Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex

Chapter 1242. Sakurako – The Young Lady That Wants to do Prostitution / 100 Yen Mariko

Chapter 1242. Sakurako – The Young Lady That Wants to do Prostitution / 100 Yen Mariko

「 How was it Sakurako-san? Well, I was watching from the other room though 」

The door opens then Mariko, Yamada Umeko-san, and Misato came in.

The girls went in as Sakurako-san asked.

She didn’t call Rei-chan, Katsuko-nee, and Yomi from the other room.

Mariko and the girls were in the living room of Jii-chan’s exclusive suite, and so they were watching Sakurako-san’s deflowering broadcast.

Rei-chan’s in the room for the bodyguards, and so they’re completely unable to see what’s going on inside.

「 I feel refreshed now, although, my hips are a little heavy and sore 」

Sakurako-san wearing her red undershirt said.

「 Yes, I know. I was like that too 」

Mariko smiled.

「 Since we’re already this far I’ll say it, I had sex with Kou too. I gave my first to Kou 」

「 Mariko-san? 」

Sakurako-san’s surprised.

「 You know, I used to be a kind of irritable and unapproachable girl, I always fight with people around me, but lately, I don’t have that problem anymore. It’s strange for me to say it like this but I’ve mellowed 」

Mariko said.

「 Sakurako-san, if it were me before, you wouldn’t have consulted me for today, would you? 」

Sakurako-san’s consultation is about becoming a prostitute to understand her late mother.

「 That’s true. Mariko-san has changed indeed. You’ve become cheerful, and gentle with everyone. And also, you’ve calmed down compared to before 」

「 Well, that’s thanks to Kou. I had sex with Kou and I became his woman. I used to think that no one would understand how I feel but now I have Kou. If I feel irritated, I go to Kou and have sex, and have my mind and body mess up, and after that, I feel well. Also 」

Mariko smiles.

「 Each time I have sex, the number of sisters I can trust increases. We always serve Kou together with other girls

Usually, I have sex with multiple girls at the same time.

「 They all are girls who have different circumstances and have different senses, but when having sex, we enjoy together. In sex, you have nothing to hide. You expose your mind and body. YOu see everything about me naked, and I also see the same on the other girls 」

「 I can understand that. I’ve seen everything on Kuromori-sama, and the heavy thoughts in my mind have disappeared 」

Sakurako-san said.

「 Yes, that’s what happens to girls who have sex with Kou. When that happens, then you’ll find people you can trust more than your family. And you become sisters in heart 」


「 Yeah, Mariko had sex with Kou-chan together with Misuzu and Ruriko, right? 」

Momoko-neechan said.

「 Yes, I stay in the Kuromori mansion two or three times a week. We go to bed together and serve him 」

Mariko replies.

「 That’s why Mariko’s recently abandoning me. You now got friendly with Misuzu and Ruriko, I see... 」

Mariko was formerly Momoko-neechan’s protegee.

Before she became my woman, she mostly stays in Momoko-neechan’s home.

「 That’s what you shouldn’t say Momoko-oneesama 」

Mariko said.

「 What’s bad about it? 」

Momoko-neechan who’s lying down asks Mariko with a curious face.

「 Momoko-oneesama, you still haven’t had sex with Kou. Hurry up and have sex with him already. Mariko’s been waiting to serve Kou together with Momoko-oneesama 」


「 It’s so much fun for men and woman since everyone gets along so well 」

Then, she looked at me.

「 Kou, you don’t mind me joining in on your sex with Sakurako-san, right? 」

Mariko and Sakurako.

「 Kou’s always having sex with Misuzu-oneesama and Ruriko-oneesama, the cousins of Kouzuki house together, but... 」

Mariko unbuttons her blouse and said.

「 You want to compare the bodies of the Kanou house’s cousins, right? 」

Mariko and Sakurako-san, they’re cousins.

「 Sakurako-san, you and I are quite similar in a lot of areas 」

Mariko says while undressing.

「 My mother is a daughter of the Kanou house, I inherited that blood, and yet, I’m frustrated as I’m not affiliated with the nobility. That’s why I’ve always been envious of you, a daughter of the Kanou house 」

「 Mariko-san, but I’m 」

「 Yes, of course, I know that too. Sakurako-san’s a child of your father’s adultery. That’s why I was even more frustrated. Your body and mine are both half-blood nobles 」

Mariko’s a daughter of her mother married from the Kanou house, and her father is from the Torii house who isn’t from the nobility yet, they’re a rising enterprise. A daughter of a lawful couple.

Sakurako’s a child of adultery, born from the current head of the Kanou house, and a woman who worked part-time as a hostess at a restaurant in Ginza.

「 Momoko-oneesama and Misuzu-oneesama’s parents are both from the nobility, and so they inherited the blood of nobility, but we’re both half-bloods. We have the same percentage, and yet, Sakurako-san’s accepted as a member of the nobility, meanwhile, I’m not. I’ve always been frustrated about that. I felt hatred 」

Mariko speaks honestly without breaking her smile.

