, “How does Shaoshuai want me to cooperate?”

Muttering to himself irresolutely, Kou Zhong said, “The problem is that my troops have not slept all night, at least they must have a good rest for four sichen before they can set off. In fact, your subordinates are also in the same situation.”

Li Shimin thought about it and said, “Then I will make two-pronged preparation. On the one hand, I will give the order for the troops that will go off to war to rest. On the other hand, I will assemble the fleet, and load the equipment and foodstuff onto the warship. The three units of vanguard army will set off at xu hour [7-9 pm] to separately head off to the three cities, they must be able to consolidate the city defenses before daybreak, and then I will personally lead the main force to join you.”

Kou Zhong stretched his limbs and said, “While there is still some time, I will force Ling Shao to take me to see that Meiren’er of his, to see how much the woman who can make Ling Shao fall in love can really move other people’s heart.”

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