The Villain's Redemption

Chapter 271 - Sincerity

Chapter 271 - Sincerity

The appointment that Bella scheduled will be at a Cafe just outside the city. It was located in the middle of a bamboo forest with the view of a small man-made waterfall and lake. This place was very popular not only for its view but also for the top-class tea that they served their guests.

"How are you? Have you been sleeping well? It seems that you already lost a lot of weight." Bella smiled at her younger sister.

"I’m good. My appetite is not really good lately. Daniel is also busy with work and is always traveling in and out of the country. You know how I always hated eating alone." Sarah gave a wry smile. "I heard about what happened with the Mo Family. Is everything alright on your end?"

"Yes." Bella nodded. " This tea is exquisite. You should try some."


"The reason why I wanted to see you is that I want to tell you I will be leaving the country."

"You will leave?"

"Yes, Mo Li and I decided to travel the world."

"Travel...." Sarah lowered her head. "You will travel around the world? What about his company?"

"He already sold his shares. His lawyer is taking care of everything. Yes, we are planning to travel around the world." Actually, she never expected that Mo Li would suddenly suggest traveling. But she didn’t decline his offer. In fact, she was quite excited about traveling with him. Of course, she can only do this if they finally get rid of that evil villain.

"I envy you," Sarah said in an almost meek, unrecognizable voice. "I wish I can do that too."

"Of course you can do that. I believe your husband has a jet? He had the money and property in every continent in this world. Why can’t you travel around the world with him?"

"That — " Sarah gave another sad smile. "Money and happiness are not exactly the same."

"They are the same," Bella said in a nonchalant tone. "Without money, you won’t have a roof over your head or food on your table. Would you be happy if you starve?" Taking a sip at her tea, Bella laughed inwardly. She could understand Sarah’s point, but she always believed that happiness is a choice. You can have all the money in the world and still be happy because happiness is something inside you.

"You are still the same as before. " Sarah sighed. "The same, yet different. Before you got married, you never care about money and material things. I — I mean before everything that happened in the past."

"Sarah, " Bella held her sister’s hands. "The past is the past. People are bound to change. You seemed a little gloomier today. Did something happen? Did he beat you?"

"What? No... no. He didn’t. Daniel is always busy these days, and it gave me some time to realize a lot of things." Another sighed left the protagonist’s lips. "Things that... I never thought of before and people that... that I thought I already forgot."

In response, Bella pursed her lips. She didn’t utter another word. If only she could lock the male lead and female lead inside a room and force them to reconcile, then she would have done it a long time ago. After a few seconds, Bella started talking about their traveling plans. She was really excited about this. For some reason, she wanted to see this world — with him.

Slowly, Sarah’s mood improved. She laughed and giggled at Bella’s plans and would occasionally blush in embarrassment every time Bella would talk about Mo Li.

"Elder sister, you don’t need to tell me things like this."

"Of course I have to! I will be traveling and I am not even sure if I will still come back to this place! Mo Li already told me that if we found a really nice place, we can just buy a house there and grow old in that place forever."

"He actually said that?"

"Yes. He doesn’t look like it, but he is really romantic."

"You seemed really happy." Sarah smiled. To be honest, seeing her elder sister’s changes was also making her happy.

"I am happy." Bella nodded. In a few minutes, she would finally make the male and female lead reconcile! This is making her really happy! Once these two reconciled, Gabriel will deal with Daniel Rogers while she enjoys some drinks on a beach somewhere in this world! Hmmm... Now that she thought about it, Bella realized that she didn’t buy any bikinis yet! She really needed a few sets of those things.

Maybe even s.e.xy lingerie?

"Are you alright?" Sarah asked when she noticed her elder sister turned silent.

"I — I just thought about dancing." She said. This wasn’t exactly a lie. When she thought about buying s.e.xy lingerie, she immediately saw flashes of a woman dancing for a man while she was wearing some lingerie. Bella couldn’t understand it. Was that some of her memories? Or something that she just saw on the TV?

Sadly, she couldn’t see the face of the man.

"Dancing? You — You wanted to take dancing lessons?"

"Who needs a lesson? I am an excellent dancer." Bella blurted before she frowned. Bella... isn’t exactly a very good dancer. Where did she get that confidence?

Her sentence made Sarah laughed. "You are really changing. I am happy for you."

"Oh, by the way... now that I thought about it. I want to buy some s.e.xy lingerie. Do you want to accompany me?" Bella said as she eyed the time on her phone.

"You— "

"I mean... I want to surprise my husband. You don’t have to buy anything." Bella smiled.

"Alright. We should leave now."

Bella immediately paid for their drinks and the two walked out of the cafe towards the parking lot where Sarah’s bodyguards were waiting for her in the car. The two of them continued talking and were pretty occupied with their conversation that they didn’t notice the white van that suddenly stopped a few feet away from them.

"Hm? What is — " Bella’s eyes widened. "What are you doing? Where are you taking my sister?" Her heartbeat raced, voice panicked as three bulky men wearing masks tried to grab Sarah. "Hey! Help! Help!"

"Shut up!"

"Take that woman too!"

"Sister! Run!" Sarah yelled as she tried to use her little martial arts skills to fight against the man. However, how could a small woman like her fight against a bulky man who also knows martial arts?

"If you scream, we will blow your brains out!" The man suddenly pulled a gun, making both Sarah and Bella paled. "Come with us!" Because the place was really big and remote, there are no other people around the vicinity. The parking lot is also a few meters away, but this place was covered with bamboos and trees. So Sarah’s bodyguard didn’t see them.

"Hey! What are you doing? Let them go!"

Everything happened so fast. Of course, Bella acted her part perfectly. She tried to punch, kick and struggle until one of the men decided to slap her. Bella felt her gaze turned dark as she tried to open her eyes. "Sarah! Run..." her voice was already weak!

"No! Don’t hurt elder sister! Don’t touch her! I am coming with you!"

"Sarah? What the hell are you talking about?"

Bella smiled inwardly when she heard Gabriel’s voice.

"You — Come with us too!" Sarah blurted, her voice trembled. "Please don’t fight. Just come with us and cooperate, my sister..."

"Hurry! We have no time!" Bella heard another man said before her consciousness finally left her.

When Bella woke up again, she was already in a dark room. She moved her aching head.

"Elder sister?"

Bella tried to sit when she realized that she was actually using Sarah’s leg as a pillow.

"Careful, Bella. Are you alright?" Gabriel’s voice reached her ears.

"I — Where are we?"

"We don’t know...." Sarah said. "It’s dark in here... It should be nighttime already. They covered our faces with a handkerchief before we lost consciousness. We were already here when we woke up. It’s so silent outside. It’s as if... we are alone here."

Bella fell silent. "How about our phones?"

"They took it," Gabriel answered.

"It’s fine, Mo Li should know that something happened. He should be here any moment now." Bella immediately assured them.


"This room is small?" Bella said. She could actually feel Sarah sitting close next to her. "Hey, don’t be afraid."

"This — This is my fault," Sarah said. "They were there for me and yet... you — "

"Can you stop blaming yourself!?"Gabriel asked irritation laced his tone. "You have been blaming yourself since you woke up! We are already here, do you think your words will help?"

"Gabriel, you— "

Bella sighed. Yep. It’s starting.

"You have been saying words like that since you woke up! Are you supposed to make everyone pity you? Take care of you?"

Bella just stayed silent.

"Gabriel, what are you talking about? Why would I want you to pity me? I am just — apologetic and— "

Gabriel snorted. "Well, then you should try again! This apologetic self of yours has zero sincerity at all!"

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