「 But, that doesn’t matter now. I don’t fuss about the noble blood anymore. After all, I have Kou 」

Mariko who’s now in her underwear on her upper half hugs me

「 I prefer Kou more than the noble blood. No, I love Kou more. When I’m with Kou, every day is exciting and fun 」

「 But, Mariko-san, aren’t you also going to marry into another noble family for the Torii house? 」

Mariko has to get into a political marriage to connect the upstart Torii house to the nobility.

「 There’s that, but if you think of it deeply, a newbie Torii house won’t... 」

Mariko smiled wryly.

「 In the end, I would only get marriage proposals from families with lower rank among the nobility, even if I try to promote myself as having the blood of the famous Kanou house 」


「 There aren’t that many families in this society, and the ones that are in the higher group would marry their children off to families that are closer to them 」

Mariko said.

「 Even if she’s the daughter of the president of Torii Electronics, a world-renowned enterprise, there are only a few families that would take her in as a bride. Even if they have a good social standing, they must be suffering financially, and so they’re seeking help from the Torii house 」

Sakurako-san looks down.

That’s how Kanou house is.

Due to their family’s difficult economic situation, Mariko’s mother is from the big three families and yet, she was sent to the Torii house.

「 But, the conditions for marrying off, and getting married are completely different. If you’re getting married off, then you’re sent away, but if you’re getting married, then it’s likely that the bride will give birth to the heir of the family 」

「 Indeed, I’m sure most families would shy away from the idea of a daughter from a weird family as they might cause problems if she becomes the mother of the heir 」

Momoko-neechan agrees with Mariko.

「 The world of nobility is different from the commoners, there are a lot of traditions. And the mother of the son has to teach him those. I think that it’s natural to worry that the mother’s family will interfere in various unnecessary ways with the child-rearing, altering traditions passed by the family throughout generations 」

I see. So it’s quite hard to get married into a noble family if you’re from an ordinary household.

「 Mother, who came from the Kanou house has taught me various things, but, if I, a child of the Torii house, who isn’t from the nobility, were to marry off to another family, I know that it’ll be a horrible ending anyway. It will be a bed of thorns. I will be bullied endlessly by my mother and sisters-in-law, and the people from the branch family. Even if my mother taught me the ways of Kanou house, they will make clear complaints saying “That’s not the way of our family,” or “Your mother, yes, but you’re not born from the nobility, and so you don’t understand the true essence” 」

Mariko sighs.

「 Oh, I can understand that. Our main house is much more exclusive than the branch families 」

Momoko-neechan speaks feeling miserable.

「 That’s why I will not marry into nobility. That’s what I’ve decided! No matter what kind of marriage proposal Father or the Torii clan brings, I will refuse them firmly 」

Mariko said filled with spirit.

「 But, is that going to be okay? 」

I’m a little worried

Mariko’s will aside, her family...

「 You see, Kou... Do you know why my parents are okay with me staying overnight elsewhere? 」

Mariko looks at me.

「 That’s because I’m staying over at Misuzu-oneesama or Momoko-oneesama’s house! To put it bluntly, being favored by the young ladies of the Kouzuki and Kaan house is much more valuable instead of bowing their heads to a lower noble house and marrying me to them 」

Kouzuki and Kaan house are clans that have ties to most of the nobility.

Not only do they have the financial power, but they also have the influence to move the heavyweights of politics and the business world at will.

「 If anything, becoming a wife of a lower family would make it harder for me to communicate with Onee-sama. Therefore, Father doesn’t care as long as Onee-sama’s favoring me 」

A poor marriage plan would make it destructive to Mariko’s relationship with Misuzu and Momoko-neechan.

「 I mean, Kou, you’re the one who jumped over the Kouzuki and Kaan house 」


「 There’s more value in being Kou’s woman. To have you choose me, accept me, and then offering my mind and body to you means...

Mariko said, smiling in satisfaction.

「 Momoko-oneesama, you should experience this luscious sensation too. You’re born a woman, yet, you don’t experience this feeling, it’s a waste 」

Mariko looked at Momoko-neechan and said.

「 Let’s put that aside, it’s Sakurako’s time right now 」

Momoko-neechan deflects the line directed at her.

「 Oh right! Sakurako-san! I’m so happy right now! 」

Mariko said, took off the remaining clothes she’s wearing and now is in her bra and panty.

「 Well, why don’t we serve Kou together? Then, we’ll get along even more beautifully 」

「 Mariko-san? 」

「 I mentioned earlier that I was jealous of you, but... 」

Mariko says while taking off her bra.

「 But you see, just as much I was jealous, no, I actually want to get along with Sakurako-san more than anything 」

Sakurako-san has a noble father and a commoner mother.

Mariko, who has a commoner father, and a noble mother.

They have similar circumstances, and so her desire to get along is heartfelt.

「 I was watching Kou and Sakurako-san have sex through the relay. So, I want Sakurako-san to watch me have sex too. No, I want the two of us to have sex with Kou. Anyway, I want us to be closer!! 」


「 But, I’m currently selling my body to Kuromori-sama 」

Sakurako-san’s my prostitute until five.

「 So, let’s be in the same place. Kou! 」

Mariko looked at me.

「 You can do it later, but give me 100 yen 」

A hundred yen?

「 I’ll sell my body to Kou for a million years. I’ll be a prostitute for Kou forever. 」

A hundred yen for a million years.

「 Oh right, it won’t be over in a million years. Let’s go with ten billion, no, until the earth is destroyed, wait, not that. Even if the universe collapses. Yes, forever. Mariko will be Kou’s woman forever 」

Mariko said.

「 But, I have to be in the same status as Sakurako-san, so I’ll settle with 100 yen. I’ll be Kou’s prostitute too 」

She said then kissed my cheeks.

「 Sakurako-san, you’re overthinking everything! Kou’s okay with anything so even prostitution is fun with him. It’s exciting 」

She told Sakurako with a blushing face.

Those emotions Sakurako-san have towards the word “Prostitution,”

Blowing it away and turning it into a light one.

「 I never knew 」

She told Mariko.

「 To think that Mariko’s this cute 」


「 T-That cant’ be helped! I-I mean, it’s Kou’s fault! I’ve become like this because of Kou!! 」

She said bashfully.

「 It’s Kou’s fault, so play with these two cute prostitutes in front of you, okay? 」

She asserts.

This is a good opportunity for Sakurako to reconcile with Mariko.

Mariko is a distant relative of the Kanou house. Sakurako-san’s cousin.

「 Yeah, let’s do it with the three of us 」

「 Yes, let’s do it. Let’s go to the bed! Ruriko-sama, please continue to take photos 」

Mariko calls for Ruriko’s filming.

「 Yes, I know. Yoshiko-oneesama 」

「 O-Okay 」

The two prepare their cameras.

Yoshiko-san is in her attendant mode and so she acts as she’s ordered.

I mean, this girl’s already accustomed to watching me have sex.

「 Momoko-oneesama, please watch over there. Then, ready yourself as you’ll have sex with Kou soon enough 」

Mariko said.

「 Oh? I’m just waiting for Kou-chan to come at me 」

I declared that I’ll assault Momoko-neechan.

Currently, the plan is still ongoing behind the scenes.

「 Also, Sebastianus-san! Don’t be afraid of having sex with Kou! You’ve seen it so many times already, haven’t you? The first one is painful that you’ll feel discomfort, but once you get used to it, it’s only pleasure and fun! 」

Mariko talked to Sebastianus (Yamada Umeko-san.)

「 Also, Shiranui-san! 」

The naked Mariko talks to Shiranui-san, Michi’s still holding her.

「 You should also take a good look. Then, you’ll definitely want to serve Kou together with Sakurako-san and me 」

Shiranui-san looks up at Mariko with a surprised look.

「 It’s fun. I’m able to get along with so many sisters after all! 」

Mariko’s getting along with Kana-senpai from our school the most.

That also shows in sex, they’re intimate.

「 Kuromori-sama 」

Sakurako speaks to me.

「 What’s wrong? 」

「 I’ve been in such hopelessness earlier, and yet... To think that she would lower herself to become a prostitute, saying that she wants to get along with me 」

Mariko’s proposal.

Saying that she’ll prostitute herself for 100 yen just to match with Sakurako.

She’s happy from the bottom of her heart.

「 If you’re happy then tell Mariko. If you find it hard to say because you’re embarrassed, then show it with your attitude 」

I whispered back.

「 Yes, I’ll serve together with Mariko-san with my best 」

Sakurako said.

「 Come here, hurry. Kou, Sakurako-san! 」

Mariko fixes the sheets of the futon in the middle of the Japanese-style bedroom.

She calls Sakurako-san and me, wearing only a single panty.

「 Yes, coming 」

「 Kou, get in the middle. I’ll be on the right, Sakurako-san can go to left 」

Mariko points at our locations.

「 Certainly 」

Sakurako-san sits on the left side of the futon.

「 Kuromori-sama 」

I loosened the tie on her red undershirt.

「 It’s a simple tie so if you pull it like this, it’ll loosen 」

「 Yeah 」

I pulled the string.

The knot can loosen up quick.

Opening the front of her undershirt, and her beautiful breasts appear.

Her pink nipples too.

「 Oh right, Mariko 」

「 What, Kou? 」

I compare their breasts.

「 I guess you two sure are cousins. Your breasts have a similar shape 」

Their breasts have a nice bowl shape.

Their nipples are looking upward too.

「 It’s natural, we’re cousins after all 」

Mariko said.

「 Then look for more common features between Sakurako-san and me 」

「 Yeah, I’ll look for them, feel them 」

I won’t just look at it with my eyes but using my whole penis too.

I’ll feel the similarities and differences between Sakurako and Mariko.

「 Then, first, let’s compare how your kisses feel 」

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